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Herbice Apr 2014
Maaaan, I ain’t got nothin…
‘cept 3 li’l buns that came outta her oven
Just when ya think everything’s going to be alright
Yer served with papers and sleepin’ in a van at night
Lookin up at the nighttime sky
Sounds in the background of future DWI’s rollin’ by
They ain’t got nothin’ either ‘cept empty promises and broken dreams
No clear direction of what their life means
To a corporate fat cat, they’re just an asset
A tax base, bleeds green, a budget offset
Sombody PAH-LEASE turn off this ****** faucet
They say I make a decent living and STILL I’m living out of boxes
And okay, I’ll be positive, I have a couple nice things
But I paid the price in meals for the joy that they bring
So I sit my broke *** in a corner by the lake
And center my mind, lotus position, atoning mistakes
And I realize there aren’t any, and I retain my ego
Cause when I think about it, we’re all just stuck at a different level of zero
Confused mice in a maze looking for the moved cheese
Moving purpose to purpose like a band of gypsies
Seeking out the lie that is the American Dream
Relax the frustration with pleasure in my bloodstream
I practice my art of being happy for what I’ve received
Instead of the hopes and dreams that from us have been thieved
Yet some other mouse with a weapon demands what I’ve got
Yelling, spittle in my face, from a man that fate forgot
I scream back, fire like a cannon, with pride, with passion
Looking straight in his eye, I laugh, say it with me…
Maaaan, I ain’t got nothin
Mr Xelle Aug 2014
Haven't had this in weeks, years months probably.

Wonder bread I untie it softly

Reach my hands in there and maaaan I already got the plate ready.

Peanut butter & jelly ....never gets old as I thank the one who made me
Made one today sooo good
mike dm May 2015
I Blaze green skunk
Close the blinds
Trip ***** and fall up
up into the rafters of the mind
Astral backpack
Through the timespace continuum
Mind over matter

At least
until the latter
starts to pitter patter again
I spit ****
that'll make the pineal gland
Shape shift
Into the Buddha chillin in a full lotus
I don't seek stardom
I seek the stars
that jump started this
Cos I'm sick a glitchin
We are a way for the universe
To know itself  
But we've built scars from stars
So I manifest mind and spar w the mar
Wear my ego on my sleeves
Rolled up
Ya I Put my demons on blast
Caught flak
forearms busted up
But still I laugh
Every single day
Roll my boulder up the hill
W a Mona Lisa smirk still
I'm Rebel w causality
Innate violence doesn't
Befit my species
Sorry I don't buy it
That's puttin the fist before the hand
And that's jus some silly ****
JDK Jun 2016
I (used to think I) love(d) someone.

Daaaaamn, check her out!
Yo, that ***** is

I (know better than to) believe that nothing is impossible.

Maaaan, I would  HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR  that chick all night long, if y'know what I mean.

I (pretend to) listen to what other people have to say.

I hear ya, but me personly, what I'd like to do is  MEET HER PARENTS  while wearin' A NICE SUIT  and have a  PLEASANT EVENING WITH STIMULATING CONVERSATION.

I've (given up on all my) dreams and ambitions.

Maybe even bring  A BOTTLE OF VINTAGE WINE  so that I could really  MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION, if you know what I'm sayin'.

I want to (believe there's no point in trying to) make the world a better place.

**** bro, you are one  RESPECTABLE AND STAND-UP  ********, you know that?

— The End —