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Jake Spacey Dec 2012
one more cup, i can stay awake
a little more stress, a little more weight
face to face, all those words i said
to my friends
just keep running, it's all a mistake
one more drink, i'll be fine
a little more stress, a little longer in bed
ran into my words
now they're stuck in my head
i'm so heavy, glutinously dreading
blaring alarms, i'm gone
this time
but don't miss me
this time
i'm gone
this time
EDNOS/structure of lies
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
it's a torched wind rushing into my arms
like a dreary pale leaf that wants an embrace
in dusty minuscules of sullen, sultry soil
i step out, open my heart to the sun-dried soul

glutinously holding back to me in sunk roars
the wind drinks every drop of my fluid state
i shiver in languor, i bear up with strength
and thus is revived the breeze everyday
Tristan Rethman Dec 2015
Look at the world, you may find
Sunshine, rainbows, fantastic mankind
But when you actually look
You'll find all you need to know in a history book
I'm talking death, suffering, immeasurable grief
All caused by people, to people, no disbelief
Yes when you take everything in
All that'll happen is the beast mankind will maul you and grin
Because we humans are curious beings
We ****** and steal; **** and we ****, all without seeing
The affect of our devastation
Mother nature the victim of our molestation
Animals being made just to die
I think we are all on a power high
We proclaim we are better than all else
But in reality we are just tiny whelps
On some great being's mighty ***
You say, "Now don't be so crass!"
Yet we glutinously eat anything living
Doesn't that sound like a horror beginning?
Just a poem that is a critique on humanity.
Tristan Rethman Mar 2016
Look at the world, you may find
Sunshine, rainbows, fantastic mankind
But when you actually examine
You'll find even more than just famine
I'm talking death, suffering, immeasurable grief
All caused by people, to people, no disbelief
Yes when you take everything in
All that'll happen is the beast will maul you and grin
Because we humans are curious beings
We ****** and steal; **** and we ****, all without seeing
The affect of our devastation
Mother nature the victim of our molestation
Animals being made just to die
I think we are all on a power high
We proclaim we are better than all else
But in reality we are just tiny whelps
On some great being's mighty ***
You say, "Now don't be so crass!"
Yet we glutinously eat anything living
Doesn't that sound like a horror beginning?

— The End —