slide the edge and swish... there goes the sprouting thread, red, thin, settled as spots on my denim not so blue now on my arms of fainting red, soon to be white lifless meat to serve the waiting wild beast
Please Be Mine My sweetheart don't leave me in this hour of trial Accept me with all my weaknesses and drawbacks Please reconsider me to be companion for a while Allow me to explore your sweet beauty on tracks
Your charm and chrisma make me just intoxicated In romantic season I want to capture sweet beauty My sweet love is so clearly stated and loudly dictated Please be kind and not cruel make me but just free
I want to be in your company to get real satisfaction Be genrous to extend all your charm and your grace With lifless heart and lightless eyes I need perfection Please embrace me my love be mine, be face to face
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan Copyright June 2020 Love Remains