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ioan pearce Feb 2010
when dai made love to bloddwyn,
t'was a painful strain,
but he battled onward,
through agony and pain.

sorrry bout that darling,
for rushing with my urging,
i would've took my time,
if i knew you were a ******.

don't worry bout it sweetheart,
as she turned the lights off,
if iknew you had more time,
i would've took my tights off.
katrinawillrich Mar 2015
Muse a fuse fuss over clued less
Issues rused to rescue cued few trues viewed suit mews meow moves reuse romance reseduce
hues unused yet waaaay due new-new iknew this is not aknew but how poet groupies doit smues huh?
Smoooooth ie
kara lynn bird Jan 2013
I can hear my wrist watch beating in my head like a constant reminder of you- tick, tick, tick, tick. And  I'm not complaining but it would nice to know if you think of me too. My room is silent again - the kind of silence that you can hear, I'm not sure if its true but in hoping you think of me too. It's the middle of the night and I lay awake writing- I'm not trying to be rude, but am I the only one fighting? Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a hurry, I'd wait five hundred years if Iknew not to worry- that one day- you will or won't, be mine.
shelly Jan 2013
The day i meet you.
Iknew who you were.
The simply smile upon your face.
The glow coming from your heart.
Nobody understanding the reason for the huge smile on my face but honey if they only knew.
I found love in an unknown place.
It was the day i meet you,your name simply registered in my mind,asking God"Can this man really be the one???  
I told my friends"I'M GOING TO MARRY THAT MAN".
I knew it was you ,my one and only true love,I knew you was the one.
The day i meet you,I knew it was you,you are the one,yes you are the man.
Copy written by PMJ
Temptation Got To me.
2 try's, within 2weeks
was Good For 2 Straight Years.
******, My Habits Humming.
I know Better, Iknew Better.
I believed I was strong for just one.
Addictions Got me, I have to run.
She's so Happy, that she got me.
I've been fighting and Tackling
My addictive mind Since that time.

— The End —