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Mea May 2013
To define yourself, is to delivery identity...
To trust your fellow passengers is to create identity...
To keep to your word is to prove identity...

Being insipid about your identity...
Creates your identity...
Exhilarating your expectations ruins your identity...

Insipid and Interesting are the two sides of my coin
Decide and Defer are part of humanity
Expert in creating Expectations which is,
Nevertheless worthy of Niche
Trust and Tolerance go hand in hand
Irresistible yet Intangible
Transcend beyond Transition calls for the great you
Young and Youthful at the beginning but insipid towards the end of the road.

*Trust* is the cornerstone of my Identity !!!
Àŧùl May 2014
Loving her is an obvious error,
Over past few years I found so,
Virtually pure untouched love,
Experiencing it just with her...

Cutest mistake I ever made ever,
Housin' myself within her heart,
All for her is my world & myself,
Not bowing down for this world,
Getting one are our hearts daily,
Equally divine are our feelings,
Setting for a lifetime they are..

Edging the long cliff of life we live,
Very risky is this road taken by us,
Era of love awaiting us maturely,
Ruling my heart's land is a queen,
Youthful eyes tell not a single lie,
This is the life I was wishing for,
Hiking across the romantic hills,
I'm that moon & she is that Sun,
Now I get close to her everyday,
G**elling as good as childhood chums.
Another Acrostic Attempt

My HP Poem #631
©Atul Kaushal
Sarah Apr 2013
W hen reading
H istory about the west, you’ll find *****
I sn’t what
S oaks the bones of Western cowboys
K eeping the livers of the dead preserved,
E pitomizing their
Y outhful years as eager frontiersmen
Glenn Sentes Jun 2020
D-aring was he to set foot on the land of
    the rising sun
A-rmed only with the dreams he revered
    once upon a time
R-are, charismatic, and sharp-witted are
    some of the words that best define this
Y-outhful dispositioned lad
L-ife may have been tough and weary but
L-oses no battle, he will champion all odds.

J-ust like the uphill and rocky trails he
   wheeled on with
A-rdent hopes that cool breeze and scenic
    views await
N-ow he keeps pedaling for his heart
    adores the joy and freedom this brings
A birthday note to one of my best buds. (06/25/2020)

— The End —