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Nuha Alli Apr 2018
You deserve to wake up and smile because of your beautiful, bright, bold soul.
You deserve to laugh loudy and feel fusion of fluttering in your tummy.
You deserve to shy away and cover your rose-pink face.
You deserve to feel raw, ruddy, real emotion only with positive and pure intentions.
You deserve success due to your persevering, powerful  power house.
You deserve sincere care due to your pious purity.
You deserve to be fed with flavoursome fruits and nourished emotionally and physically.
You deserve to be put on a pedestal like a clear celestial body.
You deserve the truth and not to be fooled by equivocation from three weird sisters.
You deserve someone to pump oxygen into your heart and not deprive it of tenderness.
You're worth more than millions upon billions.
If anyone can't see the love you deserve, remove them you're an
Oscar Award.
You deserve it all-
But I'm not  good or the best.

I am the worst.

-Nuha Alli
S Jan 2021
You scan me
With your Western eye
Standing tall, clinging
To your elitist lie.

With your righteous mission,
You desire is to teach me,
Yearning for my submission,
Refusing to free me.

The lies you tell yourself
Do not deceive me;
You claim to make me more,
While forcing less of me.

More ‘educated’
More ‘cultured’
More ‘literate’
More Western.

More you, less me.

The volume of my voice
Is not primitive, nor savage
It is my culture, my heritage,
Which you have ravaged.  

My culture, my language,
My education, my literature,
Are slowly eradicated
By the standards of worth
You have dictated.

My language is not irrelevant,
Nor menacing.
It is my heritage, my legacy,
Tainted by your supremacy;
It is not powerful as Athena,
Rather it burns with the fiery
Passion of Nuha.

I will not be silenced,
I will not lightly tread,
For those who fake alliance,
Whilst wishing me dead.
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
I was the spectrum of life;
Burning  in the dark, black, barky forest.
I've been through the fire:
Yet you couldn't salvage me,
I've provided you with a remedy-
But you have poisoned me.
Reflections are colourful-
For that's  I needed to be loved for
I've conquered your standards,
Yet i didn't surfice.
Ironically, you didn't conquer my bars .
For you took me for granted!
One day you'll see what a saphire i am.
When thy cannot live to my standards.

But now i have no affection or love for you.
I pray thee remains constant and decided.
Resentment is an understatement as you have made me a cliff.
For you are a surpent.
Intoxicating my resilient periant.
The last end...

-Nuha Alli
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
I don't want to feel anymore!
You promised me a future in union,
You promised me a lot,
But you delivered none.
You evoked constant pain and heartache;
Empty promises blinded me.
When it was over-
It felt like thousands of arrows coated with rat poison, pierced my vulnerable aorta.
The raw emotion is what drove me from ever wanting to feel again.

Fair is mendacious.
For i was a fool.
I'd rather be surrounded by:
Dead flowers,
Crying children,
Filthy corruption,
Atrocious massacre,
And darkness.
Because these carry no facade:
Foul is real
They are sincere and geniune in their aims.
Don't fool with my purity and innocence-
I desensitize.

-Nuha Alli
Nuha Alli May 2018
Have you ever said "Forever and Always" to a dear one?
But it hasn't worked out
Just maybe,
Just maybe,
There's a, another chance down the road,
To satisfy that solemn promise.
Through irrigating an arid desert -
Over the years;
Constant metamorphosis;
Persistent photosynthesis.
And finally-
A xerophyte inhabits the ground.
Aligning everything in the hazardous atmosphere.

-Nuha Alli
Nuha Alli May 2018
It's kinda hard without you these days.
I'm as volatile as the Rand.
I can't roar when I'm:
Agitated of despair tracking  prey;
Vexed from my positive aims ;
Dishearted from abrupt failures.
I question my tenacity and ability to withstand challenges nature throws.
You were my pillar and reassurance.
I crave the immediate concerned reaction;
I'd die to have you salvage me from the darkness.
The warmth and security you gave me,
Aids me with my instability.
I miss those emergency responses and aids,
To create the tranquility that was once lost.
I long for your sweet voice:
To hush me like your own.
To gently stroke my emotional *****.
You were my sedative, my narcotic.
Currently i search the drug store for a fresh, potent drug to heal me better than you could ever do.

-Nuha Alli

— The End —