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A Watoot Mar 2015
ph5 acidic

ph6.7 slightly acidic

*I do not sugar coat boldness.
A piece of me.
Let's all sit and eat
The sour meal We ordered.
Let's lay aside complaint
For it's use is far passed.
Let's pretend like
The sweet smell has not turned offensive.
Let's savour this magical meal
That'll transform us in a blink.
It's a corruption neutralizer.
Plucked from the very tree of corruption.
T'will make us live white.
It's wand transform naira to dollar.
I'd never felt the pinch of pain
Until change devoured corruption.
Withered,thin and blasted change.
Like Egypt's seven ears of corn.
Sit silently Nigeria.
With smiles savour this sumptuous meal.
Andrea Espinosa Dec 2013
When everything else seems so awry, I count on you. There are times when I start (loving) caring for someone who is not you, and it just goes horribly wrong, like I am a naked child who is flung out onto the world, alone. I wanted them to the point where it was already crippling me, killing me inside. I come back to you from time to time and you are always there to save me even though you might not really know it.

And so I need you because I don’t really know how to love anybody else. It’s always been you.

When I’m on my lowest or highest, there’s got to be something that will bring me back to where I’m supposed to be: to the comfortable normality, to the only thing where I’m actually safe. And that is you. When everything else goes wrong, you make it seem very right.

You are my neutralizer. You are my safe haven.
Oh Father God, deliver us from pride
May we put such disvalue aside
Oh Lord Jesus, rescue us who are like Pharaoh
Grant us the example of a humble hero
Oh Holy Spirit, rescue us when we feel proud
Be our neutralizer when we are getting loud
This we ask in our Almighty God. Amen.

*Gideons Prayer Poems Against Life’s Problems
My Poem No. 464

— The End —