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Bubbling waves with water so blue
They call to me on the board I lie upon
A small white seagul perched on a booey as the water lapped upon it
It catches every fish it could find before the pelican does

Of course I smirk to myself at the simple action

The waters are calm and no waves could be seen
I came out here at first just to ride a wave
But it's so calm that even the clouds are minimal
Like a little child again I gazed up at the shapes

A elephant, a seal, a little boy on a tricycle

My mind was so far in the clouds literally
This caused me to lose my attention on the ocean
I couldn't see how the water was growing unneasy
I couldn't see how a huge bulge nearby was becoming a wave

A tsunami of the sorts

I didn't know that a earthquake hit not too far from here
But once I saw the rising everything I was tossed off the small board
I was so scared I couldn't concentrate on finding to something to hold onto
I couldn't swim on with the currents

I was struggling and near drowning

The seagul was now flying around my head as if to keep me awake
The cloud were pointing towards dry land but I could sea
The sea has became too strong for even I a great swimmer
It seemed that I suddenly drowned

All I could see was darkness
Fictious but told in the first-person POV. I was told to write a poem about a natural disaster and a victim expieriencing it so I came up with this.
Jude kyrie Jun 2016
September 10th 2001

*I am sat in a small cafe
across the street stands
the timeless twin towers.
Man's living towers of Babel.
Perhaps waiting for
an angry Gods wrath.

It is still late summer.
The evening is sultry
Almost as if it understands.
The loss of the two vertical cities.
That the new morning will bring.
death and bloodshed
to my beloved New York.

A moment of silence falls
broken by the solitary cry
of a foraging
seagul above me.
The air becomes
oppressively saturated.
The foreteller of a big storm.

The invisible pale rider
passes by on a pale horse.
The street is crowded
with almost visible
black angels.
They wait with folded
black wings in their hoards.
Patiently waiting for their charges.

My soul shouts for them to leave.
To go back to their paradise.
But their throng
is now in the thousands.
A huge black cloud
that is only visible
through closed eyes.

They are silent.
giving no clue to their gathering.
But I know it is a harbinger
of destruction.
And that in hours
The world will change forever.
the night before the planes came
The towers turned to ash
your girl b Dec 2016
The world has me disconnected
Fiery eyes
A very small size
A bad mouth for the window to my soul
A bad colored dress appears less shiny and more dull
A crooked tooth
A former teacher named Mrs. Booth
Books to read that aren't yours
Watching the sky fall on the shore
Lying in the sand where my whole life was planned
With you. Contigo.
With me. There's a seagul.
He pooped on my thigh
It's so brown and now I want to cry
Wait! But that means Good Luck!!
Watch all of my dreams erupt!
You will get there. Only if you stay true to who you are.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I love you,
A million things come from just three words,
But when I say I love you,
It goes beyond words, I want to love you the way birds,

     I want to love you like an albatross,
Reminisce on how our paths cross,
      Hold you in my giant wingspan forming a lover's cross.
Let you make your mark across my breast, crisscross,
To let you know that no matter how far I fly,
     Whether I'm low or a mountain's summit high
   My heart will always ever be yours.

   But that might not be enough
Because love is more than just things and stuff,
   So when I say I love you,
I want to love you like a seagull,
       Keep you sheltered under my wings, keep you whole,
I want to love you like a seagull,
      Tell you, like a seagul stealing food, is my heart you stole.
I want to hold you under my wings and lift you up,
      Or let you fly freely when you've had enough.

I just want to love you,
     Love you like expression of birds,
For I want it to be felt not heard,
           And that's why I want to be your loverbird.....

      But what is loving you really?
Jay earnest Sep 2019
I never knew how to swim. I picked up the phone and went to the beach.
There was a jellyfish splattered on the tarred sand; it stung my toes.
I went in the blue, and the waves crashed over my back.
The white sparkled around me.
There was a sun, and there was a towel and castles in the distance.
I motioned for some mustard, for the hotdog of course.
Someone played guitar, and we all posed for a picture, and I said goodbye to the seagul.
I washed the sand from my pants and played Gameboy in the car.
A short drive home, yet I still fell sound asleep
In The Moment

lines are being formed from the face and hands
eyes, feet & hands
when will we ever seem to learn to understand
through a variance to a dream voices scream
a whole host of angels surround me
the lines permeates the very fabric of my existence
strong delusion for those being tested
you had your moments in the sun with a bit of fun
caviar with lobster tail on a bed of rice
it will make you think about things twice
another chance at which to roll the dice
these are desolate times
yet we often settle for ill but faded rhymes

then I look in the mirror I'm in the moment
times has elapsed for a space in which to relax
we have been captivated by a smile
cause we knew all the great while
solace is the residue of it's timely vortex
an explosion inside that made me realize
there is a tender meaning of our existence
you are a mere shadow of a deeper reflection
through the vast expanse of the moment we can learn
one soul soars while the other one burns
you just might have to wait your turn

the village queer is always stern in his approach
as if a lost seagul heading outside on the coast
savor those tender memories with both family & friend
hopefully someday you will all understand ?

— The End —