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Descovia Jul 2021
Slamming my head continuously against the wall
I felt time and space break and froze
Myself and my Darkside fought
The battle raged on powerful enough
to cause stars to explode!
Shattering through dimensions
Fractals luminated around my eyes
containing Greek numeric codes
Traced everything in motion
inaniment objects morphed in and out of reality.
Stricken by toxins contained
within malice of the human mind
Falling freely from all!
Deprived of emotional attachments!
Relying on adverse forces, in high hopes
of restoring purity! The pressure renders me helpless and discouragement settles in vital organs.

Petrified by the various timeless
effects of this infectious disease.
The screams could not be heard...
Not over his voice. This version of myself
was stronger than any counter part I had to face.

"If you had to destroy
yourself to save everything... What is left of your morale, you choose to immortalize?" To believe we fought
with valour confined to nothing more!

Other than walls we put up as fronts.
Regretfully to acquire honor sought in truth!
Truths that yearn for placement
The darkness shall not assail!!!! "Foolish of me to believe
That we held the same intentions!"
We were part of the same being.

Descovia and Darkness.
Now it's just me in the dark.

This bond by no means
could be stabalized

Blood lust only made you greedy
You have awaken fears buried for ages
I thought,  were protecting each other!
What offerings would suffice?
Hear my voice and remember your place
These words are not evidence
of salvation that we desire to
bring forth into our foundation!

You will not break me...
Bury the chaos within your wrath away!!
Leave the innocent alone!
Your evil intentions
will not shelter another heart!! " I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU! "

The feeling of my very soul
Imploding within my body.
I feel my head sinking into my heart.
I am s l o w l y .........
Going to into
The pull of an
endless time warp.
Drowning within myself
The intensity was rushing
through me in the form of a headache
sending us on a nonstop, unprepared
breath-taking ride.

The silence which followed the combination of good and bad memories flooded my vision with tears transforming into blood.
A new light awaken in me....

white butterflies filled my eyes
Will I be spared from
The terrors which long for salvation?
Laughter surrounded me
It gave me state of security
Thoughts coming more vividly
Clarity at last... Baby laughter
Filling my heart peacefully with bliss my mind
Eases it way into a calm tide. Everything of love
dissolves into my soul.

Its finally clear around
the hungry darkness and the shadows vanished as color returned.

"Daddy" The voice belonging to a savior of purity restored reality....

I have every reason to live. Even he will not take that from me.

Even if you are me.

To Be Continued....
Nick May 2019
A souless cog turns,
Along with the other,
Never questions why,
Does as its told,
Continues to revolve,
Even as rust sets in,
Making movement improbable,
With a little grease,
This tiny gear,
May move,
When a machine breaks,
Many cogs cease to exsist,

— The End —