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Hannah Amara May 2013
I think looking back
that this is for the best,
Maybe you are bad for me,
Or am I bad for you?

And tell my something my dear,
Did you really beleive me
when I said it was fine?
Because that was not true.
But I have to let it be

Neverless I will not cry anymore, but
Darling I wasnt ever mad at you.
I was hurt. I am hurt.
But I cannot hold you anymore.
So let it be

But if your soul does not long for mine
As mine longs for you,
Then I cannot make you happy,
So let it be

You can make the choice to stay.
Or the choice to go.
Fate holds the answers,
So let it be

So my love
this is my goodbye
Perhaps we shall stay friends,
Or our paths will part ways.

Wherever destiny leads us,
*Let It Be.
This is an ode to my most recent heartbreak. They left me for a second time, but this time I am stronger, and I will not let this bring me down.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
My eyes adore you.
My lips loves to kiss you.
They sweet as honey.
Delicious like grapes.

Still, neverless.
I'm in need of you.

I could lie, deny and hide behind the truth.
But, what would it do?
When my heart belongs to you.
You have the facts.
You have the proof about the ways I yearn for you.

It's what the power of love can do.
Samantha Louise Feb 2014
I'm a little lost now
you've helped me reach the inbound
I'm broken I cannot be found
I need to leave this town.

What am I supposed to do?
I've tried to run away from you
Now I'm stuck inside my mind
I feel like I have wasted time

You tell me that you're going to change
but every time you're still the same
I can't even continue
to play these games
it's my mistake
for heaven's sake

please just let me go baby
that's all I think about lately
you make girls feel like their your baby
but I needed you to save me

when you call me gorgeous
I don't even feel worth it.
I know how you feel,
but you're so bad at being real

I think I've spent too much time
hoping that things will turn out fine
because we're still in this tragic mess
and I'm stuck in the neverless.
© 2013 Samantha Girouard-Holt
               (my mother
is not of softness but is of steel reinforced concrete.
she will give what she feels is deserved.
nevermore {beg if you like}
regardless of the cost to herself.
                                                        ­  . . but deep, deep
as fair as rock is she.
her greetings are tolerations. her goodbyes, predictions
- of my forseen failures.
                                                       ­    . . still     i seem to remember . .
* glimmer *
of a laugh, a  
of a touch                  so
                                      ­         very    
                                                        ­       long
                                                     ­                            ago . .  /

perhaps one day as she lies resting I will take my mothers hand
and kiss her upon her marble forehead
and speak "I love you mom"
and a single tear will drop from my face
onto her face
. . . and the coldness within her will bre-
                                                            ­      -ak

and my mother will break.
K G Jul 2015
We can walk on the sky
Forget about what the guys have to say
We can be together forever
Just imagine a utopia made for us
In a distant world
You have to get rid of those phobias of yours
We can do anything we want to
Without any comments or concerns
Forget about your old friends
They can't talk anymore
All they ever did was bring you down
I hated when you frowned
We could be together forever
We could walk the sky together
Where ever
Therefore we will be together forever
K G Jul 2015
We can walk on the sky
Forget about what the guys have to say
We can be together forever
Just imagine a utopia made for us
In a distant world
You have to get rid of those phobias of yours
We can do anything we want to
Without any comments or concerns
Forget about your old friends
They can't talk anymore
All they ever did was bring you down
I hated when you frowned
We could be together forever
We could walk the sky together
Where ever
Therefore we will be together forever
My mother.  

Albadara ***** was my mother. You may have heard of her. The famous actress. She was very religous. Despite what happened behind closed doors. This neverless though made my career decision, harder. She had a lot of love but it was usually used up by men and the camera before any of it came to my father or I. She never did drugs though. So i guess her religion saved her from something.

My Father

He only had eyes for one women. He loved her ever so much. She never noticed. That didn't stop his love ridden *** to pursue and constantly try to please. As always failing dismally. By the end of it all the top half of his romanticly diseased head was scattered to the wind.
I was 8. Ah love. What a stupid thing.

Hartlet *****
A happy child.

What a dumb *****.

The First
He was my first. He said he thought I was cute. I thought he was cute and nice. He asked me out 2 weeks after I met him.  I said yes like the desperate ***** I am. He left sooner than later.

I turned 18.
Like most.
I had to move out cuz my mother wouldn't let me stay.
We all need it.
I became a ****.

Attention seeker
The **** liked eyes.
On him.
He also liked games.
Watching my gaze on him he smiled. He led me into a room to "assess the product". What a *****. Making me whine for him. Ugh.

Circus part 1
I loved dancing. Ever since I was a child. Especially ballet. I thought I would perform on a stage. I guess I got my wish, that **** pole.

The second
I never knew
A pity
Almost as much as he pitied me.
But I guess he only liked my glitz and glamour.

And the taboo that i was sleeping with his boss

Circus part 2
Dancing in it like a warm rain.
I'll never know who saved me
Broke me
And built me in an instance
To cure my hunger for bread
The desire to be a ringleader in that gory circus of the living
I dance for me now

And the dead

— The End —