early morning, the hoses out,
washing away the fluids,
the ****, the *****,
hallmark low points of the prior night's,
bons moments de roulement,
rolling, burning, down into the sewers
dark coffee, beignets,
white powdered sugar,
a cleanser of both
dirtied bodies and souls,
makeup~coverup of human excesses
this morn, the sun,
aidez-moi with an assist
of a canon and a gigue,
a string ensemble (parfait!),
three violins and a continuo,
a quartet in the quarter,
blossoming Johann, budding now
in my ears and
my purification process
de bourbon
is now
the Nth new day has begun,
the Nth purification has begun,
but my first in the French Quarter
7:35 am
May 23rd, 2014
New Orleans