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JJ Hutton May 2016
Shake the demon lover
in the effulgent post-Chelyabinsk world,
where death breathes you back
into yourself and backwards you walk
through those coupled images, so posed,
charged with feigned desire,
the lighting just right,
the angle meticulous,
smushing foreheads with golden rings
on your fingers.
You had a dog.
You had a crockpot.
A kid was on the way.
Shake the demon lover,
rip yourself from her arts district loft,
where the music is in French and always beautiful,
glide down the rusted rails,
cruise past the headshops, the pawnshops,
say the word Tuesday and wonder if it means anything
other than the third day of the week.
You shared a bed.
You shared a bed.
You shared a bed.
Shake the demon lover
and her words track you,
her text reads,
"Come over, friend."
And she calls you friend,
she shouts you friend,
she pants you friend,
as you end the affair for
the sixth, seventh, eighth
time, one last couch
**** and never speak
to me again.
The struggle’s made vivid
Played out in a telecast
The boundaries made rigid
Erecting a minted sociopath

Swallowing sick lies at the mercy of a pint
Regurgitating references made to incite

The warden lost hold
When privatization was sold
The winter ran cold
Captives grew bold

Scratching out eyes for dead presidents
Smoldered in flame
Lost in the mire of false precedents
Monopolizing the game

Hectic self-imposed calamity drawing heavy on the soul
Elitist mentality rips you away from the bowl

Recently paroled
Breathing in the mold
Knocking pawnshops for gold
Adjustments held…cost of being old
Bird's flight
Tight light
Be op do op and all the light
Over the tired and torn world

The shingle-tingles
Peg leg harms
Needles  beadles
Pawnshops mattresses

Brownstone runs
Past and reeds
Diminished incliner
Augmenting disarranger

Kali and calipers
Ricoh fives fire knives
Air recess
Dying confess

Less swing than gallows
Racing  tracing
We passing
Futile asking
Wk kortas Apr 2018
Tanks roll
Radio Free Europe
plays “On Broadway”, ode to pawnshops,
pimps, ******.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Inexhaustible is growing in me your fear! I build a skeleton in my mind for every bagatelle nothingness! I am inexhaustible in me dwarf despair, unbearable dread! The fingers holding accusations to the Present are already pointing at me; my lion doubts are inexhaustible in me too - carving square signs on the mounds of the universe of the twilight, ghost midnight pillows…
In my soul I carry a little boy dissected for his memories; chubby, feverish grimaces on his feverish face! I hesitate to drop star ***** of tears! The Happiness you find may not even be reserved for me! I can't watch limelight's chirping babes anymore because I immediately capture my explosive temper! Pawnshops give laurels a five-minute reputation: intentional jerky free-mouths scare you to death!
Everyone prefers a thick mask of indifference to phlegm; I'm running on my back! All those who once stood up for their individual beliefs turned into an empty-eyed, canal-shaped, massed tadpole population! Pain also divides understanding sounds into Judas chalices! The events that have taken place look like black unopened baskets: instead of surprises, they give birth to an inherited complaint, unintelligible quarrels!
I am a heart with a shadow of pain: whoever knows me honestly can know his confidence I measure his humanity! Everything is out of control! The responsibility that People would have to glaze apologetic words settles as excuses! Milky-toothed wolves squeal and tear the incomprehensible ramparts around themselves

— The End —