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Shahrukh Zamir May 2014
I feel like a ****** doo trying to figure out tomorrow ,
I should have known, living like I owned this world,
Just to find out this life is borrowed,

A game of jeaopardy
what your worth's worth? and whats your wager?
Some say they never asked to be put here?
So why  they up come out of labor?

Questions marks
and questionable thoughts...

Like  if  that past  is behind why does it often revisit?
Like exes who hit the exit just to reenter like they never existed?

Life likes to play and we part of the game..

Before my past passes away,  
I'll probably die the day before tomorrow come,
everyday im indulged in something new from something old
I guess his story a history  to learn from,


Shoes tied just in case I trip,
and if so Ill file a case judge it tried to throw me off a cliff,
I hope life get a life sentence  for the scantrons its put me through,
Just to test of how much of it I can hang on too,

The unknowns to make known..

I feel like a problem solver  with handful of all the questions
that's ironically still starving,
creating my own answers,
We  are artist to  sculpt  our own living
I'll use my paint brush to the carving.

-Shahrukh Zamir
Arsala Apr 2023
Success, they say, is measured
In grades and academic scores
A test of mental fortitude
A sign of future doors

But what of those whose talents
Don't lie in books and tests?
Whose passions and ambitions
Can't be gauged by scantrons best?

What of the artists and dreamers
Whose gifts cannot be boxed?
The innovators and leaders
Whose brilliance can't be coaxed?

What of those who struggle
With the rigors of academia?
Whose strengths lie outside the classroom
In fields beyond the syllabus?

Success cannot be defined
By a single metric or score
For greatness takes many forms
And talent comes in many more

So let us not confine ourselves
To academic pursuits alone
For success is what we make it
And true greatness has no known.
arCamm Jan 2022
If someone handed me a rose and said that “it grew from the concrete,” should I feel bad for the rose for no longer being home or honored to be symbolized with such a brave soul?

I no longer affiliate myself with the decisive minds. For my mind is in a constant search of the unknown answers. The E through Zs on scantrons that only have room for A through D. The “maybe” or “perhaps” between true and false. The compromise between what’s right and what’s wrong…

I think that’s why I never agreed with school...

— The End —