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Cassidy Jul 2013
moon light shined off the irisis of her eyes,
creating the tides,
she brung in the waves
that once use to wash up upon your heart;
soaking up the sea foam
from within your veins,
the esquisite lining
around every tear drop
that had fallen into the ocean,
reached your soul;
they cried out, the pain,
the heart ache, the sorrow,
you felt it, you felt it all;
you then knew,
she was apart of you, again
Cassidy Jul 2013
It was like the flames
around the sun had lit up
the irisis around my eyes,
creating such flawless,
seemingless beauty was too easy;
the sun had it's way with me,
lighting up my day after
the clouds had shed a few tears;
the rain drops had fallen off
of the tree from above and danced
around the corners of my tea cup,
the sun finally had reached the top of the sky, letting light shine through the clouds over the mountains, creating a beautiful day;
after all, that is nature's purpose,
to compose such beauty
Emily Jones Apr 2016
I feel like an irisis pushing out of the ground.
Trying not to drown in the rain.
The Noose Dec 2017
You wear the night so well
If the heavens ever did speak
They reiterated endlessly
Of the topography
Of your Irisis
Evoking a gentle bloom
In my chest
cierra fielding Sep 2018
in my heaven a field of irisis will guide the path to you.
Satsih Verma Aug 2018
Priest or thinker,
you wanted a moral engagement.

Moon shined,
You were waiting for a
prophet or saint.

It was pointless,
boat will not arrive. Standing
on beach, your journey ends here.

The sun was too hot. The
umbrella conceals the face
of a motivator. Nobody wants
to touch the fast of dead god.

Irisis shrink. Hole becomes
larger. Now I cannot hate myself.
The blue jewels have become lumps
of wasted stones.

You start diverting
the green death of infallible,
and become real.

— The End —