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TheBlackPen121 Apr 2022
Why do I write? I write to share a part of me the world has never seen, I write because writing is in my genes,
I write to share my experience so people know that they are not alone, I write to comfort and give broken souls a home.
I write not for fame or recognition because I know that's not my mission.
I write to let my little voice be heard and free this little bluebird that has been trapped in my heart for so long.
I write to alleviate my melancholious state,
I write to empower, I write to educate, and most of all I write to preach love and not hate.

Done by: KCG
Blessed are the creators
Good Moaning to you,
Day fellas!
I am an owl of its dreams.
Tell me yours and I will tell you
,'you're no better at these'.

Gather around and listen
to my chosen pain.
The pain of His time on my scale
and hands still empty of a touch
that makes you rest.

Restless nights you have had.
Dream! Dreams! Dream!
Oh, Day fellas!
I forget before I dream.
For I am an owl of its dreams.

Melancholious passions,
thou findeth me.
Tell them of those dreams
I dreamt when I was awake.
Tell them of the rest I placed,
when they rested in dreams.

Melancholious delusions,
its them, thou hast found.
Oh! Day Fellas.
The Day is a lover of the Night,
so is the Night to the Day.

They are both my lovers
and I cheat on them.
I cheat with dreams and visions.
I cheat with the truth, weighty reality.
They protrude into its future.
For I am an owl of its dreams.

Wake up! Day Fellas.
For The night has come.
Sleep! Day Fellas.
When the day is done.
You're the nightwatch of your dreams.

— The End —