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Maddy Sep 2018
How he knew
never know
heaven sent but when I wasn't looking 39 years ago,
there he was in whitehead hall at Brooklyn College

Magic,kismet,whatever you call it
Rainbows,butterflies,stars and an explosion of joy

We will be married 38 years soon.
Those majestic blue eyes have made me feel like a princess even though I still don't see what he sees
Only I know is that his eyes still make me lose control
Deeper part of my soul that makes me almost whole

c@Rainbowchaser 2018
Dedicated to my darling Howie
Maddy Jan 2023
Indefatigable defines me and many others in different ways
Comfortable in my skin now
Respecting myself and others
You don't take yourself seriously but you take seriously what you do
The the way you live in this world
Sometimes listening very carefully works wonders
So does keeping still and taking it all in
Moving forward that is what"s planned
Finding time to sit in parks or beaches
Feeding squirrels and wildlife
Letting it all go by with great appreciation and respect

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Sep 2018
Gull Serenade
By rainbowchaser  

They wake you in Hyannis with their Ha-Ha alarm
Crying sofly and their chorus begins
Barely heard them on Martha's Vineyard  
They left their voices in Nantucket  
Somehow echoing a sweeter serenade this time
Much needed solace,balance spirit and unity
Ha oh Ha oh Hao
LONG call
Humming and laughing  on Main Street  
Hu oh Hu oh Hu  
Hush Hush  Hush
Maddy Dec 2018
What needs to be said
Hard as that might be to listen to
Digest without commentary
Air gets cleared
Beliefs don’t have to be agreed with
The direction you choose after airing the words
Is up to you
They are not easy to have
Sometimes your heart isn’t up to it
Your head can’t wrap itself around the circumstances
That is why they are courageous conversations
Sometimes it is easier to save your breath

Maddy Mar 2023
No matter what you listen to
Embrace and enjoy it
Laugh at yourself
Enjoy a joke
We are too sensitive at times
If we don't come together soon the chasm will widen and spirit will fall through
Dance and enjoy life
For tomorrow is promised to nobody
Even Republcans
Travel down the musical road and lock up Donald and  his cronies
He can't sing or dance any way.

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy May 2023
Did his smile warm you?
Did his blue eyes light up your life?
Chase the gray away
Hope for tomorrow and helping today
When he tells you at two and a half that he is special
Leo welcoming you into his world
The old soul in that little face
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
It’s how he tells you and the wonder around him
He takes you in and shares it with you
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Leo Sunshine
Nobody could be so sublime.
In this place and time
Like Leo Sunshine on my mind

C@rainbowchaser 2023

Dedicated to our nephew
Maddy Nov 2022
She walked slowly displaying grace and beauty with her mistress on the boardwalk
Her paws barely touching each plank
She is eighteen years old as of yesterday
Her owner said it was her last walk
A stunning golden angel will grace the Rainbow Bridge soon
Rest and play well beautiful
Hope a handsome Golden Retriever named Skippy greets you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
RIP Beautiful!
Maddy Mar 2023
Say what you mean
Not what others say and think
Think very carefully before you regret what comes out of your mouth
Quiet and silence sends powerful messages very well
There are many hellos and goodbyes in life
Dreams and fairytales come true and with that come troubles
You revisit what works
You cast aside people when the friendship expiration date can't be renewed
You will know the ones to hold on to because they will always be there and vice versa
Just turn around
Be open to new friendships but learn from the past
Choose wisely before they choose you
Letting go and moving forward is not a cliche
You can't stay in neutral or in the past
That is just the way it is
You will find your way

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jul 2023
A double rainbow yesterday.
Daddy said Hello.
That is one of the reasons rainbowchaser is my copyright.
We lost him fifty years ago this August when he was only 45.
We lost Mom three years ago this August.
My father-in-law was eight years ago this August.
I don't like or care for the month of August.
Take care of Mom and our grandparents.
Watch over all your kids including grand and great grand.
Thanks for saying Hello and will always love and miss you!

In memory of  Daddy, Mom, and my father -in-law
Maddy Sep 2018
When you hurt somebody
When your acts brake their soul
When loved ones stand by them or walk away because there is nothing left for them to do
Are you listening in DC?
Everywhere and all over the world
Be a loving and caring
Genuine human being
Get help if you need it
Admit your issues and face them

Those,who don't qualify
You are not above the law
Your day will come to face the music The Me too movement is only the beginning
To right so many wrongs
c@Rainbowchaser 2018
Maddy Apr 2022
If this applies to you then bravo
You are not a member of the piranha pool
Corruptive liars stuck in yesterday
How they function today is a question for sages?
Religion and politics aside
What was was
What is is
How about common sense?
How about being a human being and not a monster?
How about listening and not commenting?
People cry out on social media
Their words not worth reading
Insult to injury
We all bleed red blood
We all cry tears
We have all lost and been in pain
We have dealt with so much and some have to learn to deal
It is not easy
Not slight of hand
You get real and appreciate what you have
Beautiful heart
Beautiful heart
Doing the very best we can
Expecting nothing in return but to be there and extend a hand
Not wondering what is in it for me or you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to Rita B
Maddy Mar 2023
You placed a band of gold on my finger
Your ring matches exactly
We share our lives together
I love you beyond measure and if ever they measure that it wouldn't be large enough or high enough
Please stop Thanking me
Thank you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Nov 2022
Creativity and Originality?

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Feb 2023
Onyx trees viewing the shades gently exploding and aligning above them as if reaching out.
Crepe, Flamingo, Lemonade, Rose, Taffy
and Watermelon pinks headed towards a star
Admiral, Azure, Lapus, Navy and Sky blues with touches of Diamond and Lightning dancing in the sky

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Sep 2022
So Tiny and determined
With every bit of energy will make it into the ocean
Cheering the little ones on
Go,Baby Turtle

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Dec 2022
You can be devoted
You can be kind
You can be considerate
You can be loyal and true
Then a curve ball is thrown to upset the apple cart
Learn how to catch it
Better still throw your own and redirect it

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jul 2022
Wasn't looking long ago
He stepped on my heart
That Italian Stallion sat on my soul
Wasn't looking and you found me
In the middle of the night the blue eyes catch me sleeping
Gently cover you making sure pleasant dreams surround you
Best friend and love of my life
Glad you found me and you love me

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2021
Loved your lamps and design
You loved Nature as I do
You admire the color and lights of Opal
Saw you through a very different pair of eyes
Louis you were incredibly talented and beautiful in your spirit and manner
Glad we spent time together at the Met
Art and words are the prefect company

Mer refers to Metropolitan Museum, of Art in NYC
Maddy Jan 2023
If you fall asleep in my arms
Rocked ever so gently
Letting go of what is over
Holding on to promises kept and memories yet to be fulfilled
We will make more
Making sure that darkness will soothe you and the stars will be a night light
Letting you dream peacefully and comfortably
We can only move forward now
What was is over
Not looking back
Just want you to rest, recover and sleep easily
Love you,but not loving you tonight or in the near future until you are ready again
Remember how we arrived here and where we have yet to go
If you fall in my arms
Pleasant dreams because the nightmare is over and in check
If you fall asleep in my arms

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy May 2024
Thanks for caring
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for listening
Mistakes are lessons to be learned
Some take longer than others
Some linger past the point of no return
Time and relationships are precious
Some are short-lived, others last a lifetime
Your heart shouldn’t hurt because of me
Heartache and Heartbreak hold different places in our lives
Save your heart
Clear your mind
Been there and done that
Your heart shouldn’t hurt because of me

C@rainbowchaser 2024
For Jess
Maddy Oct 2022
When inside out becones outside in
The worst is the best you've ever had
What was good never had a chance to be bad
You finally got to see the other side but you didnt dare
take the ride
Just when the world didnt rhyme
Does it make what you are feeling less sublime?
Did you ever really start?
Will you get up and begin?
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2023
She sings of holding my hand beautifully
Bravo Stephanie,her real name
I will give up what I need to care for you
Not much I need any way
My heart is always with you
There are a very special few
There is so much more I can sbare and do
My heart is always with you
My heart is always with you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
To my husband,family,and closest friends
Maddy Jul 2022
Bring on the cherries
Scrumptious nectarines
Blueberries, Strawberries and Berries period
Mangos, Papayas, Star fruit and Grapes
Melons and Fresh fish
The Farmers markets are so much fun with recipe ideas
So many to choose from
Almond flour always at the ready in the frig
Wonderful nuts and salads to make
Been cooking since I was a little girl
This is always a great time and the freezer will be stocked when glorious Summer takes her leave
Summer Fruit

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Apr 2022
If you are grieving,may wonderful memories sustain you
If you made a mistake or bad judgment call
May you learn,grow and stay the course of your journey
If you are hurt or heart broken,
Heal and know what goes around comes around
Insulating more does you absolutely no good
Leave it alone
If you can stay strong,loving and caring
If that is all there
Then that is more than enough

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Dec 2018
spent late afternoon and evening with Delacroix,Picasso,Van Gogh ,Mondrian and other great masters at the Met.
inspiration is in the works stay tuned
another year is about to come and go
Endless tears and last said goodbyes
enabling and co-dependency got up and left the room
getting more comfortable with myself and how my life will move forward
if you were left behind it's because there is nothing left to say
not my intention but it is better than the way it is and was
the memories are gifts

My gift to you is forgiveness but choose not to walk back into the door of your lives
you have made that crystal clear
Don't go where I am not welcomed

c@Rainbowchaser 2018
Maddy Feb 2019
Mother Nature and her children still stops her in her tracks
Makes you want to share it and give back
Movies move her to tears
Some lyrics start the flow
Stop crying or I’ll give you a reason to cry
You never took the time to listen ir want to know why
How jaded and cold can one be?
Narcissism is your goddess
Others don’t really matter
Put yourself second best
Wasn’t worried about the rest
Wanted to give up
Never areason to try
Give you a reason to cry
Give you a reason to cry
Maybe that is why rainbowchaser seeks a deeper truth
Not a lie

Maddy Nov 2022
I caught you looking at me
This time I caught your glance and returned that stare
Eighteen and nineteen were long ago
The scar is there
You can let things go but some memories burn and destroy your spirit
See you move on with an attitude but now it is of Gratitude
He showed me the way
A life quite remarkable
You accept not expect
You don't need a lot to be a Prince Charming or to be swept up by one
All it takes is to be loved for the human being that you are
For a very long instant and daily
I treasure what I have and what I learned
He is an original and despite the hurdles we currently face
Together we can conquer it all

C@rainbowchaser 2023
I know how lucky I am that the second time around was the best!
Maddy Jan 2023
How it beats
Who it beats for
Your passion
Your strength
How to treat it when it heals and breaks
Remember wounds that run deep
Knowing your heart and my love goes with you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Aug 2019
It keeps you awake
It makes you feel awkward
You know what it is
Won't admit it
Refuse to deal with it
Causes appointments set and then postponed
Excuses turned into prescriptions for maladies of your own design
When it feels wrong
Go inside yourself and trust your heart
Speak up or reach out so you can be heard
Sonebody will listen and care

C@Rainbowchaser 2019
Maddy Nov 2022
You see your world flash through your mind
As you wipe the tears away in the shower so he won"t see
Watching him in pain is heart breaking
You learn how much you love someone and you battle together
Hoping this never happens again but you can never say never
It's a six letter word that turns whatever you knew inside out and upside down
Its not a been there done that situation
Dollar bills blind the cure
Three more Mondays and we bid Cancer farewell
Hoping it stays clear of family and friends
Three more Mondays

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Oct 2022
Card carrying member
Not a social butterfly but I earned my wings
If I care about you,helping you isnt even a question
I am there
Please don't do anything  for me
Cant deal with that never could
I will do you a favor but will never ask you for one in return
Information and learning matters
Photography,Travel,Theatre,live performances and poetry aremy joys
Nothing with a bow or box,please
Think before you speak and use edit button
Hurt me,my family,or my friends in my golden circle
Just walk away and stay out of my sight
I am caring,loving,sensitive,and creative
I am in love with and love the same man for almost 42
Prince and Princesses do not apply for Golden Circle membership
This loner will never deal with you

C@rainbowchaser 2O23
Maddy Jan 2023
You kept me entertained on many stormy days in my life recently
Talking didn't help me
Your acrobatics and sweet way of moving about would warm anyone's soul as long as they keep their distance
You are cute and sweet with shades of blue, white, black and silver and gray
Love nuts and fruit accepting what humans leave for you
On days when crying was all I could do without you a smile would never come to my face

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Squirrels in parks on the East coast!
Maddy Nov 2022
Is it too much to ask to be entertained?
Creative Arts
Performing Arts
Enjoying life
There is a time and place for news and information.
Are we on overload?
Have we been drained of curiosity and wonder?
Did we shut down and shut off?
What have we lost?
What have we gained?
Have we changed so much that what enjoyed is lost forever?
We have lost our patience in the everyday task of living.
Is it too much to ask to be better than we used to be.

C'@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Sep 2018
Generations reunite because of music
Melody, Harmony,lyrics
Yesterday once more enjoyed by younger people
Respect not only embraces souls but nothing really goes away
Bring together the classics with new talent
It is not a reboot or a revival but something magical and incredible
Long overdue
Listen with your heart
Don't let your head and social media get in your way
Tune in and it repeats itself

c@Rainbowchaser 2018
Dedicated to TJ Lubinsky
Maddy Sep 2022
You don't want to deal with imaging and hospitals
Whether patient or visitor
There is a nirvana in one
Breezes caress the sunshine
Counted the bird houses
Numbered seven
Mother Nature's son keeps it blooming filled with peace, tranquility and greenery
He tends to his garden
Reminding you to take it easy
You can hear the collective sigh as you take it in
It sweetens the soul as a sanctuary should
Will wild turkeys  come by?
Will the skunk grace you with his or her presence?
This precious oasis in the little utopia  
A little piece of Walden
Thoreau would approve of
Caesar's Garden

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Thanks Caesar
Maddy Sep 2022
Monarch butterflies are no where to be found
Lovely but dangerous Lantern flies are hiding
No jumping today
Squirrels are taking a nap
Birds flew away into higher trees
Count the small wet rings that become large circles
Like the chorus
Melody and harmony is soft but you can sing along
Altos and Sopranos
This one is for you
The light gray cloudy sky turning to an angry dark gray with a patch of black
The syncopation, harmony, melody and rhythm are all here in the September rain song

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Dedicated to Scott T, Jim Music and Carlo
Three talented Poets and friends
Maddy Nov 2022
Words and images for me
are interchangeable
Have always spoken to me in my head
Urging me to write them down and remember them
So I befriended them and besides being a constant companions
They are there for me
They remind me to keep creating
Not sure where we are going but go we shall

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Aug 2021
Never expected you to come into my life
Not the expecting type, more like  the accepting type
We were not looking but we found each other on September 14,1979
Sharing dreams on the Belt Parkway
Many have come true and look forward to more
New York City sprinkled magic around us
Gently and quietly something special started
Everything just fell into place nicely and easily
Stars sparkled and realigned
You understand me better than I do myself
You still do
We jumped hurdles and healed broken hearts
Still working on those in progress
No matter what,no matter when,where,no matter who
No matter
We climb mountains slowly and steadily
Every moment for the rest of our days
Whispers and hugs will calm the tears in the middle of the night
It always ends up better and alright
Everyday is Valentine’s Day because you are my best friend and love of my life
No greater gift, my love.

C@rainbowchaser 2021
Happy 42 years of knowing you on 9/14
And Happy 41 st Wedding Anniversary on 10/25
Maddy Mar 2023
You don’t want to be a cliche or live like one
Somewhere along the way when there are more thorns
than roses
You have to decide what you want for yourself
Used to think that was selfish but as the caring and giving type
not so sure anymore
Kindness is something to strive for and is my nature
Lately, not sure if the good ones can seize the day
The members of that team are wiping tears away hoping a smile will come through while trying to seize the day
Listen very carefully
Then do your thing your way
Upside down
Downside up
Getting mixed messages
How much common sense and sense did we lose in 2020?
Are we still losing?
Are you still arriving?
Are we writing the truth?
Find a balance between old school and new school thinking
Getting lost in the shuffle
We are imbalanced as it is
Find your balance
Cervantes taught us that living passionately is the best course to follow
As caring and as giving as you may very well be
Seize everyday passionately
Your very own way
Always find time to keep learning

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Nov 2022
You are different
You don't look like them
You have nothing in common with them
They torture you with comments, giggles, and making you feel as if you don't go with the flow
You can just go and be ignored
Parents and teachers told you to forget it and let it go
Easier said than done and kids can be cruel
It is their way or the highway
So lunchtime you sat alone
Read and did your homework
Your best friend was writing and poetry
Same holds true today
Difference is I don't take CRAP from anyone
Haven't got time for the those who don't know how to be kind and caring
Princesses and Princes of the world male and female, yes you.

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Dec 2022
How many guitars did you capture?
Chiarascurro worked well for some
Did you enjoy the colors you employed?
To be a fly on the wall during that conversation
Picasso shared that artists lie and truth is not their goal
Perhaps it is a truth at many different levels
Neither Pablo nor Juan is still here for us to ask
Can you imagine that conversation if they were here
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Oct 2018
it's not about being politically correct
it's about lessons continually needed to be learned
Decency, Courtesy,and respect come to
A little self editing too
Old school and new school need a balance more than a common sense ground
Have an eye to eye conversation
You can hide behind social media for so long
If you have nothing nice or constructive to say
Say nothing or keep it to yourself

To bullies everywhere

— The End —