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ConnectHook Dec 2017
❣ = ❣ = ❣

HE am not it
WE am SHE but pronoun are sexist
SHE + IT = ****
HE + roomfull of SHEs = they (not sexist)

Down with all gender-based languages!
Gender-based grammar is inherently sexist and oppressive.
Grammar itself is a hateful, rigid, and often overtly racist construct.
It is little more than an imposed control system which attempts to assign roles and reinforce identities that facilitate social regimentation.  Such patriarchal and occidental euro-supremacist control must be resisted, even at the socio-linguistic level of grammar itself. Traditional family structure reinforces and justifies this linguistic oppression, and is to be forced to adapt or rendered obsolete. "Fathers" and "Mothers" must yield to  "others".

Useless vestiges of the fascistic Roman tongue such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian, along with all associated Romance-derived dialects must adapt and evolve toward current progressive understandings of gender-fluid reality -- or be abandoned.

As a global and genderfluid re-evaluation of rigid and outmoded languages develops, humanity will make significant strides toward collective empowerment, both lexical and ******. Desire will be freed from patriarchal norms and find itself free to cathect onto the object of its enlightened choice.  False and patriarchal notions of singular/plural will no longer be inflicted on unrestrained multiplicities of being. We won't need no more significators to point out a practices that mean a nothings man out the reified racists of language herself as pronouned "other".  Boo boo hate she up the mandingo adder abbot shahooligalistaaphany.
Urgh urgh I are free! Bort grammar break ump ump humpty daffodil.
It am not significate ourselves into oblivion.
Alan McClure Oct 2016
we unleashed
a roomfull
of energy
didn't we
our songs
brief anthems
for happy strangers
the floor
rocked, bounced
under spinning bodies
we did that
we did
then spent
we left the stage
sweat wet
and hoarse
in our ears
for the consequences
and finding
there were none.
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2012
kyrptonite aint right...But to me if feels good..poison to my being but grab it like I should...grip and consume...taste and resume...I know its killing me but I like the comfort in my tomb... White silk sheets 1020 threads...kyrptonite buffet on 120 until Im full..drink until Im dead...kyrptonite tonight? Want until Im fed...I got a queer eye...for those who live crooked...what happend... to your kyrptonite?.. I forgot that I took it....Staring at its power I feel weak in my knees...straight to my knees...weakin your knees...Cuz this battle becomes nutral...when weakness is seen mutral...Eyes on the green screen...and both of us are colored green...tonight..we dine in a roomfull of kryptonite...Cuz weakness would never be exposed if we all Loved Kryptonite....
galatella Oct 6
Blood. Red revolution
hero her narrator
invented the derailer
for the train spinning in spirals
driving in loops.
I can still see the looping point.

World-ending catastrophes, world wars,
had become cliche.
there were only personal tragedies
shovelled onto rows and rows of dingies.
I ******* love statistics, I'll throw myself in too.

Hug your plushies.

she's too **** kind.
who am I to speak,
a passive dead partisan
who never even was with the front
against an empire of evil ready to **** us both
with comorbity of another ******* spiral
a victim in a roomfull of monsters
unfortunately too weak to die
with random icons of a red hero
the closest can only make things worse.

I hugged her plush. It was ergonomic.

— The End —