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Tara Emad Jul 2012
Bebe Kuba* made the best Kuba ever
But one day, her hands got tired and severed,
Bebe Kuba, sang the best lullabies
But when we came to sing them back it was time for goodbyes

Like a new born baby till her last day
Creamy skin, smells like flowers so sweet, Eyes shining like beams,
Heart so pure, it couldn’t handle its own clean.

It’s true; you don’t know what you have till you lose it
And I can never twist and turn and find any good excuses.
Now you’re not near me, I am afraid, because I know man made this world so dark,
You took all your light and took it somewhere oh so far.
My heart is terribly aching, in this world I can’t stay alone
But thank you for making my uncle’s, aunt, and mom.

Knowing how wonderful Bebe Kuba was,
I have no choice, but to notice, how unbearable everyone else is.
I can’t help but know for a fact,
I will never be loved as Bebe Kuba loved me,
Love so much that they would feed me and pray for me
Love so much to stay awake all night till I fell asleep
Love me enough to ask me everyday how I’m doing, hoping I’m fine
Who could be as happy to see me as she? No one quite like Bebe
I will never be loved as Bebe Kuba loved me. Ever

Not only did she give, give and give when she was alive and well
She still gives till this very day; my strength to go on as good as I will

Although Bebe Kuba never went to college to learn what an average would learn,
She taught me the most priceless lesson an un-average person could earn.
Even if I stated this lesson now, and it sounded wise
Nobody will truly understand it unless they open their eyes,
When you feel like you have nothing look around you and see
The best thing you can have is your family.

If everyone was like Bebe Kuba, There would be no war
Iraq would still be the heavens she once adored,
Humanity would be doing what it should have been when it was first made.
So Bebe Kuba was a gift from God,
A true meaning of a human beings worth
If I do not grow to bring out in me what she is;
Then I will have failed miserably in my mission on earth.

Remember me when I loved you Bebe,
Don’t forget how much you meant to me
If I caused you any pain, forgive me.
And when I did not show the love, just know that I love you completely.
It’s never too late to find out,
Next Friday the angels will tell you what I am about.
And the Friday after that they will tell you what I will do
I will live and love and never stop thanking you.

Saturday, February 9 2008 around 9 pm
I lost
A grandmother, a friend, an angel, a treasure, the reason I am alive, the reason I ate healthy, the reason I learned to love, the reason I planned for college, the reason I wanted to pray, I lost a part of my heart, I lost me
And this is the same reason; I will be a success, I will pray to God, I will live, I will love
No matter what the horrible cost I get for doing so is.
Because if I do not, Bebe Kuba will be very disappointed when she sees me next time…
I wrote this when I was 18.
* "Bebe" is a colloquial Arabic word meaning grandmother
"Kuba" is a type of traditional food that is basically minced meat & spices clumped into a spherical form
I used to call her Bebe Kuba when I was just a child because I couldn't pronounce her name "Wadha" so I just pegged the best food she made to her nickname as grandmother. A lot of my ideals changed since then but I find myself agreeing with these promises I made every time I read this. That's how greatly she touched me, to the point that I would stick to certain ideologies even if I don't fully understand/agree with them.
wendy maqwazima Oct 2016
abadala sube bengaphazami xabe sithi isxhosa asitolikwa...
njenga ndoda nganye inentonga yayo esimelela ngayo  
lento iluthando iyakakaswa okwe sana elibomvu iyanaswa iyatefiswa kuba kalok yona ayifani na ntoni na onothi uyihluthe naku bani na...ibalulekile!
bendinothi ndanelisekile
bendinothi ndonwabile
bendinothi ndikhululekile
ntonje igqondo ixakekile nomphemfulo udandathekile
intliziyo yophukile ngamathemba  angekhoyo...
mhla kwa phuma ilanga kwa vela ukukhanya...uzundibize!

ukukhanya zanyamalala zonke ipazamo ne ingxaki uze unsibiE
Emanzi Ian Feb 2022
N'olwazi lumala ne lwatika
Naawe eyali yansuubiza obutaligenda,wamala nondeka
Nondeka nga ndaaga nga ndi nzekka
Bwebatyo omukwano gwaffe omungi gwetwalina neguyiika
Naye kiki ekyagaana?
Kuba omukwano gwaffe gwali mungi ng'ettaka
Kino sakisuubila nti gulidda wansi negukka
Naye kati omutima wamenya noleka awo
Omukwano gwaffe wasuula busuuzi awo nga bisasilo ku kasasilo
Byonna byetwayitamu,ng'ekisiimula wasiimula
Kati bwenkuba essimu,oba ng'atagiwulira
Bwoyamba nogikwata ebigambo byoyogela bindetela okwejjusa
Naye eky'okukwagala sikyejjusa
Olwazi Nalwo lumala ne lwatika.
Emanzi Ian Feb 2022
Nkwatako n'obwo obugalo obuwewela ng'obuviiri bw'omuwele
Nkwatako mpewele
Engeli gyo nkwatamu empeweza ne'mba ng'omuwele
Buli lwonkwatako mpulira nga nzikakanye
Mpulira ng'omuliro ogubadde gubumbuggya munze gukakanye
Bwombela okumpi,kyinzikakanya ebilowoozo,nzenna omutima neguba muteefu
Bambi jjangu gyendi,vaayo eyo ewala ggyooli
Jjangu ombeele kumpi omponye ekiwubaalo
Okubeela wo kwo,okumpi nange kyimpa essanyu elya namaddala
Kunze,eddoboozi lyo ddagala
Ye ggwe omu bwati gwe njagala
Ye gwe gwe njoya
Bambi jjangu onkwateko omponye okufa
Bwemba naawe,mba siyoya
Bwombela ewala,mba nkuyoya ng'akasana ko kumukya
Mba nkutaawa ng'olubuto kumakya bwe lutaawa ekyenkya
Sisobola kuliinda lwa nkya,olwaleero lee netaaga
Naye bwe lunaaba lwa nkya,nja kusula nga nkwesuunga nga mbaga
Nja kuguma,nja kuliinda kuba gwe wange,
Tosobola kunjiwa!

Obulungi bwo kitone
Omutonzi yabukuweesa mutima gumu
Empisa zo zzaabu,oli ttabbu
Oli wanjawulo ela omutonzi ya kwawula mu banno
Nesiimye mu bonna abangi omukisa waguwa nze
Nesiimye oli wange,ela nkukakasa nange ndi wuwo wekka
Bali abalina ensimbi be zzaabu wabaleka n'osiima nze
Nkusuubiza tojja kwejjusa
Sili kuletera kwejjusa
Nze Ani,
Nze Ani eyalondebwa malayika
Nesiimye omutonzi yakunsiindikira ompe emirembe
Leero lwatuuse netuba ffembi neera,Bambi nkwatako nfune otulo

Nkwatako nfune otulo
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2021
even i'm surprised at my palette...
i shouldn't be enjoying this...
this being a Bohemian absinthe liquor...
some strange pellets at the bottom
of the bottle... coming in at 60% proof
(read, past participle, i.e. "red":
not, reed, to)
my guess was... coriander seeds...
but no...
        it tastes like absinthe does:
few things put me off... easting or drinking-wise...
szechuan pepper: certainly turns me off...
the spice with the added tongue numbing...
evil food ingredient in the wrong hands...
but... aniseed? **** me... even i'm bewildered...
why do i appreciate this flavour?
well... it's absinthe...
it's a long way away from herr whiskers
and ms. amber of the whiskey...
or sweeter, finer than silk:
the greatest thing to come out of
the u.s. of A... bourbon...
this Bohemian absinthe "liquor" has all
the aniseed: Annie... not ANY: seed...
but an added twist...
the bitterness of an IPA: indian pale ale...
bitterness... that's another dimension
i appreciate...
mr. Joshua was defeated by a Crimean
Cossack... a balance of racial-baiting
has been achieved...
long distant cousin... actually:
no cousin at all...
   one's a Slav the "other" (me) a Slav...
lost the supposed attached E...
Germs & Germans in Berlin...
in London... once upon a time...
i much prefer etymology to Darwinism...
i like the history of words...
"like"... faux pas...
        ooh! ooh!
           my ooh to your: ouch...
lick some ice...
        it's an implosion of the burning
humanitarian aid for
lobsters... it's apparently humane
to freeze them... first...
rather than boil them: outright...
and such are the concerns of English politicians
these days...
if i were asked... relatively speaking:
freezing something: alive...
is... more time spent on the same sort
of agony jested with boiling them
the usual Hapsburg absinthe: 90+% proof
tended to be sweeter...
i even allowed myself the whole
ritual of soaking up a cube of sugar
with the "stuff" and setting it alight...
i'd roam in havoc while displaying this
burning sugar-cube to
inanimate things in the kitchen:
catching a 2nd tier better shift at
proofing myself for bones & tendons:
and... ****** expressions that
i could turn into cold lamb poker...
etymology rather Darwinism...
Darwinism is big in the Anglophone sphere
of the world...
it's like... Copernicus in Poland...
a... an... ahem: a "national treasure":
a bit like Judie Dench...
but outside? history killer theory...
like: living in stasis: living with static...
from the ape to the current man:
the same old boorish ******* excuse:
but it's the 21st century...
everything was to be solved in...
the, 21st century?
everything was to become apparent...
clearer... rainbow lights flickers: "better"?
the excuse of all excuses:
but it's the 21st century...
it's a century not distinguished from
all the others that have passed...
well... there are some additions i wasn't
expected... electric bicycles...
moi... i like the idea of generating my own
momentum... it's not enough
to just press a foot on the peddle
of a oil drinking dachshund / horse...
i'm Pontius Pilate when i'm on a bicycle...
i've washed my feet clean on the matter
of having a carbon footprint...
count one of my awkward farts
as loosening up constipation:
not one with the cow brigade...
Havering County Park...
trees... forests & ****...
deer... foxes... horses...
the one time i visited Kenya i lounged...
and fed greedy macaques bags of sugar
and tea... and we lounged on the balcony
while security guards on site aimed
at them with slingshots...
- hardly think that the piano (only)
rendition of Wagner's:
Valhalla: the gods' entrance into...
is somehow anaemic...
then again... if Chopin or Debussy
or Satie were to be orchestrated...
just this once piece...
it's not anaemic... it's profound:
as ever a piano is... crashing down
in metaphors... it's not Ysaÿe
with his violin... you'd need a Westminster Bridge
for that, mate...
and a stray cat to keep you company...
you can reduce a Wagnerian
symphony to a mere: ahem...
ridicule on the piano...
but you can hardly make a Chopin out
of a Schopenhauer (shopping hour,
joke... like there's no joke: ha ha,
to begin with)
- my my... what happened
to these native folk... who told black comedy
jokes... it's like... they have been
stripped bare-back backwards....
and can't tell a saucy... acid proof joke
these days!
ah: i guess the imagination also dies...
a certain death: not the sort of death
associated with memory:
that fickle creature to begin with...
i guess it comes with the grounds to
make one's effort in...
the dodo undermining project of
the most schematised of men...
i guess i'm trying to posit a +1 scenario...
in a way that... Bukowski was chased for not
gearing up to the suicide squad while
Edward Hopper spent his days...
******* joyfully in Mexico...
- one of my pet peeves is...
how the English shorten names...
Edith becomes Edie...
Abigail becomes... Abs...
Matisyahu... Matthew becomes... door...
Peter becomes Pete...
Thomas becomes Tom...
Jacob... well i like this one...
Jakub in ****** becomes Kuba...
you could even write this in katakana...
i abhor how the English shorten: "pet"
the most crucial nouns associated with a person...
i like the fullest of the full of the noun...
like... an apple is... not an app...
start off with yeast: end up with the Zeppelin:
for ****'s sake!
i'm chasing Zeppelins in my mind...
all the psychopaths are already leash-free...
i'm the schizoid... "problematic": üns...

your language is all tatters... tartan...
churns & chores...
if i were a closest neighbour:
geographically or / and historically...
a Spaniard... a German...
a Fwench-man...
ha ha... English being so unanimous in the lingua
franca domain could be obliterate
on the focus of nuance...

you can: rather: you could have had all the pride
that comes with the implosion of Empire...
no luck... no here: not right now...
how the cards folded how...
so little of England actually remains at its
epicentre... das kapital...
frivolous women who... can... will...
cats have it all...
i like these bonsai specimens...
a dog is a creature most associated with men:
i don't like leashes...
cats allow me the leisure of:
no walking the **** out...
no leash... why would i want a substitute for...
ahem... "company"?

Edith should not be Edie...
write me that one... phonetically...
E-D... ****'s sake Edith!
Abigail becoming: Abs... is it... "cute"?!
i like the name: Abigail...
why a shortening "comparison"
with a six pack of Fosters?!
not matched up to a 6 footer of prospect
dating material of a man in the torso region?
- i abhor this sentiment in English...
shortening names...
one wouldn't shorten the noun:
trousers... trou?
pet names me not like...
apes are for us!
       Darwinism didn't simply bother a vanity
of man, according to Freud...
while Marx based his ideology on...
Hegel's lecture notes.. it's not like
he read the phenomenology of spirit...
                          Darwinism for me kills the concept...
nay! more the concern for history!
Darwinism doesn't **** off a human vanity:
what does Darwinism present:
everything has a purpose..
nature abhors vacuums..
physics, satellites... Newtonian projectiles
might like them so much...
in nature everything has a purpose...
there is no "room"... cube worth of "thought"...
how romance biased to suppose:
Devonshire had anything original to
posit... Darwinism in a nut-shell:
nature abhors vacuums
all is used to use...

what's allowed in the Anglo-sphere Empire
implosion: dicta...
curry curry curry...
we're all supposed to taste the food of
a superiority complex... prior to what happened
when Genghis Khan reached...
squint eye:: BAL-WA-RUK...

i have here... a list of ingredients of the absinthe
i'm drinking

my foremost mistake was...
associating females within the confines
of deities..
i sketched them...
one: young... peering into a mirror
seeing herself old...
some others... i didn't have a **** of envy
for i sketched them...
too bad..

like the mythological drive for the will
of the Nazis...
sourcing their fakery in Scandinavia...
me?! Aryan... Samaritans...
pleb as whole...people most grieved...
start to chant in katakana...
in a makeshift of...

no... purely...  consonants...
the vowels extend the breath...
the consonants give base...
the list of ingredients of "that" Bohemian absinthe...
i'm aiming for the coriander pellets...
no chance: ****'s sake:
i'm not reading Czech... no ******
with a second name like
   how about Lothar....ever... would?

              awry: you: this... yew... yes?! no?!
whichever... right about... now!
Emanzi Ian May 2022
Byamwenya binyumila,antambulira kimbejja
Akawato ka nnumba,ensiingo ya biseela,
Amaaso agatunuza ng'agasasila
Njagala mutwale eyo ewala
Tubeele babili naye eyo ewala
Nga tuli just nze naye
Taliiyo asobola okunfananila ye
Kuba byakola bibye yekka
Infact,mweyagaliza nzekka
Owange,tugenda eyo mu nsozi,oba mu biziinga?!!
Honey jjukila nti gw'abasiinga
Njagala onsuubizenga nti toli ndekka
Tolindeka kubaleka baseke
Tobaleka kuseka ng'ondese
Nkwagala nnyo ekyo kyo nja kukyikujjukizanga
Byonkolera ebisiinga binkyamulanga
Ela ku lwekyo,kankube n'omulanga
Ono omwana bamutwala dda!!
Ela,abaali bagezaako okumukwana,mujjeyo essuubi
Ssi mu bubi
Ono omwana bamuwangula dda
Emabega talidda
Mubeele eyo,eno yemujja

Discovered from the archives.
Emanzi Ian Feb 2022
Omukwano gwaffe muto ng'ekimuli ekya'kamulisa
Nyumilwa nnyo engeli gye weyisa
Njagala nnyo bwompisa
Fukilila nga nange bwe nfukilila
Fukilila omukwano gwaffe gwongele okumulisa
Nkubilako bwe ndwawo okukuba,
Oba wakili sindikayo ka-message
Anti okwo keep kufukilila ekimulu kyaffe ekito
Kinzikakanya ng'onyumiza ku lunnaku lwo bwe lubadde,eyo mu kilo
Awo mba nja kukakkanya bulungi omutwe ku pillow
Omukwano gwange for you guli mu kilo
Sagala nnaku kuyita nga tetuwuliziganya,tokiganya kubaawo
Mba nja kuba ng'omutima teguli mu nteeko
Nga ssi muteefu
Kindetera okulowooza nnyo kubakwesunze
Bangi bakwesuunga,
Bangi bekyayisa obubi nga twefunye
Tebatwagaliza kusigala ffena
Ky'ovolaba nga nsaba oyongele okufukilila
Fukilila ekimulu kyaffe ekito kyongele okumulisa
Bali,emitima gyabwe gyajjula obukyaayi
Bo tusaana kubabeela Wala,
Ela tubeewale
Mulungi wange,jjangu twongele okufukilila

Fukilila ekimulu kyaffe ekito tukiwonye okukala
Bwe wewala abatatwagaliza,oba ofukilila
Bwe wewala abagala okulaba nga nze naawe twettade,obeela ela ofukilila
Bwe tuba ffembi ng'ondaga ku kamwenyu ko,obeer'ela ofukilila
Nkusuubiza nti mu mbeela yonna,neetegese okukuwanilira
Nja kukulwanila,
Nja kukulwanila
Kinnyongela essuubi okumanya nti oli wange,gwe omwana w'abalungi
Nti ela wasiima nze mu Bangi
Nnyongela okukusuubiza nti nja kufukilila omukwano mu bungi
Nkukakasa sijja kwekyusa mu langi

Fukilila omukwano gwaffe gukule.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
this is not england circa 1945!

wenn sehnsucht für...

und sein im: ..................
surd toward a ditto
a "said part"

israeli techno...
habit of celebration,
this, your israel,
has become....
the one place to visit...
of Beirut...

mogul israeli and a...
english tongue?
and not a whut-whut-whut
commoner: "mon":
ça fait longtemps, dis donc...

cedilla... some french
variant of the ancient greek
variation of "s"..
or... "otherwise"... an "oops"...

here's to me, champagne *******
every kenyan ivory beauty is....
no... it's pretty much..
being able... being-****-able...
to be allowed a hard-on...
with an ivory beauty on the "roll"...

i need to feed the act of performing:
guess who's who without
3rd part interests...
i want that bone-fiddled *** of mine
that coccyx that... Latisia night nurse...
um and that abc "ouch"
grief unto you: for having
this... i sometimes grieve...
the "assurance".... of having
a mamă...

there's an enchanté(e)?
the Titanic... will... sink!
there's no joke with a hindsight...
the Titanic will sink...
and i'll be the ******* iceberg!

no ******* Kilar choir will save
this paupers' and... what not akin
to pennies reigning down from heaven
as rain!

"the better man"... no Ovid
via Pearl Jam...
or... November 1, 1959, mild mannered C.C. Baxter:
which is the best: "whatever"...

that serenity of the 1950s...
movies... and that "leftover" of "jazz"...
as ever: the go home tow two me "son"..
another one of those canadian:
whips up a candy and says
it best via a: V: Vancouver and via
Beijing it is sinking...

sleepless in Seatlle had to become...
homeless without a Beijing....
or some other hare krishna
of a merry christmas and some...
merry to go round of a hanukkah...
because pearl jam told them to do so...
when... past library bells...
no... not vitalogy...
not the song red mosquisto...
what album?!
do i ******* look like some nova scotia...
bogus bog baron...
triade... fencing tartan...
new scot makes it big and canada is welcome...
eh eh what?!

low light...
seattle will never make it toward
a focus on a canadian heaven@
no big ******* when it comes
to knitting-nirwana either...
brian or the brain of J...
and the "no way"...
what's that... bass or no bass at all?
canadian trump nirvana?

perhaps i'm just the most,
well assured, simpleton counter 16 old
queen preg Juno daughter of...
when daddy didn't make the jazz
band as the drummer...
hence: i was born...

that wide and open: highway...
perhaps that's why you can ever, ever,
play jazz. beside the impromptu...
the major focus is supposed with a pivot on:
well... it's not like
you ever heard it before,
or would ever have? would you?

so you write jazz... you impromptu...
you would never have ever had had
ever had listened to it before...
canadian grunge would have...
never... shot a dead-lead
into a cranium focus of... "whoops"...

and so it survived... and gave stockholm
impressions of a beijing yet to come!
perhaps: canada: that place i wished
my parents made it...
but... counting the current grey-matter *******?
here's to: here's to!
aici la sorbi unii apă din Bucureşti (SH when
you see a caron hiding)...

nirvana and the discoteque...
with US... or what's alice in chains
and the whole: growing up with grunge...
and the joseph roth "debate"...
the schattendieb: concerning actors...
actors being: der schattendieb...
shadow thieves...

aren't they? aren't actors elevated circumstances
of thieves?
what is there to steal...
if you're only, if you're "only",
and only, "stealing" a shadow?
well then: you're made pristine in the request to:

here's to learning some romanian
and not focusing on the nativitistic concerns
of a people who...
yawn... and yawn once more...
figured only a history lesson was worth
being reminded...
and... not... not... assimilating to the modern
world was... ahem: YAWN...
because the hindu-hebrew et al....
and because... because...
the natives have spoken!
but we can't make the natives....
"suddenly"... bilingual "all of a sudden"...
we need new pampers new diapers...
we need more pencil sharpeners!
we need to go places where no Armstrong was
ever to be t.v. screened!

this really comes as a self-depecriating humor...
as to... why am i not a polyglot?!
why base it upon an english focus?
why am i not speaking german...
enough enough to move there?
why am i not speaking enough mandarin to
move to Vancouver with the housing crisis?
living with your parents
and not milking the Ed Gein meme?
too bad for you too!

the nirvana anthem is worth the ones that:
continue to come "un-expected"...
the pearl jam anthem is worth the ones that:
for some, obscure ******* reason...
didn't drop stone-cold dead...
like: the oops that never dies
and will never be a hey-presto or
that wonder-bill of a magic theatre translation...

so much for today, tomorrow...
and all those happy birthdays that everyone sends
but never wishes unto each other;
em... our lady peace? are you sad...
i was really this "young"?
did i grow up?
the besnard lakes: people of the sticks...
it's still canadian music...
isn't it?

it's hardly: chevalier, mult estes guariz...
rollo: duke of normandy...
blah blah m'eh blah monsieur!
as i am: Pan...
if i were to strip this... fiasco of the acquisitive
tongue... when no native is a king
before me but a citizen of my equal worth...
but not until! this time is ripe!
until... until the natives think themselves
as kings in their role of citizenship!
until that time comes...
before the natives... the english:
a most sordid lot! aren't they?
the pauper thinks himself a king...
as long as... there's a foreigner in their midst!
an englishman will think himself a king...
among foreigners...
when his fellow kin are too few!

what a barren man!
he will subsequently lever his presence among...
the empire of his... compatriots...
his... immigrants... his expatriate h'americans
and australians...
but unto me... come back... as either
scot, an irishman, a welshman,
and englishman: but first as king!
as first a king and the mortgage manager
of bricks and mortar!
imagine my disbelief:
Richard the Lionheart never spoke
a word of this hubris of a tongue!
this is the tongue that no king should dare speak...
this tongue is reserved for pride-riddling
peasants... commoners...
communists and inter-nationalists...
the fact that there are natives hiding in it like
some hobbits... only exemplifies my remarks...

i only repay... what has been lagging...
i repay... what is due...
an honest critique...
these people have already spoken
their self-critique...
i am literally adding nothing to it...
i am happy though...
that such people find each other...
to inbreed among each other...
the polacks and the anglican saxons...
the most welcome twin peoples of this welcome
i would sooner find myself ******* a kenyan
or a romanian girl that care to upkeep
the copernican or the darwinian
gene-tripping of continuity...

i'd sooner **** a kenyan "chimp"
than an english or a ****** neanderthal albino;
but of course... that's until...
i hear the rob roy...
robert the bruce...
and how is it that Kuba: Jacob is a Hebrew
name... but... Matisyahu: Matthew: isn't?!

and there's no harvest of wheat...
there's only the... meandering of: flimsy grammar...
if only the testimony of pronouns usage...
and... how dobermann puppies were
raised for aesthetic purposes...
how their ears were made focus for
a snippet... to protude up-right like
circumcised *******-pieces of the last-day
advent chimps of man...

the circumcised man says:
no greater sorrow than the...
******* man...
says the same man...
who allows the un-circumcised woman
to... film herself donning the...
guillotine play-thing...
like it was never an Adam scratching
his cranium from a pandora of
a prophesy of a future: of a loss of hair...
but the woman is still allowed to *******...
the man is "not supposed to":
even if he is not yet circumcised!

this sort of logic must exist exlusively
among circumcised men...
i am... i am... dying...
to see how an f.g.m. model makes
it onto these **** websites...
and starts... beating stiff the already
eager pickled gherkin... into a ballet of prima ballerina!
yes... solo...
guess what? i will not hear...
a mouse's peep-squeak! concerning this...
the circumcised man giving lectures
to uncircumcised men about:
how best not to *******...
and then... what if the only **** i watch...
is bound, exclusively...
to uncircumcised women jerking off?
what if i need to curb my "**** addiction"...

honest to god! i'm looking for f.g.m. ****!
i'm looking for f.g.m. ***** solos and i can't find any!
i tend to ******* to videos of women still
equipped with ******* doing the sly-herring
bit of skinning a "missing minute"...
yes? yes?

i'm sorry... did you think that you had my *******?
if my lashing out on a chimp's lip of "tomorrow"
was ever so bad...
how about... treating your daughter to one of those muslim:
whip em while you're still at ease?
i'm not circumcised... she's not circumcised...
i'm in no way going to approach her:
to get her closer...
she's jerking off herself silly...
i'm just going to tango with her in her solipsism...
you will have to circumcise one of us...
which one are you going to circumcise...
if you circumcise the wrong ***...
perhaps you might meet the right mark of a snippet...

hardly finding a kippah in a ******* niqab's
worth of a snippet...
but you know how these orthodox people
bother themselves:
no one has yet to cut off their noses
or their ears...
and it's like they have anything "missing"
with their excess of ******* alongside
either phallus or ******...

i figured it must be an argument of the circucised...
if they allow women... to not be circumcised...
and... las vegas their **** to a paradise of
finger-licking-ooh... or goo...

oh i am bitter... because a circumcised man
said so... a circumcised man said so...
he said: the uncircumcised man should
not imitate an uncircumcised woman...
since... no circumcised man...
ever masturbated... over a video posted
by a circumcised woman!

'ave eye oi vey sabbaton?!
Mateuš Conrad May 2018
2 years worth of celibacy
is worth an hour
        of interrogation...
esp. if no genitals are
          and how hard is it
to... kiss-leech
                    a *******?
2 years will tell you...
                ****** being
deemed: nice...
     to come into
                    no less ******
having the odd
chance at pedagogy
in a thrill of a night
   in a remote
parkinglot of a supermarket's
closing hours...
to decipher
          a digestion of
akin to pork liver,
or poultry hearts...
and then:
the concept of
the posture of man...
which parts
most illuminated
as edible,
in the canvas of night?
poor kuba...
        twice the minded
libido in
boorish people
     worth the minor
       clue of a postcard.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2021
140 years ago these women would have been
derided - hell... beyond derision...
they would have a personal crusade launched
against them by some Kuba: Jack: Jacob
the Ripple & hardly the rapper: pish-poor
poet... it's not enough to abhor that one
poem Walt Whitman wrote...
                 last time i checked: i didn't give
her £120 for an hour: £2 per minute for
some ****** conversation...
               we wouldn't be found eating anything
except each other's lips...
that money wasn't for lies...
or to tend to my plum-bruise of a vanity
     a body so well worn it could be mistaken
for an antique leather chair...
not an inch of hair: shy...
superior in motif of reigniting the shy deer
- because i don't like the way people ****
in *******: perhaps something from
the classical period: Italy... 1970s...
but not how it happens these days...
all those Japanese girls and the art of insinuation:
feeds the imagination...
but on the antics of the setting sun crew:
all that ****... all that... ugh...
not that i'm owed anything:
but i only spend money on whiskey...
she'll prop up the economy on little pointless
somethings to buy...
- what's the counter argument: if any?
   of those things that make life indispensable...
shelter... nourishment... ***?
if i am not owed a human touch...
   i already practice rubbing my hands:
esp. my fingertips on a brick wall before
i enter the brothel and see her body
in braille...
but all contained in that one hour:
fire & water... earth & air...
stars & vacuum...
a list of songs that best encapsulates
the act: nine inch nails' heresy [version]...
   boy harsher: country girl EP
trevor something: into your heart...
    trentemøller: deceive...
anything by portishead...
   so cruel by poliça...
   the kilink: nautilus...
               such is the price of freedom...
so much so you'd think, me writing this in 2021...
it would feel... like some second pinnacle
of liberation...
like the 1960s ****** revolution did take place:
for both women... & men...
well... for some: & men...
                           between all that anaemic take
on ***... all the rubber & anaesthetic of the digital
no getting your hands *****...
blah blah...
             a visit to the brothel isn't a "shortcut"...
what qualms: being single...
what baby-trap... just wholesome fuckery...
like baking a muffin with ripe bananas...
oats and pecans...
*** that feels like nourishment...
*** that feels like: having a roof over your head...
*** that's not tired *** *** that needs
to be "improved" with games...
toys... roles... ******* uniforms...
at that point *** is chore...
       ******* numbing **** shrivelling...
say... how often do you walk to your local
store for a pint of milk at 9:30pm...
and find... two cans of hipster IPA est. MMXV
'heart & soul' (GLUTEN FREE)
on the sidewalk... one opened and finished...
the other unopened?
someone's watching over me...
or someone wants to have a drink with me...
of course i took it...
it was an unopened can of hipster IPA...
- in the end you're paying for something...
on a date: a dinner... the cab home...
the condoms... the flowers... etc.
why not just stop pretending... cough up
what's in the back of the mind up-front
and do away with the lies, the pretending...
after all... i find it hard to imagine
that it's easy to lie to someone when they're
naked... when both of you are naked...
she might tell me to avert my eyes
when she's cleaning herself in the shower
after the antics...
but... she'll be honest in saying she likes me...
she'll even ask where i got my scar from:
that one on my right shoulder-blade...
i'll joke and tell her:
that's the wing they clipped off...
the other one is still attached: invisible...
obviously it's... well... a romance itch...
citing that i was born circa 2 weeks after
the Chernobyl disaster... even though it happened
in the Ukraine... the effects were felt in Poe-Land
Paul's Land... a streak of autumn in the trees
in the middle of spring... pregnant women drinking:
******* IODINE...
when everyone is at it in that:
sociopathic sort of way...
    the tender man who still believes in: room'ance...
ha... i was i was: until i wasn't...
i don't even "think" it's about:
me getting some after a Teutonic stint in Lithuania
of 3 years: dry with "warring" in the pagan forests...
not the jealous type...
thank god there's no topic of rings...
******* rings... ****-hurt emotions about:
ownership... the modality of mediocre morals...
i'd still love to **** in a forest at night
with a ****** moon...
autumn... with the scent of sweet decay...
frisky air... that sort of thing...
years of denial - crow... another great song
to: mingle with the maggot **** of limb
through to limbless...
- to reiterate: i hardly paid for lies...
after all... in all brutish honesty one would
tell me: how all the black guys have
envious parts in their pants...
sure... and the ancient Greeks noted that
a large phallus implied something along
the lines of "physiognomy" a barbarism...
another laughed about my man-*****
before i got into shape and lost 20kg...
what wonders 100 push-ups a day can do...
i'm no pornographer...
it would require me rereading some of
Marquis de Sade getting a hard-on from
mere reading...
   one of those books: to be read using one
but it's no game of pretending:
that a nun is on offer...
         all the best possible **** with the least
amount of responsibility...
always stressing personal hygiene...
which was probably unthinkable 100 years prior..
but when everyone's at it: sociopathic-ally...
among the "woke" crowd: i'm: slept...
it would take a Mongol invasion...
it would take the Teutonic crusade (i blame
that ******* Barbarossa not learning
to swim... or inventing the bicycle...
sure... he made it to Jerusalem... as a rancid pickle)
it would take the Swedish deluge...
it would take the Ottoman Turks at Vienna...
it would take Catherine the Great...
it would take the Nazis and the Soviets...
to get me to somehow... bargain with
pink tushies...  wangry woes of -man...
- the fable of the infamous ****-pick "shelf-ie":
that men take it after they have just
*******... so it looks larger...
hell... what competition taking one:
oh god... a ******* intact... no MGM in sight...
then again: no "MGM" also no tonsure...
or kippah... or a niqab... worthy sacrifices should
this tight-knit beginning & end of a tux imitation
come off...
i don't see why i can't celebrate prostitutes...
they're better than priests & / or psychiatrists...
in the grand scheme of "things" of the 3P's...
priests... psychiatrists... prostitutes...
i'm last: if i'm a poet to begin with:
i don't think i am: not that rhyming is a measure
of what's doodled and doesn't delve into
Horace my guide...
- sometimes whiskey tastes best: warmed up in
a cup of coffee: i'm never returning to adding cream!
- feminists bemoaning the fate of girls
who just like to touch... touch... touch...
it's hardly a carrot & a stick tease with some
pornographic actress... it's ******* a plumber equivalent...
it's not seeing a psychiatrists or therefore a priest
because: it just makes sense...
i hate Walt Whitman for his ******-y audacity...
stick to boys... my only advice...
these women tightly knit leisured like
one might leisure after a well worn leather armchair...
not a nun in sight...

— The End —