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Vi skal være nøgne sammen. Se solen stå op sammen, vi skal vågne i et sommerlykkeparadis. Sidde ved vandet, høre bølgerne SLÅ. Slå ind mod livet i os - mod bredderne af de skinnende, lysende strande. Vi skal slange os på landet, vikle os i tang og skum der bruser. Brusende beruset af vin og kærlighed. Blomstre i en symbiose; bonderoser og lavendler i lyng af lungers dybe vejrtrækninger, og galoperende elskende hjerteslag. Det er fremtiden. Fremtiden i en drøm jeg havde, dengang jeg vågnede op, - for år siden, for flere verdener siden.

White down
so high 
and yet so lowly, soft,

your flecks of light
where brown turf darkens 

so innocently growing
'spite the weather;

torn clouds,
against the blue or grey,

beside you green of moss
stone, heather, 
grasses, hay,

Not lauded, 
given honours like the rose
but there the mountain knows
your sweet repose. 

M. A. Waddicor
10th sept 2011.

Translated into Norwegian...

Kvite dun
så høgt på strå
og likevel så kravlaus, mjuk.
Lysa dine logar
der torva mørknar
fuktig, brun.
Du veks uskuldig, rein
trass uvêr,
rivne skyer
mot det blå og grå.
Ved sida di er grøne mosen,
stein, lyng,
gras og vier.
Ikkje lovprisa
eller gjeve heidersteikn, som rosa bar;
men fjellet kjenner til
din vakre kvilestad.
            M. A. Waddicor/ Gjendikting ved Åse Lilleskare Faugstad


Waving at the sky,
you tufts of downy white,
your presence in the marsh,
or standing on the cracked dry earth,
the bottom of a bog.

So delicate you are,
in such a place,
where winter blizzards blow,
and icy waters, snow, 
cover your bed. 

Yet there you always are, 
a faithful friend to travellers,
a light where grey skies dull,
a flag to show where not to go 
in rain.

As pretty as a poem tossed 
on hardy stems
not pictured in a painting
yet as dainty, beautiful 
and free, 
as any bloom can be. 

M. Ann Waddicor 
10th September 2011.
Åse is one of Norway's poets, I was so happy when she decided she wanted to translate my poem, and did a wonderful job of it, keeping to the exact words as closely as possible, asking me if she could put just one that was different in instead! "Vier!" For those who can read norsk.
Nebuleiii Nov 2014
Our story told in seven years, fourteen verses.

I met you and
You met me and
We got to know each other.
There were ups and
There were downs and yet
We never stopped getting to know
each other.

We got separated but
It never stopped us.
Long distance friendship
Never stopped us.
Never stopped me from knowing
You have an older brother.
Never stopped you from knowing
I have two younger ones.

We couldn't take the
d i s t a n c e.
We couldn't take the
time apart.
Through this closeness,
I got to know that
You liked your coffee
In the morning with
No breakfast.
You got to know that
I liked my mornings
With milk and

We've had silly arguments
Here and there,
But that didn't stop us
From getting to know each other.
Your favorite color is
Mine is orange (and blue and white).
And you said,
"Who in the world likes the color
And I replied,
I never said anything about the
Color pink.

We surprised you
This year.
Hazelle, Rol, Love,
Min, Zaska, Nin,
Bo, Lyng, and Agustin,
and Me.
It was your
18th birthday.
18 years of you,
17 years of me,
5 years of us,
5 years of our
F r i e n d s h i p.

We go together this year
On my birthday,
You and a couple
Of our friends.
A few days earlier
You turned the tables
And Hazelle, Rol, Love
Min, Zaska, Nin,
Bo, Lyng, Agustin,
and you
Surprised me.
18 years of me.

They say when a
Exceeds the seven -year mark
It is for a
Life time.
So this is our take
Of making something
That will last
Even when
Our bones are crushed,
Our bodies numbed,
Our voices hushed.

But the truth is a far cry
From this.
The truth is
Less pretty
Less romantic

I met you and
You met me.
Laboratory mates
On search
Independence Day.

Lunch mates
Text mates
Days in between
Group mates
(School)Work mates
When the need be.

But bonds can be
b r o k e n.
And you became
One of them
We call you.
Rich *******
Get it?

But then we
Rekindled the lost fire
Bonds can be broken
(Bonds with the wrong people)
Laboratory mates
Lunch mates
Text mates
Group mares
(School)Work mates
F r i e n d s
(Best friends maybe)

We got separeted
And at first
It didn't stop us
But eventually
We began to
A p a r t
Bonds CAN indeed be broken
B r o k e n
(And you became one of them)

What happens when
You don'y exceed the
Seven-year friendship mark?
You begin to
A p a r t
Until your bones are crushed
Your body numbed
Your voice hushed.
Dedicated to Emmeline.
Happy Halloween.

— The End —