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Every single madness is in my soul,
and fires like t'ose of a tempestuous sea-
are but raging within me;
scratching and tearing
t'is faith of mine so badly
Behind t'ese livid; and torpid
Dull afternoon airs.
Ah, stupid reasons, please go away-
and stun thy own flimsy day
But leave every one of thy bright promise
about thee;
Oh, just here-yet eternally-
everything t'at is as superb
as t'is often-hated hysterical world.
But only th' ones with humbleness!
And before thou retreat-imbue my soul
with silky greatness once more;
As I shalt salute thy carelessness
No matter what shalt happen
But steal not my love out of me;
let him stay like t'at and sleep by me
Until our tales come and greet
Unmarred evenness
And I; dare to spread my sore heart lazily
Under yon distant umbrella
of our oblivious heavens.

I hath the volition to touch th' stars,
And perhaps dream, dream highly
all over again
Of regaining thy love,
and rolling suspiciously
about and into thy waiting arms,
under our liberated celestial blankets
of clouds and its surfaceless haze.
Which might now and then smirk at us;
But before our ignorance rigidly
retreat away; and vanish pallidly into
its own threads
of prim; but unforgivable vanity.
Ah! I shalt but forever dream again
of all yon awesomeness,
and insist on devouring th' tasteful
Ye' immortal madness of thy princedom.
I imagine thy touches-and t'ose feverish scents
of thy fingers, and lavish hands
Free of boredom, but tainted with wisdom
And being sunk deeply in thy justice
Which insofar as it hath been enabled-
been hovering deafeningly in and about me.
Ah! I shalt be th' first one, and maiden
Who maketh thy irresoluteness decisive,
and turneth thy doubtful precisions
once more submissive!
I shalt become thy torch, and lips,
and guiding star!
I shalt bear thy ******,
and be thy own earthly phantom;
Be with me shalt be thy candlelight;
which is as strong as envious daylight
and by whom I shalt remove thy fright
As far as my dreams go with th' night
And visit and fend for thee
In thy portrait
and thy invigorating dreams.
I shalt be thy surprise;
and be a companion to thy delight
As how I shalt seek
and glory in thy pleasure;
Be lost in thy pride
and feel merciful to be thy treasure
I shalt deprave thy greed of its life
and make to thy grave,
one most beloved, and conspicuous wife.
Ah, thou art too striking!
Thy stunning voice fills me with madness-
and shakes my spines from head to toe,
But kills my sorrow and burns my sadness,
cleanses up my sins and blesses me anew.
Thou befriendeth my pride;
and my atrocious passion;
thou listeneth to my heart
and rinseth tears off its horizon.

Ah! So no wonder now
My madness loses its pride-
Overriding pride, t'at at times
becomes pregnant with such arrogance
So t'at despised it is, even by divine spies
sent down to t'is earth by majestic Lord.
What a delight within me it is to see thee-
and watch another brimful
of thy laughter-ah; thou art as captivating
as a little red-cheeked boy
Who sanguinely greeted me
Down th' farms
With a flow of madly auburn hair,
and smiles as agreeable
as t'at morn's bashful sunny air.
Ah, thou, who art even more adorable
than t'is lurid poem of mine;
stained with th' red colour-as it is,
of my own madness-and a tenacious judgment
of my senses,
T'ese merry dreams of thee are but too vicious
As they make me sweet-unbearably sweet,
in th' entire course
Of yon upcoming flirtatious night;
and tease me most whenst I'm awake
with loving chills so painstakingly crafted
about my face.
O, my lover!
My equanimious, long-sought, and
Sagitarius lover!
Thy naive, but sweet-spirited soul,
is as cheerful and frank;
but troublesome and scanty still
And within one terrific; yet ubiquitous
blink of th' hungered eye
Thou shalt sweep and slay away again;
my rigid; whilst disconcerted, charms.
And so how is at heart I am dreamily-
ye' desperately dedicated to thee;
Though far I am from thee-
as how thou defiantly-from me;
And so never may we sing-or argue in unison;
To utter neither choruses; nor grouped ballads
of marriage;
Dreams are but our sole tower and maze;
And morns all over th' earth, our single haste.

And such! Such a gaze of thine
Is addictive to me like white whine
For 'tis forever my melancholy tyranny;
In my selfish world-full of picturesque indignation
And its dearest remorse
and tranquil superfluity.
Birds t'at never fly;
And lilies t'at might not die-
ah, so after all cautious,
but in every way immortal-like thee;
Snoring and aging in thy deathless foreverness;
In which there art profoundly thou and I-
And I with my repentant dead soul
Unfreed yet of its cherry-like buds
Reeking of fascinated; yet disheartened
Longings; and horrors t'at
Unrevealed love canst soullessly take
Out its mortal mouth and sunless tongue-
From which my dissatisfied spirit
ain't bound ever to jump and awake.

Ah, but after all-all t'is suffering
and disruptive madness,
My corrupted freedom all along
shalt find justice
And whole confidentiality
In thy soul;
So t'at let me feel lethargic on thy shoulder
And rest my dishevelled mind for a while.
Perhaps, thou could let me sing t'at silent song
Whilst our dear God fixes everything
t'at hath gone wrong;
and imaginations and joy
t'at have been thrown away
shalt find every single way back of theirs
Into th' secure cage of love, within our souls.
Ah, and betwixt thy indolence
Shalt I laugh again;
For th' at length victories and images
so startling,
and pictures I am thankful of;
for they were formed so adequately
by thy stupendous name.
Ah, and immortality-yes, so which
shalt always be thy name;
With such frame and glory
trapped so idly within whose frame-
Like an odd; but fruitful summer game;
Within which I shalt ever thrive,
and civilly flourish;
Just like in thy love I shalt grow and live
And to our very last breath, rejoice.
You will write.
So you won't think.
You will open this canvas.
When what you really opened was the notes on your mobile.
You will stare at it blankly.
You will wish that by typing on the keyboard the feeling of your stomach being tied in knots will go away.
You will falter.
You will stop writing words.
You will believe that even words cannot save you at this point.
You have relied too much on other things you thought could save you.
You will remember that it is in writing where you always came back.
You will forget how to spend the days and nights without ushering a single word.
You will feel the ounce of every silent moment begging to crack open the vent trapped inside your lungs so that you could breathe.
You ought to know that telling how you see the world around you or how you see your life would make no sense.
You will hold onto it no matter what.
You will carry on even if there's a bunch of load with you.
You will carry it in your back, your shoulders, your head, your mouth, your heart.
You will not unload because you have a habit of letting it out all out just like the vessel that you are but completely abandoning every thing that have once made you heavy.
You will realize that the dam that just broke will help with the weight but it will leave you drained.
You will once again get no shortage of how it feels to feel empty.
You've released all of the stuff that made you weary but you still felt drained and wounded.
You will water the seeds of guilt for being like this, for feeling like this, for acting like this.
You will be in a loop just like the cycle that never ends, rain drops on land, water will evaporate when it's time to shot up at the sky again, vapor will condensate and will begin to gain weight until you will have no control over it.
You will let it go, the rain will fall once again back to Earth.
You will be given two choices: patience and acceptance.
You will be patient to hold the water inside your cloud.
You can get bigger to hold more water in.
You can be darker to stretch your breaking point.
You will have to accept.
You will turn into the shape of a cloud until you disappear once you run out of all the water you once were.
You will make it rain because just like the rainbow after a storm it is inevitable.
You will hurt.
You will get hazy because rain is not supernatural.
You will always happen.
You will try to run away from the pain.
You will hold the water in longer than usual.
You will even try to not become a cloud at all.
You will abandon your very essence as a vessel just to make it stop.
You will curse at the rain when some people below you consider it a blessing.
You will hold it, the rain the longest time possible.
You will ignore that without water Earth will turn barren and withered.
You will hear the prayer of the people below, the rain sticks they'll use to call out to you.
You will stop yielding.
You will because that's what you are.
You will only be a vessel until it's time to empty yourself again, only to be filled and emptied over and over again.
You will stop denying the inevitable.
You will start to stop shielding yourself from the fear of breaking.
You will open, you will break because hearts only open when they do break.
You will break apart yourself so that water can once again reach the surface of the Earth.
You will, in time, return to the skies again.
You will not need an anchor to tie yourself the ground.
You will not need wings to keep yourself in the clouds.
You will not be the kite to a line.
You will not wander without attachment.
You will not fall off without a lift.
You will be a vessel.
You will always be a part of the cycle.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
You have the nerve to say what I deserve.
My agenda, goals, ambitions, & moral beliefs you debate.
But as a person & a woman me you disrespect & hate.
I left you.
I was a love you knew.
You said I was your past.
I agree our love couldn't last.
You are no longer a part of me.
Together neither of us belonged.
Mentally & psychologically your wrong.
You can now forget all about me.
Like there was never a we.
Colorado was not ever a place for me to be.
You used to say I was your heart.
We met at a Circle K mini mart.
It didn't fit like a glove.
You said we had a lasting love.
Author Notes

Dedicated to an exboyfriend who was no good & has homicidal tendencies

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
I have this cunning plan
To one day move, at will
To the Event Horizon
Where time stands still
And thus theoretically
I will not age
Nor ever
Become a sage
Nor ever come back
Especially should i fall
Into a hole that is black
So i'll keep my feet
Rooted, on the ground
And remain on this planet
Which is ever so round
As i have to settle for the fact
That i once made time fly
As i set a Christmas tree clock
Towards a ceilinged sky
But then something
Quite profound
As i then stopped time
When it smashed to the ground
So i don't really need
Any Black Holes in outer space
As i become like a clock
With a wry looking face
Next time
I hope to not go so far
Stopping time
Or become like Sagitarius
What A-Star!

by Jemia
wordvango Jul 2017
when that woman who struck your eye
one day pirouettes
around the lettuce to the red ripe tomatoes
several spectators their carts
separate your
purchase  from your desire
a big woman loading potatoes
and carrots her steel cage overflowing with chickens
*** pies and saggy ****\donuts and little debbies chocolate
sugar pills
and then the two year old in her mother's shadow
wary of the tall signs declaring bargain
harbors amid the frenzy
of all the selections offered freely
fears to loose the hem of the plaid skirt
her mother threw on carelessly showing her
pale thighs
thinking of
a dinner she prepared
for a tall guy handsome and young
a lifetime ago (she thinks where
is he now)
as crisp as new
as the asparugus arranged in rows
before she got married
and your desire
a new aisle has gone
to the flour sacks and sugar yeast powdery
wares aisle number three
and your imagination flows from the staples you came to
make the hunger again refrain from
idling your days nights your everything
to her ankles how they are so feminine
and how cat like quick her long red nails
flick the gravy in a packet to the bottom
of her basket she
concentrates on only one task
which pancake mix to buy
and your ego flips and sizzles like that sacrificial first
crepe the dogs fight over
your mind a mess you follow now
your cart wobbling
always seem to get the noisiest one
unbalanced one wheel wobbling
back and forth
unsure of itself
as she lingers near
the cake mixes hoping she takes the strawberry one
and cream cheese frosting in a can
pretend you do that you are interested perusing studying
the shake and bake varieties BBQ and Classic ******* the boxes
one  eye on her choicest picks
while all the time preoccupied with
calves  and the back of her knee  her green cape
her eyes her red nails long fingers
the way she shops
like a goddess near her
tenderness a gourmet's dream
the choicest cut of market new
still the people nod and push through
most not heeding you
on a supermarket quest a game to win
puzzle stacks of cereal on special
arranged like pyramids
almost mid-aisle
careful you return to
reality and just miss toppling the Raisin Bran
she has turned the corner
aisle four now
her with the calfs and that hollow  
back of a leg behind her petite knee
a sash
gay green in perfect contrast
draped over her bare shoulders
to her auburn hair
her legs longer
and more agile and god
you have bad thoughts
wait you say, thinking to your sotted self
this cart is empty it may be obvious my aims
so you gather two bags of instant grits
one box of starch you will throw out
and salt enough to last you to eternity
faster now walk push the loud wobbly out of balance cart
the box of starch bouncing among the torn grits pouring
now a path Hansel and Gretel would be proud of
you turn the corner your heart sank when she had
gotten out of sight
and faster now your urge is known trying to think of an
opening line
what brings you here   hell no
are you a Sagitarius  *** you fumble
again she is in your sight and her neck as she looks up to select
paper towels from the top shelf
is like a bird one of those egrets long svelte white
her chin a perfect cliff
and she has this way
you can only dream of
**** she spies you looks sly smiling
think of something to say idiot
fast take that bottom lip out from between your teeth
look confident give her back some of that I don't care
attitude be debonair
which you suddenly ponder is hard to do in here
in aisle four when
her green eyes are burning holes
like lasers in your cheeks your nose
wipe the wetness off your lips
you look into your cart
spying the half empty grits and the trail you left behind
but now is not the time to stutter or worry or defer
it's now or never
and you trip
over your two left feet
and push as you fall down
your cart
takes flight
annoying wheel calling
into her side
as you die
she laughs and says in angel's purr
I saw you there when I came in
I wondered were you ever going to catch up
and suddenly the speaker loud screamed in a dark
omniscient voice clean up on aisle four
on your knees now looking up
the embarrasment a price tag flashing
as any apple cheeks
all that came out your mouth was
so sorry Madam
so you bellied up
a chance you manly took
took her hand and gently kissed it
thinking how by god
have I been blessed
and the story did not end there
you both had grits for dinner
and strawberry cake with cream cheese icing
and you can find your way back to aisle four
to reminisce every time you need to smile
just follow that trail of grits
vagitarius: Ill-defined term, possibly referring to the zodiac
in some way , a contraction of ****** + sagitarius, a woman
born under the sign of ******? A lesbian from birth?

— The End —