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L* *oving
I nexplicable
G iving
H ealing
T *rustworthy
Evergreen Pines Mar 2014
Accepting my cluelessness

Trustworthy, 100% trustworthy
Resists not helping friends
Uncommon personality
Extraordinary sense of humor

Feared by enemies
Random when needed
Insane, but not asylum insane
Even through hard times understanding
Never thought as 'pure'
D**etermined, at times
most of the traits my friends have in common
Sarah Jun 2014
"F" aithful.
"A" lways there.
"T" rustworthy.
"H" onoring.
"E" ver-loving.
"R" ighteous.
"S" upportive.
to my amazing dad on fathers day x

— The End —