A friend according to Merriam Dictionary is ": a person who you like and enjoy being with
: a person who helps or supports someone or something (such as a cause or charity)".
But what really makes up being a friend?
A friend is one who...
Makes a bed out of pillows in their room,
When you fight with your roommmate;
One who listens to your rants about
What seems to be the most ridiculous things;
They make you smile when it seems
the whole world is again you;
Their silence is a comfort;
A hug from a friend....
is more valuable than just comforting words;
Every gesture they make,
Makes your heart smile;
They listen to your beliefs...
Although they may cause others to raise an eyebrow;
They are the ones who open their door at 2 am when you wander around helplessly lost in your thoughts;
They wash your dishes,
Even when you never asked to;
They share ice cream with you,
While watching movies to cheer you up.
Friends, are more than just good company...
They are those who are willing to get to know you, and will listen to you regardless of what you have done.
©Lily M Sky