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Still must I hear?—shall hoarse FITZGERALD bawl
His creaking couplets in a tavern hall,
And I not sing, lest, haply, Scotch Reviews
Should dub me scribbler, and denounce my Muse?
Prepare for rhyme—I’ll publish, right or wrong:
Fools are my theme, let Satire be my song.

  Oh! Nature’s noblest gift—my grey goose-quill!
Slave of my thoughts, obedient to my will,
Torn from thy parent bird to form a pen,
That mighty instrument of little men!
The pen! foredoomed to aid the mental throes
Of brains that labour, big with Verse or Prose;
Though Nymphs forsake, and Critics may deride,
The Lover’s solace, and the Author’s pride.
What Wits! what Poets dost thou daily raise!
How frequent is thy use, how small thy praise!
Condemned at length to be forgotten quite,
With all the pages which ’twas thine to write.
But thou, at least, mine own especial pen!
Once laid aside, but now assumed again,
Our task complete, like Hamet’s shall be free;
Though spurned by others, yet beloved by me:
Then let us soar to-day; no common theme,
No Eastern vision, no distempered dream
Inspires—our path, though full of thorns, is plain;
Smooth be the verse, and easy be the strain.

  When Vice triumphant holds her sov’reign sway,
Obey’d by all who nought beside obey;
When Folly, frequent harbinger of crime,
Bedecks her cap with bells of every Clime;
When knaves and fools combined o’er all prevail,
And weigh their Justice in a Golden Scale;
E’en then the boldest start from public sneers,
Afraid of Shame, unknown to other fears,
More darkly sin, by Satire kept in awe,
And shrink from Ridicule, though not from Law.

  Such is the force of Wit! I but not belong
To me the arrows of satiric song;
The royal vices of our age demand
A keener weapon, and a mightier hand.
Still there are follies, e’en for me to chase,
And yield at least amusement in the race:
Laugh when I laugh, I seek no other fame,
The cry is up, and scribblers are my game:
Speed, Pegasus!—ye strains of great and small,
Ode! Epic! Elegy!—have at you all!
I, too, can scrawl, and once upon a time
I poured along the town a flood of rhyme,
A schoolboy freak, unworthy praise or blame;
I printed—older children do the same.
’Tis pleasant, sure, to see one’s name in print;
A Book’s a Book, altho’ there’s nothing in’t.
Not that a Title’s sounding charm can save
Or scrawl or scribbler from an equal grave:
This LAMB must own, since his patrician name
Failed to preserve the spurious Farce from shame.
No matter, GEORGE continues still to write,
Tho’ now the name is veiled from public sight.
Moved by the great example, I pursue
The self-same road, but make my own review:
Not seek great JEFFREY’S, yet like him will be
Self-constituted Judge of Poesy.

  A man must serve his time to every trade
Save Censure—Critics all are ready made.
Take hackneyed jokes from MILLER, got by rote,
With just enough of learning to misquote;
A man well skilled to find, or forge a fault;
A turn for punning—call it Attic salt;
To JEFFREY go, be silent and discreet,
His pay is just ten sterling pounds per sheet:
Fear not to lie,’twill seem a sharper hit;
Shrink not from blasphemy, ’twill pass for wit;
Care not for feeling—pass your proper jest,
And stand a Critic, hated yet caress’d.

And shall we own such judgment? no—as soon
Seek roses in December—ice in June;
Hope constancy in wind, or corn in chaff,
Believe a woman or an epitaph,
Or any other thing that’s false, before
You trust in Critics, who themselves are sore;
Or yield one single thought to be misled
By JEFFREY’S heart, or LAMB’S Boeotian head.
To these young tyrants, by themselves misplaced,
Combined usurpers on the Throne of Taste;
To these, when Authors bend in humble awe,
And hail their voice as Truth, their word as Law;
While these are Censors, ’twould be sin to spare;
While such are Critics, why should I forbear?
But yet, so near all modern worthies run,
’Tis doubtful whom to seek, or whom to shun;
Nor know we when to spare, or where to strike,
Our Bards and Censors are so much alike.
Then should you ask me, why I venture o’er
The path which POPE and GIFFORD trod before;
If not yet sickened, you can still proceed;
Go on; my rhyme will tell you as you read.
“But hold!” exclaims a friend,—”here’s some neglect:
This—that—and t’other line seem incorrect.”
What then? the self-same blunder Pope has got,
And careless Dryden—”Aye, but Pye has not:”—
Indeed!—’tis granted, faith!—but what care I?
Better to err with POPE, than shine with PYE.

  Time was, ere yet in these degenerate days
Ignoble themes obtained mistaken praise,
When Sense and Wit with Poesy allied,
No fabled Graces, flourished side by side,
From the same fount their inspiration drew,
And, reared by Taste, bloomed fairer as they grew.
Then, in this happy Isle, a POPE’S pure strain
Sought the rapt soul to charm, nor sought in vain;
A polished nation’s praise aspired to claim,
And raised the people’s, as the poet’s fame.
Like him great DRYDEN poured the tide of song,
In stream less smooth, indeed, yet doubly strong.
Then CONGREVE’S scenes could cheer, or OTWAY’S melt;
For Nature then an English audience felt—
But why these names, or greater still, retrace,
When all to feebler Bards resign their place?
Yet to such times our lingering looks are cast,
When taste and reason with those times are past.
Now look around, and turn each trifling page,
Survey the precious works that please the age;
This truth at least let Satire’s self allow,
No dearth of Bards can be complained of now.
The loaded Press beneath her labour groans,
And Printers’ devils shake their weary bones;
While SOUTHEY’S Epics cram the creaking shelves,
And LITTLE’S Lyrics shine in hot-pressed twelves.
Thus saith the Preacher: “Nought beneath the sun
Is new,” yet still from change to change we run.
What varied wonders tempt us as they pass!
The Cow-pox, Tractors, Galvanism, and Gas,
In turns appear, to make the ****** stare,
Till the swoln bubble bursts—and all is air!
Nor less new schools of Poetry arise,
Where dull pretenders grapple for the prize:
O’er Taste awhile these Pseudo-bards prevail;
Each country Book-club bows the knee to Baal,
And, hurling lawful Genius from the throne,
Erects a shrine and idol of its own;
Some leaden calf—but whom it matters not,
From soaring SOUTHEY, down to groveling STOTT.

  Behold! in various throngs the scribbling crew,
For notice eager, pass in long review:
Each spurs his jaded Pegasus apace,
And Rhyme and Blank maintain an equal race;
Sonnets on sonnets crowd, and ode on ode;
And Tales of Terror jostle on the road;
Immeasurable measures move along;
For simpering Folly loves a varied song,
To strange, mysterious Dulness still the friend,
Admires the strain she cannot comprehend.
Thus Lays of Minstrels—may they be the last!—
On half-strung harps whine mournful to the blast.
While mountain spirits prate to river sprites,
That dames may listen to the sound at nights;
And goblin brats, of Gilpin Horner’s brood
Decoy young Border-nobles through the wood,
And skip at every step, Lord knows how high,
And frighten foolish babes, the Lord knows why;
While high-born ladies in their magic cell,
Forbidding Knights to read who cannot spell,
Despatch a courier to a wizard’s grave,
And fight with honest men to shield a knave.

  Next view in state, proud prancing on his roan,
The golden-crested haughty Marmion,
Now forging scrolls, now foremost in the fight,
Not quite a Felon, yet but half a Knight.
The gibbet or the field prepared to grace;
A mighty mixture of the great and base.
And think’st thou, SCOTT! by vain conceit perchance,
On public taste to foist thy stale romance,
Though MURRAY with his MILLER may combine
To yield thy muse just half-a-crown per line?
No! when the sons of song descend to trade,
Their bays are sear, their former laurels fade,
Let such forego the poet’s sacred name,
Who rack their brains for lucre, not for fame:
Still for stern Mammon may they toil in vain!
And sadly gaze on Gold they cannot gain!
Such be their meed, such still the just reward
Of prostituted Muse and hireling bard!
For this we spurn Apollo’s venal son,
And bid a long “good night to Marmion.”

  These are the themes that claim our plaudits now;
These are the Bards to whom the Muse must bow;
While MILTON, DRYDEN, POPE, alike forgot,
Resign their hallowed Bays to WALTER SCOTT.

  The time has been, when yet the Muse was young,
When HOMER swept the lyre, and MARO sung,
An Epic scarce ten centuries could claim,
While awe-struck nations hailed the magic name:
The work of each immortal Bard appears
The single wonder of a thousand years.
Empires have mouldered from the face of earth,
Tongues have expired with those who gave them birth,
Without the glory such a strain can give,
As even in ruin bids the language live.
Not so with us, though minor Bards, content,
On one great work a life of labour spent:
With eagle pinion soaring to the skies,
Behold the Ballad-monger SOUTHEY rise!
To him let CAMOËNS, MILTON, TASSO yield,
Whose annual strains, like armies, take the field.
First in the ranks see Joan of Arc advance,
The scourge of England and the boast of France!
Though burnt by wicked BEDFORD for a witch,
Behold her statue placed in Glory’s niche;
Her fetters burst, and just released from prison,
A ****** Phoenix from her ashes risen.
Next see tremendous Thalaba come on,
Arabia’s monstrous, wild, and wond’rous son;
Domdaniel’s dread destroyer, who o’erthrew
More mad magicians than the world e’er knew.
Immortal Hero! all thy foes o’ercome,
For ever reign—the rival of Tom Thumb!
Since startled Metre fled before thy face,
Well wert thou doomed the last of all thy race!
Well might triumphant Genii bear thee hence,
Illustrious conqueror of common sense!
Now, last and greatest, Madoc spreads his sails,
Cacique in Mexico, and Prince in Wales;
Tells us strange tales, as other travellers do,
More old than Mandeville’s, and not so true.
Oh, SOUTHEY! SOUTHEY! cease thy varied song!
A bard may chaunt too often and too long:
As thou art strong in verse, in mercy, spare!
A fourth, alas! were more than we could bear.
But if, in spite of all the world can say,
Thou still wilt verseward plod thy weary way;
If still in Berkeley-Ballads most uncivil,
Thou wilt devote old women to the devil,
The babe unborn thy dread intent may rue:
“God help thee,” SOUTHEY, and thy readers too.

  Next comes the dull disciple of thy school,
That mild apostate from poetic rule,
The simple WORDSWORTH, framer of a lay
As soft as evening in his favourite May,
Who warns his friend “to shake off toil and trouble,
And quit his books, for fear of growing double;”
Who, both by precept and example, shows
That prose is verse, and verse is merely prose;
Convincing all, by demonstration plain,
Poetic souls delight in prose insane;
And Christmas stories tortured into rhyme
Contain the essence of the true sublime.
Thus, when he tells the tale of Betty Foy,
The idiot mother of “an idiot Boy;”
A moon-struck, silly lad, who lost his way,
And, like his bard, confounded night with day
So close on each pathetic part he dwells,
And each adventure so sublimely tells,
That all who view the “idiot in his glory”
Conceive the Bard the hero of the story.

  Shall gentle COLERIDGE pass unnoticed here,
To turgid ode and tumid stanza dear?
Though themes of innocence amuse him best,
Yet still Obscurity’s a welcome guest.
If Inspiration should her aid refuse
To him who takes a Pixy for a muse,
Yet none in lofty numbers can surpass
The bard who soars to elegize an ***:
So well the subject suits his noble mind,
He brays, the Laureate of the long-eared kind.

Oh! wonder-working LEWIS! Monk, or Bard,
Who fain would make Parnassus a church-yard!
Lo! wreaths of yew, not laurel, bind thy brow,
Thy Muse a Sprite, Apollo’s sexton thou!
Whether on ancient tombs thou tak’st thy stand,
By gibb’ring spectres hailed, thy kindred band;
Or tracest chaste descriptions on thy page,
To please the females of our modest age;
All hail, M.P.! from whose infernal brain
Thin-sheeted phantoms glide, a grisly train;
At whose command “grim women” throng in crowds,
And kings of fire, of water, and of clouds,
With “small grey men,”—”wild yagers,” and what not,
To crown with honour thee and WALTER SCOTT:
Again, all hail! if tales like thine may please,
St. Luke alone can vanquish the disease:
Even Satan’s self with thee might dread to dwell,
And in thy skull discern a deeper Hell.

Who in soft guise, surrounded by a choir
Of virgins melting, not to Vesta’s fire,
With sparkling eyes, and cheek by passion flushed
Strikes his wild lyre, whilst listening dames are hushed?
’Tis LITTLE! young Catullus of his day,
As sweet, but as immoral, in his Lay!
Grieved to condemn, the Muse must still be just,
Nor spare melodious advocates of lust.
Pure is the flame which o’er her altar burns;
From grosser incense with disgust she turns
Yet kind to youth, this expiation o’er,
She bids thee “mend thy line, and sin no more.”

For thee, translator of the tinsel song,
To whom such glittering ornaments belong,
Hibernian STRANGFORD! with thine eyes of blue,
And boasted locks of red or auburn hue,
Whose plaintive strain each love-sick Miss admires,
And o’er harmonious fustian half expires,
Learn, if thou canst, to yield thine author’s sense,
Nor vend thy sonnets on a false pretence.
Think’st thou to gain thy verse a higher place,
By dressing Camoëns in a suit of lace?
Mend, STRANGFORD! mend thy morals and thy taste;
Be warm, but pure; be amorous, but be chaste:
Cease to deceive; thy pilfered harp restore,
Nor teach the Lusian Bard to copy MOORE.

Behold—Ye Tarts!—one moment spare the text!—
HAYLEY’S last work, and worst—until his next;
Whether he spin poor couplets into plays,
Or **** the dead with purgatorial praise,
His style in youth or age is still the same,
For ever feeble and for ever tame.
Triumphant first see “Temper’s Triumphs” shine!
At least I’m sure they triumphed over mine.
Of “Music’s Triumphs,” all who read may swear
That luckless Music never triumph’d there.

Moravians, rise! bestow some meet reward
On dull devotion—Lo! the Sabbath Bard,
Sepulchral GRAHAME, pours his notes sublime
In mangled prose, nor e’en aspires to rhyme;
Breaks into blank the Gospel of St. Luke,
And boldly pilfers from the Pentateuch;
And, undisturbed by conscientious qualms,
Perverts the Prophets, and purloins the Psalms.

  Hail, Sympathy! thy soft idea brings”
A thousand visions of a thousand things,
And shows, still whimpering thro’ threescore of years,
The maudlin prince of mournful sonneteers.
And art thou not their prince, harmonious Bowles!
Thou first, great oracle of tender souls?
Whether them sing’st with equal ease, and grief,
The fall of empires, or a yellow leaf;
Whether thy muse most lamentably tells
What merry sounds proceed from Oxford bells,
Or, still in bells delighting, finds a friend
In every chime that jingled from Ostend;
Ah! how much juster were thy Muse’s hap,
If to thy bells thou would’st but add a cap!
Delightful BOWLES! still blessing and still blest,
All love thy strain, but children like it best.
’Tis thine, with gentle LITTLE’S moral song,
To soothe the mania of the amorous throng!
With thee our nursery damsels shed their tears,
Ere Miss as yet completes her infant years:
But in her teens thy whining powers are vain;
She quits poor BOWLES for LITTLE’S purer strain.
Now to soft themes thou scornest to confine
The lofty numbers of a harp like thine;
“Awake a louder and a loftier strain,”
Such as none heard before, or will again!
Where all discoveries jumbled from the flood,
Since first the leaky ark reposed in mud,
By more or less, are sung in every book,
From Captain Noah down to Captain Cook.
Nor this alone—but, pausing on the road,
The Bard sighs forth a gentle episode,
And gravely tells—attend, each beauteous Miss!—
When first Madeira trembled to a kiss.
Bowles! in thy memory let this precept dwell,
Stick to thy Sonnets, Man!—at least they sell.
But if some new-born whim, or larger bribe,
Prompt thy crude brain, and claim thee for a scribe:
If ‘chance some bard, though once by dunces feared,
Now, prone in dust, can only be revered;
If Pope, whose fame and genius, from the first,
Have foiled the best of critics, needs the worst,
Do thou essay: each fault, each failing scan;
The first of poets
This truest love, triumphantly
   is a bird of prey
marauding 'twain these grayest skies and tenured gain
dine with blessed distinction,
feathered queen!
And any mice caught in between-
   For does my love in summer's rain
prey on the solace of my nightly dreams

Do gauge my love as span of wings
   the distance 'tween each finger
Her wings are spread and through the sky
she soars in arcs and swirls
Each and every blissless night,
   she passes coyly o'erhead,
The curtain in my blood unfurls
and this presence ever lingers-

Perched aloof and tauntingly in a bending oak
she says: "These stars that hover
             above the sky I disbelieve-
           Their palaver, quaint and lasting,
             I disbelieve-
They grip and guide my flutters as an ever-tightn'ng yoke."
Each hand I place o'er the other,
'til each branch is a rung, ladder to the moon.
Said: "And coldly does this horrib' moon smile,
        she laughs 'til my tail is the dust
        each stroke of hours and minutes speak to me
        this cunning moon pours in our hearts this lust-
           How could these shambles any trust?"
This sky, though blacken'd,
cannot rend apart what's happened,
and all it sees with terrible eyes
can prevent not this love fore'er mend-

She glode politely out o' reach,
To soar delightly by me-
Said: "I see the jilted morning glory
           bowing to the moon.
       Each stalk twines traitoriously
           a capsulating swoon-
       Each fruit it bears bequeathes 'nto me
       callous forms of elliptic bracts,
       eats as nothing more than flax-"

For every morning glory's betray'l
I'll harvest ten thousand Orchids from the meadow's fringe,
plucked from the margins of the bog-
This love is not a passing arc
that follows does that jealous moon-
I'll trek the acid, foy an' dinge,
and, if those mice do not erstwhile dine on this orchid's seeds,
that which lays dormant, 'neath the leaves
will send up freshly blooming stalks.
The heavens is your throne
The earth your footstool
Earthlings you molded
From clay and then ribs
You gave us some of your air and the right to breath
All I have belongs to you
From my lovely nose to the marrow in my bones
All these you own
So why do I keep getting your attention?
Why do you even care or bother to take away my fears?
What can I offer you when you have it all?
I know what's right and hear my spirit cautioning just when I decide to do wrong
I push you away
and when I do your absence creates a presence about me
A presence that takes over
whenever I refuse to listen to the voice of my conscience
I try to hide
In my folly I feel wise
Forgetting you are omnipresent.
How beautifully have you painted the rainbows!
You landscaped the earth with the flowers and tall trees
The wild geese and birds you never fail to feed
You whose hands are stretched out towards the earth
On Whose palms I sit
Please don't turn your back against me
It’s your face I seek
I have failed you once again
all my promises to you I am too human to keep
Forgive me Lord
I fail to mirror your attributes though a spitting image of you I am
Please let Momma and Papa tarry
If only till three score and ten
Let them relish for tirelessly they’ve toiled
fill their hearts with foy as their third generation in the arms they carry
You asked that I ask
Cause you are equal and more so greater than the task
One more thing I ask of you
when they you call unto thee
That their exit be as they wish
Most peacefully as they bid your footstool goodbye
You know all things and even before the world begun
It was powerless to hide its end from you
You don’t only know the end from the beginning;
You are the beginning and the end
to my humble plea I beseech you, your precious ears do lend
Arfah Afaqi Zia Dec 2016
Life moves on in haste,
Fathom and untold to us,
Beguiled by lovers,
Tranquil by serenity,
What life holds is a void,
Untouched and hollow that needs to be filled,
By happiness and joy,
By greetings and foy,
Life is filled with secrets,
Jewels and tales of yesterday,
Some of passion, some of regret
We grow up listening to all of this,
Learning from these and also experiencing,
As life moves on in haste.
Deeba Aug 2014
Heavy expectations, preparations galore,
To witness the night of glory and L'amore.

Moon was eager to rise and sun refuted to set,
That was the charisma of the night which the two souls beget.

Time was running and hearts started pounding,
To reach the destination and visualize the hearts rebounding.

An Italian rendezvous, at an Indian enigma of nizam,
In an exotic style of feast, they share a conversation of purism.

The joy within was inexplicable,
With the right aroma of love on table.

The rich culture of India's great glory,
With the classic mixture of king's short story.

The ******, an unmissable moment,
With the hand in hand the souls enjoy the love slogan.

Hearts were filled with joy,
And the angels bestowed their blessings and foy.

The night ended with heart full emotions,
Satisfied with magical love potion.

Reality made a dreadful turn,
Magical to ludicrous was that moment, spent with a deceitful spurn.

Falseness prevailed all over,
bringing down the purity to filthy left over.

Drenched in the sea of sorrow,
That night remained more like a knight mare, killing the beautiful tomorrow.

Certainly, that was the glory of the night
That it shall be remembered in the memories in sight.
Pren ceste rose aimable comme toy,
Qui sers de rose aux roses les plus belles,
Qui sers de fleur aux fleurs les plus nouvelles,
Qui sers de Muse aux Muses et à moy.

Pren ceste rose, et ensemble reçoy
Dedans ton sein mon coeur qui n'a point d'ailes :
Il vit blessé de cent playes cruelles,
Opiniastre à garder trop sa foy.

La rose et moy differons d'une chose :
Un Soleil voit naistre et mourir la rose,
Mille Soleils ont veu naistre m'amour

Qui ne se passe, et jamais ne repose.
Que pleust à Dieu que mon amour éclose,
Comme une fleur, ne m'eust duré qu'un jour.
Je veus lire en trois jours l'Iliade d'Homere,
Et pour-ce, Corydon, ferme bien l'huis sur moy.
Si rien me vient troubler, je t'asseure ma foy
Tu sentiras combien pesante est ma colere.

Je ne veus seulement que nostre chambriere
Vienne faire mon lit, ton compagnon, ny toy,
Je veus trois jours entiers demeurer à requoy,
Pour follastrer apres une sepmaine entiere.

Mais si quelqu'un venoit de la part de Cassandre,
Ouvre lui tost la porte, et ne le fais attendre,
Soudain entre en ma chambre, et me vien accoustrer.

Je veus tant seulement à luy seul me monstrer :
Au reste, si un Dieu vouloit pour moy descendre
Du ciel, ferme la porte, et ne le laisse entrer.
Quand je pense à ce jour, où je la vey si belle
Toute flamber d'amour, d'honneur et de vertu,
Le regret, comme un trait mortellement pointu,
Me traverse le coeur d'une playe eternelle.

Alors que j'esperois la bonne grace d'elle,
L'Amour a mon espoir que la Mort combattu :
La Mort a mon espoir d'un cercueil revestu,
Dont j'esperois la paix de ma longue querelle.

Amour tu es enfant inconstant et leger.
Monde, tu es trompeur, pipeur et mensonger,
Decevant d'un chacun l'attente et le courage.

Malheureux qui se fie en l'Amour et en toy :
Tous deux comme la Mer vous n'avez point de foy,
L'un fin, l'autre parjure, et l'autre oiseau volage.
Shounak Sanyal Jun 2022
You are my precious pearls,

my emerald heart that beats with joy,

when your golden tinge holds my breath like a Bing, on a Netflix show.

I can bid my life a foy, just to carried away by your flow.

Take me back to decades ago and take me furthermore,

show me tales and make me dream of times I can never explore

play the songs before you go, like those credits that roll after a show

you are the sea I wanna drown myself forever. And forever more.

wash my bruises as you pass, and tell the sun it has come too fast

tiny moments when my soul and mind enriches, goes away before it even starts

you're the greener grass I crave, but I've come here just too late

so in songs and stars and in your wunderbars, is where my fate I will await.
Fields of purple in wildflower plume
Tree on the hill shades cool room
Warm summers day picture perfect scene
Wide open space all in sight glorious graze to belong to dream
Serenity and calm love and foy fill up the pasture with fruitful joy
To sit to spend time in the sun with shared love and basket of sweet and savory picks
What's mine is yours we taste and divide
Feeling the warmth filling up from inside
Cosy up close as watch the sun set
Stars allign to capture moments spent
This place is divine
Sweet home to find
Sentiment to never forget
Belle dont les yeux doucement m'ont tué
Par un doux regard qu'au cœur ils m'ont rué,
Et m'ont en un roc insensible mué
En mon poil grison,

Que j'estois heureux en ma jeune saison,
Avant qu'avoir beu l'amoureuse poison !
Bien **** de souspirs, de pleurs et de prison,
Libre je vivoy.

Sans servir autruy, tout seul je me servoy ;
Engagé n'avois ny mon cœur ny ma foy ;
De ma volonté j'estois seigneur et roy.
Ô fascheux Amour !

Pourquoy dans mon cœur as-tu fait ton sejour ?
Je languis la nuit, je souspire le jour ;
Le sang tout gelé se ramasse à l'entour
De mon cœur transi.

Mon traistre penser me nourrit de souci ;
L'esprit y consent et la raison aussi.
Longtemps en tel mal vivre ne puis ainsi :
La mort vaudroit mieux.

Devallon là bas à ce bord stygieux ;
D'amour ny du jour je ne veux plus jouyr.
Pour ne voir plus rien je veux perdre les yeux
Comme j'ay l'ouyr.
Abeer Nov 2023
something in your magnetic field, a friend
dim and hard, the falling of surrender is due
it's you we are talking about
crashing like a toy, a boy, waiting for foy
enter to a road, scared more than me, implode
at every inconvenience, optimistically friends,
with a pirate who never killed, never felt, so much fear
in twenty thousand years of sailing away from himself
you must find yourself, lost in front of your undoing
for life is a short warm moment, and death is a cold long rest
find a glooming heart in rest, to lecture about being a *****
must overfire, your moral qualms.
I guess we were more than ourselves
and you just missed it
Ipadeola Glory A Feb 2020
The happy feeling of a young boy,
That feeling when he gets a new toy.
it's a child of the freedom we enjoy,
It is what I call Joy.

Now, I'm no longer a young boy,
All I could wish for is to enjoy,
and to be accompanied by a convoy,
I want to feel that joy.

The old me was a coy,
When my happiness could not cloy.
Hearing the shout of A-hoy,
The pirate in me is filled with joy!

It's more than an expression of foy,
It's worth more than the greatest toy.
Just as a drowning fellow sees a life-buoy,
His heart Is filled with so much joy.

When she is named Joy,
So much is what you enjoy.
By the side of a Roy,
She's all you could employ.

Even when I sense no decoy,
I've still been able to deploy.
With all these words I employ
I should be crowned The Roy.
Oh Joy!


Ce n'est pas de ces dieux foudroyés.

Ce n'est pas encore une infortune

Poétique autant qu'inopportune,

Lecteur de bon sens, ne fuyez !

On sait trop tout le prix du malheur

Pour le perdre en disert gaspillage.

Vous n'aurez ni mes traits ni mon âge,

Ni le vrai mal secret de mon cœur.

Et de ce que ces vers maladifs

Furent faits en prison, pour tout dire,

On ne va pas crier au martyre.

Que Dieu vous garde des expansifs !

On vous donne un livre fait ainsi.

Prenez-le pour ce qu'il vaut en somme.

C'est l'ægri somnium d'un brave homme

Étonné de se trouver ici.

On y met, avec la « bonne foy »,

L'orthographe à peu près qu'on possède

Regrettant de n'avoir à son aide

Que ce prestige d'être bien soi.

Vous lirez ce libelle tel quel,

Tout ainsi que vous feriez d'un autre.

Ce vœu bien modeste est le seul nôtre.

N'étant guère après tout criminel.

Un mot encor, car je vous dois

Quelque lueur en définitive

Concernant la chose qui m'arrive :

Je compte parmi les maladroits.

J'ai perdu ma vie, et je sais bien

Que tout blâme sur moi s'en va fondre ;

A cela je ne puis que répondre

Que je suis vraiment né Saturnien.
Ruslan Nov 2024
Go to go to the boy the street of much to born,
That i no to go my friend.
Then its you okay so good,
Looked for to much begin.

They i so to you again,
So in you so munching world.
Go to me so long to you,
That of ***** to you so gone.

That way no in you so much,
That way so together touch.
So what's you is user name,
So its you so much to crane.

Go its you so lone of cos,
Missile foy its you so gone.
Go to much its you so need,
Its forever so to meet.

Go you so i you so much,
Understand you boy so touch.
That way no to you a screen,
Set you boy my mather sin.

— The End —