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Gaffer Jul 2015
Can I buy you a drink
Feeling sorry for me cos I’m in a wheelchair
No, just my policy when I go into a new bar, I buy the first girl I see a drink, so, gin and tonic is it.
No, ***** and coke.
See, there you go, we’re arguing over drinks already, that’s nearly a relationship.
Yeah, typical man, definitely not a good start, wouldn’t you say.
Definitely, I’m Paul by the way.
Dont know if I like that name, Geraldine, might have to change it.
So let me see now Paul, you get me the wrong drink, you don't like my name, but even worse, you want to change it. You might excuse me for not feeling the love here Paul.
You’re so right Geraldine, what we need is another drink to thrash out our differences, we don't want the kids to suffer.
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve got this urge to **** you, in a nice way if you know what I mean.
You know what's happened here don't you Geraldene, you’re in love.
Well I better get out of love quick, there’s my boyfriend coming in.
Can’t wait to see his face when you tell him, can I take photos.
This is Michael.
How you doing Michael, Geraldine was telling me all about you. You’re a lucky man, we were just discussing kids names.  So where did we get to Geraldine.
I was thinking Paul if it was a boy.
Better not tell you what my mother said after she picked my name.
No, tell me.
She said she could **** me everyday after choosing it.
Did she, mothers, who would have them.
for Geraldene

The **** is fine, relaxes the brain and softens the body
And I keep the fire burning for a now deceased lover

This was long ago, and now
In the present,
I live with my mother who doesn’t understand my cannabis habit -
Forgive her

It means I have to play the game of avoidance
Which is tedious
But I don’t forget Mom is elderly now and freedom
is a thing of the next generation

Nor do I forget to love my mother with all my heart
For she, with all her faults,
with all her faults
Has a heart of gold, (excuse the cliché poets)

And nor do I demand anything
For my own heart is full of years
And the “inner” child now
(having adulted) has the freedom to speak
And, and, one day flows into the next like the colours of a rainbow

And whose not to like (parents aside)
Getting ******? It’s healthy when you compare it to chemicals.

But to turn back the clock (and the poem),
I keep a fire burning for a now lost love...
We were happy together in the “forest cabin” of our affair.
Bless you, bless you beyond the grave!
Geraldene was the mother and family I never had

— The End —