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Lola Nov 2019
my heart is in pain
but my life will be ok
time is slower, my thoughts are taking over
with memories that were once the highlight of my life.
are now just the memories of young love
that once was and never again.
I try to remember the good parts
but I know that the bad parts will come
and when they come they will  stay
with every tear and every pain,
I break a little more everyday.
I wanna miss you , I want you to care,
but  you don't
you don't care, and I guess that's ok
cause you were the best thing at a time that was gray
you were my knight shining armor, who helped me grow
You made me feel beautiful, when I didn't know that a girl like me could have such beauty.
you gave me strength, but you also gave me pain and the pain didn't stop.
my heart broke, and when it  broke, the piecese were scattered.
my heart was no longer a heart.
instead it looked like broken glass.
that can longer be pieced back together.
I turned off my emotions, just like I did with life.
I hated myself, I hated the fact that I let guy in
I hated the fact that no matter how hard I tired for us, it was never going to be enough. I was never gonna be just enough for you.
I know now that letting you go  was and is the best thing for me.
instead of " un poco de amor"

I have no amor for a guy who tells a girl that they have no ambitions
I have no amor for a guy who lies, and lastly I have no amor for someone who did not see or under stand me.
Instead I come in and tell you thank you for breaking my heart, because now I have amor for myself.

I have love and respect that I will get from you and that enough to tell, I  have no amor for you .
Hislizard Feb 2020
You crushed me into piecese
Bit by bit
Till I could not be mended
Made me who i am not
Someone who i never was
Someone who was told be kept at distance
Do that no more i plead
You've done enough damage
I have walked on the pieces you shattered me into
And bled myself
Faced the consequences
You broke me
Now you mend me
Shape me again
Fix me like a sane person
Keep me safe
Be my cobler
I ll be your shoe
I said
Staring at the mirror

— The End —