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The last transmission.
From the porch, tones entangle.
The knot is a loss.
The soft scales break your waters.
The gleam revals the rlin.
To pieice your heart and question why not sooner.
It is trust.
You must follow, you must not stray.
The fable sings of loss.
A brash whimper.
Alie Oct 2018
That day will always be my last
My last smile
My last pieice of innosence
My last day with my old name
My last everything
Now i am Alie because that is all i would say when i was 3
The day i was adopted all i said was 'a lie'
So my new parents called me that
i know i have a twin out there my mom told me so
Only i was put up for adopting not her
She probably wasnt abused by her parents
Mine was physical from my dad
Emotional from both
She probably doesnt have a rediculous fear
She is probably perfect unlike me

— The End —