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annieohk Nov 2018
My words are truth to me
But I can lie to myself
I can see only what I
Want to see
And cover the rest with blackness
My truth is not your truth
My words are not your words
If I try to imitate others
Then I lose myself
Some days the words come easy
And other days my mind
Will not speak
And all I have
Is empty paper
Either one is okay
Because there is a time
For each
nivek Oct 2021
the constant within change is the observation of past having happened and or accepting the fact each moment has unfurled from a previous moment never to be repeated in its uniqueness;
at a certain place and time you were 'other' than you are now and indeed in future will be changed by circumstance and the ability to make choices, but this state of affairs is finite in its operation but Universal in its possibilities.

— The End —