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My lovely star, why can't you see that your actions are taking over me? It's like you're on a mission to tear me up inside. Do you really like to see it when I cry? Your lack of effort kills me inside, I don't know what to do about this situation. Yet I know you need your education. But it always seems that you act so secluded avoiding the things that need to be met, acting excluded from a group or two. Saying (the school got the best of you!) or your mom and dad degraded you. Saying everyone hated you/hates you. But my dear i'm still right hear, it can't get anymore clear. But the fact you say you'll try harder, but you lack the effort to show me. Disown me if nessasry. Is it too much to ask for the effort in return that I excert? Or are you to blind and lost by all the hurt people have cast upon you? I don't want to hear (babe I'm trying my dear!) Show me the effort you so kindly hide in this lost void of disguize. I know deep hurt lerks behind those pretty little brown eyes, and big smiles of yours. But all I ask his that you be the star I know you can and sweetheart it's not all that far away. I'd follow you until the end anyday.
I wrote this out of emotional problems. I am having at the moment.
Sitting in the corner of the room

A silent form lerks

Forever watching


For the perfect time

To drag and steal

Another light

Into its eternal darkness
Angela Oct 2010
The shadows call me to the dark
I hear a cat scream and the big dog bark
It is bright as summer but, cold from the rain
Slowly I unravel ...embrace the insane
You always try to save me
you think I'm going to fall
If you only knew
I dread to hear the call
I walk from within the shadows
and down the lonely block
Hear the birdies singing
watch the lady breathing
Wonder why we are really here at all
You always try to save me
hold me and constrain me
There is no way to tame me
Just let me be myself
And this we will remember
when the storms of this september
shimmer to an ember
And we place it on a shelve
and continue into winter
Holding on and dreaming
of summer's distance embrace
the tint of your sunkissed face
And the shadows that challenge my grace
The darkness that lerks beneath
There can not be a repeat
For there's nothing there to beat
And I will never claim defeat
You always try to save me
Love me and obey me
Take my heart and warm it
Grab my hand and hold it
Don't let go...oh, don't you dare
You know I am here...You know that I care
The shadows they call to me
but, theres no fear I wish you'd see
It's just a place I sometimes go
To toughen the spirit and challange the soul
love is a sweet and beautiful flower filled with nector.
It has its danger sometimes you can get stung by the
bee of loves anger and hard times,it hurts for a few
days then goes away. danger also lerks in the aroma
of attatchment. Drink the sweet nector of love it goes
right for the heart. It can cause Intense pleasure and
happieness but can also cause the most pain a person can
go threw.
Stu Harley Sep 2014
what lerks behind
these prison walls
where death
pace up and down
the halls
deep inside
the prison cells
are pitch black souls
that scream and yell
extend their hands
that grib and pull
these cold iron bars
the faceless souls
inside death row
tells who we are
I don't understand. Who am I? What am I? Am I alive or not or am I a dream. Am I an aspiration or a thought or a thing that I myself can't explain or explore. I don't understand what I was made for, who was I made for or what I was made to do. Sometimes I think, what's real from fake, what's right from wrong. I never understand whether what I'm doing is right or wrong, I am different from the others, I talk different, I look different, I act different, I behave and think different from all others and I believe that I am different from the rest for a reason. Sometimes I think about me and others canally. What are we, are we toys, are we a game, are we so kind of lab rat or a test to see what is to be change for the other set to come. Why were we 'Humans' created, for what purpose, to be who, to be what, to do what, are we all I a vision are we all an illusion are we all a prop for God's play or 'plan'. I don't understand. Why did he made us, was he lonely, and is he still lonely. Is he afraid of being alone, is he bored of being alone, or is he alone? Do he have anyone out there like him, is there any one like him that lerks out there. Who is he? Is he God, who is God, what is God,.... Where is God? Is he too mighty to talk to us, is he too good to walk with us, is he too holy to coexist with us, or is he too high to get our level. Is it because he made us, and feels that we should be in sin, why do we have sin, didn't he made us with sin. Because he knew we were going to sin, he knew when, he knew how, and he knew when and why and what time of the day. Or do he? Does he really know, does he really see all, does he love all. What do he loves, what is love is it real or just a ******* of a lie to be or to feel something that's not true. I believe and yet I don't believe. Because I see too much that came to past that made me think about my existence and why I was made. Do we have to believe, do we have to obey, do we have to love, or do we have to live. Do we have to do right or are destine to do wrong. Do we have to choose or what to choose. I don't need a vision, I don't need a test, I don't need a sign to believe. But I believe that I need a reason and a purpose and understanding ot belive. I find its no fare to be faithful and loyal and honest and respectful and obedient, for what, for who and why? I want to choose, I want to understand, I want to believe, I want to be me, but I don't know who's me. He said to fear him and love and serve home in spirit and in truth. I get so afraid that my heart literally beats faster every time I think about what might happen if I don't pray for the day, and when I sleep, and when I eat and what might happen if I don't pray for the things I have. I feel afraid every day and night and I can't take it any more. Is this the fear that he means is this the love that he means is this the faith he want us to have, to live in a fear of our lives just because he created us. Then they say that we don't have the right to answer or question him. But don't we have a voice and a choice to make, then why we can't speak to him or why wont he speak to us. Is he afraid to be wrong is he afraid to appear as false and a liar. If he is all mighty and powerful then why did he let sin live and why does he still let it. Why don't he destroy is all and enjoy the company of the one he created a little higher than us, why don't he live in peace and harmony with his watchers. Does he feel that lucifer will laugh at him for breaking his promise to man, or being weak, or being stressed out and unsatisfied of what man have become. If not why don't destroy us all, be mighty, be powerful, be the lords of lords and the kings of kings. Because I see no difference between you and your forbidden son or fruit. He is trying to prove man and you are trying to prove man, he's interested in the many he can take and you are happy with the many you get. The only difference is that you can live forever with out us but he can't live at all without you. He knows he going to die and he doesn't care. So why should we. Aren't we like him sinful and want to be like you so we creat our own religion and sect. Aren't we like him in a way that all we want is to be free and all powerful like you and live in peace and harmony. Or are you afraid if you make us like you we would over throw you or no longer need you and you would be back to square one, 'Almighty Lonely'. So these are my questions and I know they won't be answered, but they would be written down. So answer to me if we as the wheat live with the unholy then how can the tares become wheat and wheat become tares, why are we forgiven but the devil as they call him can't be. Is it his purpose in this life. What if we all chose to be like him would you care then, would you walk away and leave us to burn. If you leaveth your own son to suffer without a second chance then why are still here, why are we still forgiven, why are we still loved but he's not. Isn't he your son, then what are we to you if we are not appreciated be you. We are nothing without you, so why can't we be free for as long as we wish or is it that the time is closer now, is it that you chose to come now or you are impatient to wait for those who want to enjoy the freedom, their humanhood, their lives and their wishes in this world before there is no more of it. Please I beg you let me be, I will not forget you, nor your words, nor your teavhings, but I will always be conscious of who and what you are, because I don't understand? I love you and I don't need to see you, I have faith and the same applies, all I ask is the opportunity to be a sinner and a born proud one that you made me as. I am wrong yes I acknowledge it everyday I awake from my slumber and all I ask is to have a mercy on me and not my soul, because the flesh is weak but my heart, my soul is willing to serve you in spirit and in truth.

— The End —