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Emily L Palmer Aug 2011
The grass is always greener
on the other side
of a twenty six foot tall
security wall.

A wall of hate
and separation,
built in fear
of hostile infiltrations.

Walls like this
weren’t meant to last
as we have learned
from the past.

Graced with graffiti,
the art of outrage.
Protesting politics
and this man made cage.

An outlaw by choice
painting in protest,
yet even in fame
he hides for fear of arrest.

He created art
on the wall
to attest
it’s inevitable fall.

Like windows
to a better world
as if the wall
had become unfurled.

It showed of paradise
and bluer skies,
children waiting
with hopeful eyes.

Hope for change
and a new start,
as if things could be different
because of some art.
We had to write a poem about a piece of art or an artist for poetry. So I chose Banksy.
Chris Saitta Nov 2019
Love, given over to stone,
Encoffinated warmth of sun,
Shielded from the prickled infiltrations
Of a many-menaced world.
But here we live too with porous beauty,
Here we kneel with bulwark of shoulders,
Then fall without a twitch to the wind.
Celso Moskowitz May 2017
Like an unseen leak spreading
infiltrations on barren walls,
it's always something
small turned
a tighter ***
or a wider smile,
bigger ****
or more genuine laughter,
truer notes to the unheard
or the better faking of
the truth,
a different set of eyes on yours
or just a peculiar way to stir
the coffee
or your brains.

We wait so much
for love,
the when love
comes, love
is not enough.

Neither are

— The End —