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“These birds are the most singular of any in the Galapagos.”
                                                     ­              Charles Darwin.

Volcanic up swell,
tick mark,
tiny dot in the middle
of a blue map.

Stationary ship,
belly of the earth
like a backstroke swimmer
in a blue-black sea,

where erratic rains run away
while a Cactus Finch (Scandens) has gone
black to mate, so black that shadows cast

blushes back.  So black,
more silhouette
than a black beaked bird

on your barred black belly,
this fine breath’d bird, this

penumbra of feathers and flight;
demonstrating divergence and drift,
so proud he sings aloud

the song of the Ground Finch (Fortis). 
O befuddled bird
bereft an opera coach,

sans score  of Scandens,  the bird song
bindery gone  bankrupt,  loose leaf
scores littered, learning a  neighbor’s
second hand sheet music.

 Amid the volcanic dreams
of Finches, and bird shaped voids, 
singing atop cacti, amid these small
dark commas  set against  a bluer
than blue sky,  he sings the wrong song

 but it's been a good year  and she comes,
the star crossed lover, Lady Fortis.

And before the rains return, and they will return,
                  a small clutch of stars.

And when the rains return,

             they will return
                                  with long lost letters from London.
A poem about Darwin's FInches
Godfrey Amromare Nov 2019
I rode the road of his memories
Through long-racked hours
Many days into the dust-covered place
of our forgotten years.

When he first came
Into my life, I recall,
something drenched, the blasted impact of a talkative rainfall
out there...
I wasn't  as much concerned.
That wasn't really
my style!

When i first met him,
He was not so taller than I am.
Just 6ft tall!
but over time,
The freely flying apparition of a man cut-loosed
from the dictating whims of his casual edges, he's  grown
so tall towering higher entwined
about me like a climbing plant - Cobaea scandens!!

I never liked him at first glance
He had this nasty smile about him
That irresistible charm of a thousand waterfalls
falling pure from a heart full of love
which I still find difficult to resist every time (he smiles)
Everything else seems to sink in a pool of waters and I forget who I am.

In your eyes I have seen life and I have witnessed death.
The death that I must die if i do not love you.
The life that I never had without you!
For Molly with love.

— The End —