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Cassiel Moore May 2012
Hay un dragón cera de mi corazón
There is a dragon by my heart
Quien hizo una noche una obra de arte
Who made one night a work of art
Sus palabras de miel todavía suenan en mis oídos
His words of honey still ring in my ear
Como si estuviera todavía aquí
As if he were near
A pesar de que hay un centenar de kilómetros de distancia
Though he’s a hundred miles away
Parte de el simper permancera
Part of him will always stay
Incrustado en mi piel
Imbeded in my skin
Todavía mi Corazón tiene que ganar
Still my heart he has to win
Este dragón es el guardián de mi luz
This dragon is the keeper of my light
A partir de un simple día que hizo en la noche
From a simple day he made into night
Que era la oportunidad que trajo este portero
It was chance that brought this keeper
En mi mente, esta hermosa criatura
Into my world, this beautiful creature
A mi dragón, tan cerca y tan lejos
My dragon, so close and yet so far
En mi corazón, que le dejo una cicatriz apasionada**
Upon my heart, he left a passionate scar
S Smoothie Jul 2014
Stubborness was a trait defined acutely at your birth. Some rogue star endowing you with a will beyond my own. Till now. Each stagnant pause, each inaction is infact an action forging reactions upon me. Sealing a resolve upon my heart to forsake you. All that remains is the molten wax with the words inscrpited access denied. your new monker imbeded upon my skin. And it seeps darkly red in every corner displacing even the last hope. My heart star has faded.
And i dont care. Are you satisfied now?
Born under the same unlucky stars
S Smoothie Jul 2014
Stubborness was a trait defined acutely at your birth. Some rogue star endowing you with a will beyond my own. Till now. Each stagnant pause, each inaction is infact an action forging reactions upon me. Sealing a resolve upon my heart to forsake you. No defence, no apology. And i refuse to forgive without one. A bitter betrayal. Left my war and fought your war so hard for you. All that remains is the molten wax with the words inscrpited access denied. your new monker imbeded upon my skin. And it seeps darkly red in every corner displacing even the last hope.
And i dont care.
Are you satisfied now?
anna grace Feb 2018
its 3 am and my eyes are still burning from all the tears that were wasted on you.
its 3 am and your face is imbeded in my memory
its 3 am and once again i am alone while you lay with another
its 3 am and for the last time i let you enter my mind.
its 3 am and i am done giving up over you.
T Apr 2019
When the clouds cover the sky and the rain begins to fall......the tears stream like the rain and I remember it all
Its been awhile since I have seen her beautiful smile......even now just for that smile I would walk a country mile
Although the pain is still imbeded in my bones when it starts to rain the memories come rushing back......she was my first love....and only love to see her smile I would surely have a heart attack
She has a hold on me and has left an everlasting mark on me......especially when it rains that Mark I can see
My head is empty on what to do next on this thing is for sure I will not hit an all-time low and taste the devils wrath
So I  will take all these memories and my dreams.....and walk the straight and narrow......and try to erase all of my sorrow
#wishes do c come true "sometimes"
T May 2019
Its been awhile since I last kissed your lips......I seen one of our memories last night and my heart did flips
It is our destiny to be together.....only this time it will be forever.....those are my thoughts and my dreams.....that's the way I think under the moon beams
Seems that my love for you is imbeded in my soul.......And honey this is something I just can't control
I have tried it all just to get you out of my my is something your love did to me so I think of you 24/7 instead
So forever my heart shall be all yours.....and with my wishes are all with fours
# Angels are everywhere and I had the most beautiful angel in the universe....and she will never leave my heart

— The End —