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JC Lucas Nov 2013
Sit broken
Softly weepin' wisps which then
Withdraw themselves from all of this
And fiendish
You'd have my arms and legs bound tight
You're sulkin'
Without remorse, without respite
I'm nervous,
And functionless in all your eyes
You're girlish
And cutesy
You give them eyes to get replies
I've never-
You've never?
You finish thoughts and work your little fingers down my

Uproot the weeds inside you
I'm through with being fruitless and
By old attempts to change our ways
We're newly polished anyways
We're newly painted, off the line

The bitter
And nameless
Are working after hours to reface this
And shame it
It sits and spins and multiplies
With frequence
I feel it
I feed a framework filament fire
And hapless
You're hopeless
I'm hoping on another line-
To find out what's been sanctified
Who sacrificed to tranquilize
And backfired by bullshittin'
So now I'm sleepy saunterin'
To see what life's like on the other side


If we cared
We could whisper cloudy whiteness where there
Used to be only filth and flies
I'm sick of sentimentalism
Sick of sinking in
I'm feeling fine.

Uproot the weeds inside you
I'm through with being fruitless and
By old attempts to change our ways
We're newly puffed up anyways
I've walked the line from Z to A
We're freshly painted hypocrites
At least this time I won't be so surprised.

This is actually a song. Sung, not spoken.
Ayad Gharbawi Feb 2010

Ayad Gharbawi
February 19, 2010 – Damascus, Syria

I love you all you
Or, all of you
I guess
I should write

Happy ones
Yes you!
Living you all
Drinking air
Vacuous nonentities
Am I describing myself or yourselves?

Supreme in my brutal
Inertia is my magnificent pulse
Loss is my definition
That defines
My dumbest elemental stench

I live to see so-called teeth grinding
My teeth
I talk about
Am I being grammatical correct for you all?

Worms satanic
Eyeballs melting from Sorrrow
And they then
Bleeding and looking fractured and pale
Didn’t Sane People
Tell me
Eyes are Souls into
Our lost Selves?
Or, something similar?

Weeping Nerves
That are
To dry
To move
Without a breakdown
I am scared, in a bed, a room
I involuntarily break my idiotically stretched lips
So, I become shy
From you all onlookers
Doctors and Visitors
Or Relatives?
Who’s who here?

If I fake
That pointless
For any ashamed passerby
A sad banner
Shall be there -
Announcing my
Smashed structure
And functionless music
Will tell you my homeless address
Of my abandoned Mind and Flesh.
Cats eyes line the meanders, drifting off right, wondering left.
Clutching fog lamps, casting back a luminous dot to dot;
morse code decorated trenches: cracks in the trails ahead.

White noise peters in as waves crack the shore,
salt water droplets - tortoise and hare; that game

you played as a kid willing the underdog to win.

The dogs on his back in the backseat, legs in the air.

Underneath him the blanket you wore the first time

we jumped from the pier to the sea, a pair of young fools

romantically free, not strung to the walls of marital tension,

mortgage loans, pensions pressing the wind out your lungs

and life out your heart; the bond we shared has drifted apart.

Crash on the land, the pounding waves;
gush of the tides shivers down your braids.
One hand on the wheel, one hand on yours

you take it away as we brush past the moors.
Rumble over rubble, our suspension knocks
wooden slats creek as we speed past the docks.

Turn to me teary eyed nostalgia, I swerve between the bench
and the toll booth, two dodgy dogs notice running and flailing,

as the last fence approaches. The tiniest movement, a twitch

of the wrist could take a toll on our carriage of bliss.

The carnage we left, lit from the west
your glistening pupils and rain soaked vest

tinted gold from the sunlight and pink

from the sky. The clouds above part as prepared,
those adulterous pedigrees, tore our peace treaty
your cuffed hand reaches over muffled screeches

that beloved mut in-the-back, most bedraggled
of creatures howls as you pull the hand break
twist the wheel our tires carve etches.

At the end of the structure, we howl with the dog,
and the tyre with all the punctualness rendered

functionless with two deep punctures
hisses and sinks with much of a muchness.
Hanjo Nov 2015
I hung our picture on the wall.
The pair of us, embossed.
Forever grinning from ear to ear like
The two that time forgot.

It rested there; outlined in paint
From my house; ceremonial and
Functionless. Colored squares
Purely for show-and-tell.

The frame was made of oak;
Strong and familiar.
Surrounding everything we knew
But all at once broke;

Leaving the glass in sharp angles
On the kitchen tile.
Watch the glossy paper scratch
And suddenly, the photo-finish isn't perfect.
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
I crave for the sweet
you can name it addiction
my body is functionless
without a dose of the sweet
sweets, cakes lots and lots

My mind detests nonsweet
the sour and bitter things
including lemons and herbs
thinking about them
plants goose pimples on my skin!

What baffles the mind in me
the sweet i adore and feed my soul
are clandestine and hidden enemies
plot, plan and actually
destroy the life i adore most!

They create diseases inside me
diabetes, pressure and more
**** strength out of my body
push my body to work on drugs
eventually, ****** life from me

Shocking reality irony
the sour and the bitter
with unpleasant feelings on the tongue
defend and protect my life
when i befriend them!

They fight diseases
created by products in sweet
drive strength in the body
extending my lifespan
many years ahead

Arrest and show exit
the sweet outside you
sign all life agreement
with the sour and the bitter
if what you want is life!
sweet or sour?

— The End —