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A lost soul Jun 2014
I preffer fighting in a war and saving people's lifes
than watching my beloved ones destroying eachother.
I want to run away and never come back.
I can't handle those yellings and
i can't stop the tears streaming down my face.
I feel empty. Dead.
I am young, i should laugh and have fun with
my friends but instead i am too scared to smile
because i fear that something bad will happen after it.
I grew up surrounded by hate, by anger.
People often ask me why am i so closed into myslef
why am i so scared of everything.
I hope they never feel what i feel.
See what i see.
I see my parents broken. I see them trying so hard
that they don't see what is happening around them.
They don't see my 7 y/o sister crying herslef to sleep,
they don't hear her scream late at night.
They don't see me how i fear of going home.
How confused and stressed i am.
They only care for themselves and nothing else.
I want to run
and never come back.
But i won't forget it.
I won't forgive them.
Forgive and forget doesn't work for me.
l m May 2014

He told her he loved her
so she ran away
she doesnt love herself.
she believes nobody can love her
and the world is against her
she sits with a group of friends
uncappable to see she's drowning,
and she smiles so bright but
her eyes
they're already dead and hollow
and her mind is eating her alive at the
surprisment of someone but her mother loving her.


She thinks her flaws overpower her beauty
but truth behold
it's in her eyes
she's trained them to only see the bad in herself
and perfection in others
those cold eyes could freeze my heart in a second,
if she would see herslef the way I do.
she has never seen the way
her face lights up when her favorite song comes on
or the way her expressions change as she reads.
My goal is to make her love herself as much as
I love her.
Sophie Rein Jan 2015
she loved you
a very long time
but she couldn't anymore
she broke herslef
by loving you

— The End —