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Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Crush make you smile
Obsession make you feel suffocated
Crush are the attraction
Obsession is the madness
Crush may be for short period of time
Obsession will remain forever until you may die
Crush can motivate you for the one you are
Obsession will suffocate you for the person are
Crush has the power to motivate you
And obsession has the power to take you in the worst state of life
Crush will give you freedom
Obsession will take your all freedom
and will cage you in the emotions of possesiveness
That's the difference of crush and obsession
Crush will let you remain in peace
Obsession will take your every peace of life
Crush can make you smile
Obsession can make you suffocated
Melideth Oct 2010
I expressed my intention
I explained my desire
I stressed how this wasn't going to change.

I said all this then
I shared my secrets, let you in.
I let you cuddle after ***,
I answered your phones calls every night.

I watched you fall in love so
I flirted with your friends for fun.
I got ****** when you got jealous
I got bored with your "possesiveness".

I sat you down and said stop bothering me.
I was pleased with my "assertivness".

I laughed behind your back
at your reaction to a broken heart.
I justified my cruelty quite beautifully.

I havn't slept in a week....
I'd like to say I had a revival of conescience
but I know i just got lonely.
So I called you, got you drunk and let you touch me.

— The End —