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Quinchet Jan 2016
Truth is I barely even know you as a human. My visions of you are of a life we lived or a dream of what could've been.

Truth is you never really showed an interest. I pushed forward because in your eyes I felt a blissful urge to be physically one.

Truth is your pressence indused my soul to come bursting into life. A fire got lit and forever burns bright.

Something about the recongonition of your essistsnce has forever changed my sight. I am forever grateful for your part in my life. I thanked you with my body but all it left me with was a quest for more. I could OD on the thought of you and the passion that follows.. Nothing can change that now. But it's done because somehow this feeling wasn't reciprocated and I feel silly now. I say this out loud so I can see how crazy this last year has been. I am only becoming all of me. You were a link to progression, a lesson in this section, a piece of the picture, a glimpse in an unseen mirror. When someone truly touches my soul I have a hard time letting go.. So I'll just grow old forever loving your soul. Appreciating what you showed me in myself. The true beauty and ambition. The spark that brings the world to life.. Forever in me is you. Is Me. Is everyone honestly but my favorite is in crazy green sea..
Maunas Mehta Jan 2020
I wanted perfection,
But then I lost my direction,
In a world of icy frost,
I was really unhappy,
Trying to make the rest happy,
Then then you arrived to
You changed my perspective,
And showed me my true objective,
You have left me no excuse,
Not to be indused,
By your divine persona...
Oh Swami Bapa, I can't wait,
We can't wait.
Maunas Mehta Aug 2019
I wanted perfection,
But then I lost my direction,
In a world of icy frost,
I was really unhappy,
Trying to make the rest happy,
Then then you arrived to
You changed my perceptive,
And showed me my true objective,
You have left me no excuse,
Not to be indused,
By your divine persona...
Oh Swami Bapa, I can't wait,
We can't wait.

— The End —