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The crying silence of quiet violence overtook the pliant, hyper-****
Rolling Stone guy Bill Wyman who defined what shy meant as kite
rights of tiring, flying, dying folken caused sighing worth admiring.
marianne Aug 2019
She pins her hair back
twenty-three and resolute, baby on her hip
and says goodbye forever
Her eyes catch on a single point, somewhere
in the hazy distance and she sets to it
makes a life
gets **** done

There’s no time to consider,
to touch the centre of the windstorm that compels her
it only winds her tighter
and because there’s laundry to do, and she likes things
neat and tidy
she carves herself up into glistening pieces
and leaves them thereβ€”
in the hot Paraguayan sun
in the endless cold Prairie snow
when her children disappear with terrible secrets
She skillfully wraps each fluttering fragment
and gives it away, no longer her concern
God will take care of it
lucky *******
and I am left with none,
or one

I’ve only ever had a part of her
the one that read the rules and promised
clean clothes, a roof, full stomachβ€”
her threadbare heart

Maybe she’s tired, like I am nowβ€”
my own list in hand
To feel is the most demanding
of tasks
I heard the splashes spilt sore words in the market of falsehood for personal gains
Let the grabbled grains of your intents germinate in your own life-garden
Let it grow and not wither like a drought resistant crop
I have always known you were never fangless yet I always fall prey to you as a suppose friend
Thanks for the kisses
they were more loquaciously loud than the dark domestic Paraguayan parrot
Now that my ear is dang deaf
let your venom venting mouth continually bite.
β€œI won't open a gay door no more after a ****** nailed it shut & my
****'s been sore since the Paraguayan war & these Mars bars got in
them rat-hair that Salvatore used to sicken Cher,” Chaz did declare.
β€œI won't open a gay door no more after a ****** nailed it shut & my
****'s been sore since the Paraguayan war & these Mars bars got in
them rat-hair that Salvatore used to sicken Cher,” Chaz did declare.
Daddy, may we eat kitty litter & puke on the balcony till our colons
explode? No son we can't 'cause that would be wrong & you should
know that a father's love is more deadly that 50,000 million bombs.
The Paraguayan & the Norwayan can live side by side-effects till 8,
but not over 8, 'cause Jesus got strung-up as that is a Messiah's fate,
'cause Jesus got strung-up on Easter as that was the crucifying date.

— The End —