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Notus in fratres animi paterni.
                       Hor. Carm. lib.II.2.

A blesséd lot hath he, who having passed
His youth and early manhood in the stir
And turmoil of the world, retreats at length,
With cares that move, not agitate the heart,
To the same dwelling where his father dwelt;
And haply views his tottering little ones
Embrace those agéd knees and climb that lap,
On which first kneeling his own infancy
Lisp’d its brief prayer. Such, O my earliest Friend!
Thy lot, and such thy brothers too enjoy.
At distance did ye climb Life’s upland  road,
Yet cheered and cheering: now fraternal love
Hath drawn you to one centre. Be your days
Holy, and blest and blessing may ye live!

  To me the Eternal Wisdom hath dispens’d
A different fortune and more different mind—
Me from the spot where first I sprang to light
Too soon transplanted, ere my soul had fix’d
Its first domestic loves; and hence through life
Chasing chance-started friendships. A brief while
Some have preserved me from life’s pelting ills;
But, like a tree with leaves of feeble stem,
If the clouds lasted, and a sudden breeze
Ruffled the boughs, they on my head at once
Dropped the collected shower; and some most false,
False and fair-foliag’d as the Manchineel,
Have tempted me to slumber in their shade
E’en mid the storm; then breathing subtlest damps,
Mix’d their own venom with the rain from Heaven,
That I woke poison’d! But, all praise to Him
Who gives us all things, more have yielded me
Permanent shelter; and beside one Friend,
Beneath the impervious covert of one oak,
I’ve rais’d a lowly shed, and know the names
Of Husband and of Father; not unhearing
Of that divine and nightly-whispering Voice,
Which from my childhood to maturer years
Spake to me of predestinated wreaths,
Bright with no fading colours!
                                               Yet at times
My soul is sad, that I have roam’d through life
Still most a stranger, most with naked heart
At mine own home and birth-place: chiefly then,
When I remember thee, my earliest Friend!
Thee, who didst watch my boyhood and my youth;
Didst trace my wanderings with a father’s eye;
And boding evil yet still hoping good,
Rebuk’d each fault, and over all my woes
Sorrow’d in silence! He who counts alone
The beatings of the solitary heart,
That Being knows, how I have lov’d thee ever,
Lov’d as a brother, as a son rever’d thee!
Oh! ’tis to me an ever new delight,
To talk of thee and thine: or when the blast
Of the shrill winter, rattling our rude sash,
Endears the cleanly hearth and social bowl;
Or when, as now, on some delicious eve,
We in our sweet sequester’d orchard-plot
Sit on the tree crook’d earth-ward; whose old boughs,
That hang above us in an arborous roof,
Stirr’d by the faint gale of departing May,
Send their loose blossoms slanting o’er our heads!

  Nor dost not thou sometimes recall those hours,
When with the joy of hope thou gavest thine ear
To my wild firstling-lays. Since then my song
Hath sounded deeper notes, such as beseem
Or that sad wisdom folly leaves behind,
Or such as, tuned to these tumultuous times,
Cope with the tempest’s swell!

                                                These various strains,
Which I have fram’d in many a various mood,
Accept, my Brother! and (for some perchance
Will strike discordant on thy milder mind)
If aught of error or intemperate truth
Should meet thine ear, think thou that riper Age
Will calm it down, and let thy love forgive it!
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2017
you don't know me.
You just think that you do.
I am the mysterious one,
elusive and highly talented,
unassuming and modest,
a bit of a recluse,
an object of mingled awe
and revulsion,
simultaneously revered
and abhorred,
a misunderstood soul,
yet lovable.
I am the noble one,
with a beautiful Soul,
The one created in Gods image.
You just don't know me.
You think you do.
Your opinion of me
may be right
or my be wrong,
depending on the platform
you stand to view.
I am a healer,
a seer,
I am unique,
I am Special,
I am an enigma,
the Called,
the Justified,
the odd fellow.
I am the Chosen One.
The one the Holy Spirit
is Pleased to dwell in.
I am a Prophet.
The joint-heir with Christ.
I am many things to different people.
And because I chose to be peaceful
doesn't mean I don't know how to fight.
I may have a gentle touch,
but I am not at all weak.
I am principled.
I respect you,
and I ask that you do too.
All I ever want is for you
to remember me as loving you.
©® Emeka Mokeme.2017,All rights reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
The Cosmic,
the cosmos,
the universe,
the galaxy,
the whole earth,
the world,
within and without,
even beneath,
all of them bear witness
of your coming,
of your existence,
of your purpose,
your destiny is shaped,
your path ordered,
predestinated to rule,
configured to win.
You are not of the earth,
for you are born of God,
alien in the world,
resident in the earth,
the spirit man,
with heaven within.
The firmament,
and all that composes planet earth, water,air,flora,fauna, soil, people,
human creations,
is needed to be in harmonium,
live in harmony, respect, love,
and oneness.
We must connect lovingly to mother earth,
all living creatures,
human and nonhuman,
physical and nonphysical,
intelligent or without intelligence,
containing a soul or not housing a soul.
We must respect the planet earth,
the water, the trees, the air, the animals,
and other humans.
We are all of,
and from,
the same source.
Just for today,
Be at peace.
©20189 Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Sara Nov 2014
Maybe some people are meant to be unhappy,no matter what.
Even though it seems their life is one that many might envy of,
they're still feeling like they are being chained by the ordinariness of life
and perpetually wishing the wanted adventure
that so many seek but so little find.
The constant wondering about what it's like to be whole again
is eating them away
and they can't understand why this void is always coming back,
even when they're happy,
even when they seem happy,
even though they're actually been pretending the whole time.
That's the thing about life-
some are predestinated to be reckless souls
content with the every aspect of life,
while others only dream of being that close to what they might refer as happiness.
Nothing is sufficient
and everything is seemingly empty
and the help is oh so needed, constantly echoing
through every fiber of their being.
I wake at a predestinated time

with a warlike aperture that my arms are refined

just a few bits and bobs

as my mind now is full of designs fog

Only mercy does know my true name

another war song is named after me

oh yes I'm awake

and so shamefully arrogant

There was a heart somewhere in my chest

but as normal at this time it did burn

so many stars to span

so much more to still learn

So I listen to the machines

as one by one, they call our names

so I will be active and again live

for I am just a number and my destination is Five

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

— The End —