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ummily Apr 2016
La Ratita Presumida
“... y sentia muy feliz. Pero al terminar, el gato se lanzo sobre ella para comer se la. La Ratita lorgo escaper y aprendio a no fiarse de la aparencias”

Generally speaking, the most romantic matters take place beneath the moonlight. It shone down on the city of Barcelona that night with a certain intention, a mysterious plan. She went out for a cigarette, or a “thought” as she liked to think of it, her soul already marinating in a bottle of cheap, red wine.  She let the moonlight pour its possibilities upon her skin as she exhaled into the night.

It was this recipe:
¾ bottle of red wine,
1 pack of Marlboro Lights,
a pinch of red lipstick and
a dash of moony-mist  

on the dimly lit terrace that started it all.

Just then, a tall, blondish, smart looking guy walked into the room. She felt as though she could see the weight of his brain sitting in his head. Almost visible were the synapses firing within.

He spoke so smoothly, in a comforting, southern accent.
His words cast visions of sunsets,
surrounding her
in an unfamiliar, yet soothing
She drew closer.
His southern spark lit her cigarette and
with that flick of the match,
an immediate magic ignited between them.

They spoke of Matthew Macconaughy, death and anxiety... death by anxiety, art and music and love and lust.


“Just come with me,” he said,  “I’m not expecting anything... we’ll get brunch!” , he said. Ooooooh that’s a mighty word there, “BRUNCH”.

A word capable of bringing this girl,
to her knees
~the birds and the bees~
she left with him.

“You had me at ‘brunch’.”
They took a cab to his shoebox-sized flat in Gracia, “the best neighbourhood of Barcelona by far”. They linked lips, caressed, clutched each other’s flesh and faded into one as the sun began to rise.
                                                           ­   ...
The sun came beating through the dungeon –like windows of the shoebox-shaped room. The laundry hanging outside-as it must in this city- cast shadows across their naked skin. It appeared to be dancing quite joyfully, despite the intensely hung-over state of the two strangers that lay entangled amongst the sheets.
As promised, BRUNCH ensued.  They chatted, and laughed and flirted. They shared secrets that no one else knew.

“I like your brain”, he said.
In the weeks to come they spent every waking moment of each weekend in each other’s company. The rest of the time was spent as the charismatic protagonist in the day dreams of the other one’s mind.  

Hospital General, Sant Cugat Del Valles, Valldoreix, La Floresta, Las Planes, Baixador de Vallvidrera, Peu del Funicular, Reina Elisenda, Sarria, Les Tres Torres,  La Bonanova, Muntaner, Sant Gervasi, Gracia, Provenca,  Passeig de Gracia, Placa Catalunya.

The Trains chugged on
And on
And just remember it’s hard to stop a train...

Gracia -the best neighbourhood in Barcelona- sang like a bird in her ear and a sore thumb pressing its weight into her aching heart.  

Take me Spanish Caravan, yes I know you can...
...I know where treasure is waiting for me
Silver and gold in the mountains in Spain
I have to see you again and again.

Take me Spanish Caravan, yes I know you can.

                                                           ­        ...
That dreaded, dreary morning, the rain beat down. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane -Or all over, really.

She helped him stuff his damp laundry
into his star-spangled suitcase,
himself into her...

He came,
she left, and so did he.

*I'd like to see you again
and again.
a short story.

a ghost story.
Frankie T Jul 2013
My love.
Mi amor.

Carrying butterflies
in the palm of her hand,
the dust from its wings
in her eyes.          In my eyes.

The sun rising over Placa Espana,
the cradle of her alleyways; she
speaks to me as if she is my soul, telling me
of her great journey
through summers
and in and out of long days,
telling me of her youth and beauty.           Telling me she loves me.
That she is always here.

Barcelona, mi amor.
Hold me now
through the night.
Ahora vestiríame
de músico por verle,
chocaría con su alma, sobándole el destino con mi mano,
le dejaría tranquilo, ya que es un alma a pausas,
en fin, le dejaría
posiblemente muerto sobre su cuerpo muerto.
Podría hoy dilatarse en este frío,
podría toser; le vi bostezar, duplicándose en mi
su aciago movimiento muscular.
Tal me refiero a un hombre, a su placa positiva
y, ¿por qué nó? a su boldo ejecutante,
aquel horrible filamento lujoso;
a su bastón con puño de plata con perrito,
y a los niños
que él dijo eran sus fúnebres cuñados.
Por eso vestiríame hoy de músico,
chocaría con su alma que quedóse mirando a mi materia...
¡Mas ya nunca veréle afeitándose al pie de su
ya nunca, ya jamás, ya para qué!
¡Hay que ver! ¡Qué cosa cosa!
¡qué jamás de jamases su jamás!
En el atrio: una reunión de ciegos auténticos, hasta con placa, una jauría de chicuelos, que ladra por una perra.

La iglesia se refrigera para que no se le derritan los ojos y los brazos... de los exvotos.

Bajo sus mantos rígidos, las vírgenes enjugan lágrimas de rubí. Algunas tienen cabelleras de cola de caballo. Otras usan de alfiletero el corazón.

Un cencerro de llaves impregna la penumbra de un pesado olor a sacristía. Al persignarse revive en una vieja un ancestral orangután.

Y mientras, frente al altar mayor, a las mujeres se les licua el **** contemplando un crucifijo que sangra por sus sesenta y seis costillas, el cura mastica una plegaria como un pedazo de "chewing gum".
Eyen F Dec 2019
¡Tela, invaluable tela!
Seda de oro infinito valor,
placa de honor, testimonio de mi alta,
de mi cuerpo presente en momento,
continuo necio, resonante, ecos;
toca la pica, herida blanca en la roca queda
y costra blanda, viscosa y brillante,
no es sino un borrador,
tinta que mata,
piedra que rompe,
mina penetra
que da paso al perdón, clemencia conseguida
entre la presión de los dedos y la pluma.

Muestras de historia,
de vida y mente
mas nunca muerte,
pero no es inmortal;
acero de oro blanco, joya de fue
preserva sino el minar, la extracción,
el sonido de mis pisadas
y mi picar, mis tarareos;
mi presencia;
mi pasar;
mis normas;
mi validez.

— The End —