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From monotonies of life,
An escape at times we need;
An escape at Shaw's Garden,
Will be of much help indeed.

A visit in the springtime,
When flowering trees there bloom,
Capture the eyes and calm them,
Many release sweet perfume.

Folks sure find Shaw's Garden is
A real lovely place to be.
It's a great place for a stroll,
To enjoy nature's beauty.
James LR Oct 2018
The sky is like the sea beneath,
Filled with frothy, feathered teeth.
Made with wispy, white-washed waves,
And clouds comprised of cotton haze.

The blue of sky, the blue of sea
Both quietly fade away
Into monotonies of gray
Rae E Smart Jun 2016
It was bursting inside me!
I needed him to know.
But every time I mustered the confidence
to voice what had been encircling my brain,
I was once again burdened
when only a small breath was released from my lips.

He's just so soft,
yet when I lay next to him I feel only security.

Soft, strong security.

Like the most comfortable bed
that allows you to continue dreaming during a hurricane.

He answers all of my questions;
my pointless, curious questions.
And when he answers them
he never makes me feel
like asking if anyone would notice
if everything in the universe grew three sizes
is an unimportant question.
His tales of the world and war take me to different places
which my spontaneous mind,
always looking for an escape from daily monotonies
really needs.

He is my escape.
Right here at home,
right here with him.

I escape, and dream, and smile.

I needed him to know all of this,
but he is a man that likes to get to the point.
And I felt these small words would make him understand.

It started deep, deep down inside me,
in a place I hadn't even known existed.
And with each passing moment
got nearer to my lips.

Yet again, the tiniest breath escaped.

So I grabbed his hand and thought to myself,
"maybe tomorrow"
as if one days time would give me the courage.
So I intertwined our fingers,
and squeezed his hand.
Hoping that it would be enough to make him see
that I thought he was the most magnificent person
I'd ever met.

As I closed my eyes, and silently admitted defeat,
I felt his breath on my neck
followed by the words
"I know,
and I love you"
Taru M May 2023
does God have a birthday

and if so how does it celebrate
when solar returns are no longer measurements of time
but simply passing monotonies
what's the flare when all the universe
holds no element of surprise
and candles are mere shadows of truth
sticks awaiting inspiration
exactly how many sticks would that be
and can all those light years
be blown out in a single breath
all the pomp and circumstance
seem rather menial
when your life's creation
numerates all of humanity
and all of nature
and all of imagination
but imagine this
imagine all of creation on one accord
if only for the blink of a star
and the harmonious ring of joy that would bring
for a diverse chorus of discord
to be in alignment
   for just a singular moment

— The End —