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OH, Give thanks to thy LORD, for Thou Is Good! For His Mercy Endures Forever. Let Israel now say, His Mercy  Endures Forever'' Let thy House Aaron now say, His Mercy Endures Forever'' Let those who Fear thy LORD now say'' His Mercy Endureth Forever.... We called on the LORD in Distress; thy LORD answered Us and Set Us in A Broad Place. The LORD is on Our Side; We will not Fear what Man do to Us? Thy LORD is for Us among hose who Help Us, therefore We shall see Our Desire on those who Hate Us. It is Better to Trust in the LORD than to put Confidence in Man. It is Better to Trust in thy LORD than to put Confidence in Princes.... All Nations surrounded Us, but in thy Name Of thy LORD We will Destroy them. They surrounded Us, Yes, they surrounded Us, but in the Name Of The LORD We will Destroy them.. They surrounded Us like Bees; they were Quenched like AFire of thorns, for in the Name Of Thou LORD We will Desroy them.... You pushed us Violently, that We Might Fall, but thy LORD Helped Us... The LORD Is Our Strength and Song, and He has become Our Salvation.. The Voice Of Rejoicing and Salvation is in the Tents Of The Righteous* the Righ Hand Of The LORD does Valiantly.. The Right Hand Of He LORD Is Exalted, The Right Hand Of The LORD does Valiantly.! We Shall Not Die, but Live and Declare the Works and Walks Of The LORD Our GOD.. The LORD has Chastened Us Severely, bu He has not given Us over to Death.. Open to Us thy Gates Of Righteouness Oh LORD Our GOD'' We will Praise The LORD.. This is thy Gate Of The LORD, through Which thy Righteous shall Enter.. We will Praise YOU, for YOU have Answered Us and have Become Our Salvation...... The Stone which the Builders Rejected has Become Thy Chief Cornerstone... This was thy LORD's doing, It is Marvelous in Our Eyes.... This is thy Day the LORD has Made, We will Rejoice and Be Glad in it.. Save now, we Prayed O LORD; O LORDN we Prayed, Send now Prosperity... Blessed is He who cmes in thy Nme Of The LORD! We have Blessed You from the House of the LORD.. GOD is the LORD, ad He hs given Us Light; Bind the Sacrifice with Cords to the Horns Of Thy Altar.. You are Our GOD, and We will Praise You; You are Our GOD, We will Exalt THEE..... Oh Give Thanks to thy LORD, for HE Is Good.! For His Mercy Endures Forever.!
Philip Finch Oct 2014
beautiful beast,
i can't let you free;
I have to keep you
leashed to my brain.
it's not a good idea
  for you to be running  loose.
you would be perceived
    as dangerous.
"hide your children. hide!"

don't struggle
against the choke collar.
        you won't starve.
  you won't starve.
                    you won't starve.

everything i want to say gets l ost in the fray.
don't struggle
against the choke c ollar.
      because it's choking me.
stay clos e by, keep me company.
            there Is plenty of food out there.
                                              there is plenty of fo od.
        there is plenty of fooD somewhere.

i  t hi nk
  you're too  scary to catch your    quarry.
i have to ke ep you  here.                              leashed.
all  you want is out of reach  anyway, mutt.
                    in the trees, in    the clou ds
                                                      on the  map,  in my hea d
                                in bits of  pap er, in bites  of          met alloids.

don't  struggle                                        ­                    you keep me alive.
against th e              choke        co llar.
y ou   won't st arve.
                        just feed    on                    me.
  j      ust                   ­                                             feed on m
                                    e ju              st
fE          edo                        nme.   ­                   b                    ea
                      ­    uti f        u                l      b            ea                 ­       
    be                                                   ­                                               st.
              ­                  a
                                             ­     u

                ­    ful
                          ­                    s[hi]t.
03 Feb 2005
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
God smiled at me,and gave me a gift..
the day that I met you.
He saw that my spirit needed a lift
and showed nme what love can do.

When my happiness was everything
I ever dreamed it could be..
God smiled at me,gave me a gift..
I carried within..your baby.

Now my life is filled with happiness
and joy I never knew.
God smiled at me.Gave me a gift..
another day with you.
Jude kyrie Mar 2016
He was too young for me.
I should have just walked away.
But God is no so kind to divorcees
close to the age of forty with a
lot of dissolutionment with urban life.
My husband cheated on me
with his secretary.
Tell me you haven't
heard that before.
I met him at a family get together.
a BBQ with awful food
and cheap wine.
it was his youth I think
it glowed like freedom.
All the emotions yet to happen.
not all those that had already been.
He dumped his girlfriend
when he saw me.
I don't know why
she was pretty and perky
and so very young.
not like me at all.
He caught me looking at him
but I did not release my gaze.
That was cruel he was a just a boy
I found out later he was Twenty two
he gave me all I needed at that time.
All the things my rat ******* husband
had never given to me.
I admit I used him for his beauty
and his life that shone from him.
But I did not know
I was falling in love with him.
he stripped me with his eyes or smile.
I could not wait to undress for him.
My mother so wise
said let him go honey.
but I didn't.
He moved in to my urban nest.
the few hundred square feet
that was mine where the world ended.
I was miffed he did not have a job like I did.
that he sat around playing Nintendo all day.
But then he kissed me
and said I love you baby.
and I melted for him.
I got angry when he was drinking
with his friends.
in my apartment
when i got home from a hard day
and I threw him out.
I told him he was never going to be what
I needed he was too young.
He moved into his buddy's place.
and called nme ten times a night
Then I saw him again
it was in the local delli
I moved a can of caviar
and he was buying steaks
on the other side.
I took him home to my place
undressed as usual
he would not wear his ******.
He said I want you to have our baby.
I wish he had just ****** me.
All of a sudden
I saw his vulnerability
his youth his inexperience.
I knew it was a trap for him.
A trap I could not set.
so I opened the cage
the door left wide open.
and he flew out into
the wild rarified air
above the mountains.

a year later

The night was cold
snowfall had covered the old tired
grey streets of new York.
I was with a group of old friends.
Still single in the resteraunt
where we aways met.
he was walking by and
used his sweet warm breath
to melt the ice from the window.
he was looking at me.
I stopped mid sentence.
I thought I saw tears
in his eyes.
but they might have been in mine.
as the frost regained control
and he walked away
into the winter night.
Jude kyrie Sep 2016
He was beautiful but way too young for me.
I should have just walked away.
But God is no so kind to divorced women
close to the age of forty with a
lot of dissolutionment with modern urban life.
My husband cheated on me
with his secretary.
Tell me you haven't
heard that before.

I met him at a family get together.
a BBQ with awful food
and cheap wine.
it was his youth I think
it glowed like freedom.
So full of life.
All the emotions yet to happen.
Not all those that had already been.
He dumped his girlfriend
when he saw me.
I don't for the life of me know why.
She was pretty and perky
and so very young.
not like me at all.

He caught me looking at him
but I did not release my gaze.
That was cruel he was a just a boy
I found out later he was Twenty two
he gave me all I needed at that time.
All the things my rat ******* husband
had never given to me.

I admit I used him for his beauty
and his life that shone from him.
But I did not know
I was falling in love with him.
He undressed. me with his eyes ond smile.
I could not wait to undress for him.
My mother always so wise
said let him go honey it will end badly.
But I didn't.
He moved in to my urban nest.
The few hundred square feet
that was all mine
where the outside world ended.
After a while
I was miffed he did not have a job like I did.
That he sat around playing Nintendo all day.
But then he kissed me
and said I love you baby.
and I melted for him.

I got angry when he was drinking beer
with his friends
in my apartment.
When i got home from a hard day at work.
and I threw him out.

I told him he was never going to be what
I needed he was too young.
He moved into his buddy's place.
and called nme ten times a night.
Then I saw him again
it was in the local delli
I moved a can of caviar
and he was buying steaks
on the other side.

I took him home to my place
undressed as usual
he would not wear his ******.
He said I want you to have our baby.
I froze like a deer in the headlights.
I wish he had just ****** me.
All of a sudden
I saw his vulnerability
his youth his inexperience.
He was a baby and I was playing with him.
I knew it was a trap for him.
A trap I could not set.
so I opened the cage
the door left wide open.
and he flew out into
the wild rarified air
above the mountains.

I saw him again about a year later.
I was drinking wine at my favorite restraunt with a group
Of my friends.
It was near the holidays
The cold new York frost had formed on the window.
His breath melted a small section
Our eyes met and he he flashed his beautiful smile.
I caught my breath and my heart beat quickly..
But then he turned away.
And walked into the icy winter cold of the old city
Which had seen many such love stories before.
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2020
The enemy of my enemy
—masquerading as my friend

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)

— The End —