I beheld you in the distance,
that sight, descending into an alluring dream,
A dream worth evanescing from reality,
demented yet true, I was falling head over heels,
a feeling to be beside oneself with happiness.
As tenacious reality strikes-in;
with us drifting into a mellow conversation,
the respect in your words,
innocence in your voice,
honesty in your approach,
the kindness of your heart,
all had a ring to it.
As inquisitive,
You’ll never fathom the way you retailored my life.
How I wished, if I could tell you,”you’re the one”,
if I could make you mine,
if I could have you by my side for eternity,
if I could make your dreams, our dreams,
if I could hold your hand and hearten,”It’s going to be alright”,
if I could cheer you from every corner &
intrude all the way to protect you.
Now that I have all of you by my side,
without a false premise of heaven,
a world without pain,
a relationship without ebb and flow,
I promise to give you my whole,
I promise to love you through foible,
I promise to never give up on us,
I promise to persevere against all odds,
I promise to always treasure you,
for you, is all that matters.