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PFL Jul 2016
Within mixed company one might apprehend
Renouncing of truths which encumbers the world  
Symptomatic social submission dyspepsia trend
Peripheral Cocktail conversations’ knurl
With premeditated segments pre-portioned for digestive ease.
Rambling thoughts, forego the shadows from which they unfurled
Blend they do into the abstract of popular sedition.
Modern life’s pace set to the speed of delusions,
Which shatters the barriers, setting free dangerous silent admissions.
From their recesses, where quiet hatred echoes hidden in hushed undertones,
Fed by the collective self interests’ of defensive conclusions,
The camouflage of fallacies, woven into faces we see..

Az Versifier Jun 2020
The live-cam girl
Like the water on a pearl
Wildly My brains gonna twirl
Likely My hearts gonna whirl
In her fathomless murky eyes
Her crazy staring sight
Shootin' Love's poision's swirl
Her reflection on my face !
Her Capped hairs curl..
As her lips gonna hurl,
A pout - charm skirl !
Or An innocent lyrics' furl..
I aint catchin' the language
But I am catchin' girl..
Neither having milestones
World's Life remain a thirl,
Broken roads remain a burl...
Broken dreams remain a knurl...
Lonesome nights are silent pours,
As Everyone  you want cant be yours...

— The End —