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Jme Love May 2021
Have you ever wondered who you are???
The real you???
Not what you think you are.
Not what others think of you.
But who you realy are???
Not the you thats defined by your actions.
Not the you you think or feel the need to be.
Not the you you portray to the world.
The you inside that nobdy knows???
The you your afraid to show???
Do you ever wonder who that person realy is???
Are we ever realy ourselves?
up on each side of the street, there are markets- flowers, knick knacks, strawberrys....

glass, dispensaries, two hair salons adjacent, nobdy picking on each others business, umbrella lady is patient

uptwon more high rises, a standard issue brooklyn-style cafe and then a mini market with conviniences.  

parking lots, skid row is teemed with decent hobos, scary hobos, hobos who make eye contact and those who don't.  Most hobos make eye contact

they pitch tents, **** it.  The policemen are on bycycles, or rushing for no reason

a c fashion district for wigs and gowns and jr prom emergencies, pink wigs blonde wigs darkwigs, mostly blonde ones, white ones

suglasses, casts of impressive busom stature

car lots, the car lot across the street

it's function rotates clockwise

they have an umbrella and wait,

Raj Bhandari Jul 2020

— The End —