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Meaby Pom Jan 2018
A new girl
A better place
A new day
An old way
New comfort in an old chase.
New but fimilar, an old soul
But a new face
New but I feel at home.
New but for once
What I really want.
I want this, a brief kiss
At the end of the day
I'll be with you, o'r ill be alone
Clay Smith Jul 2018
I've been a rain drop
Snow and sleet
I've seen mountain top
Washed city streets

I've danced on roofs
Made of tin
Speaking softly
Of where I've  been

I've touched the face
Of a new born babe
I was a tear
Besides a grave

I've  trickle down
Like liquid glass
On leaves of green
And blades of grass

With uncountable others
Just like me
We join together
To make the sea

We sing as one
A lonely song
Asking questions
Where's  time gone

In rhymes we speak
Which don't make sense
We talk of now
In the past-tense

Of yesterdays
And things undone
Late last week
And days to come

We've  seen it all
Or so we say
A rainbows end
And sky's of gray

My days are timeless
They'll never end
You'll know me as
Your fimilar friend

We'll meet again
On your window pane
Again I'll tap
As a drop of rain
Clay Smith Jul 2018
A summer breeze  
A lazy moon
The crickets sing
Their fimilar tune

We sit and watch
As day retreats
As sun's last light
In slumber, sleeps

The waves now play
With golden hue
No longer reflecting
Sky of blue

The fire dances
Sparks arise
Turning into stars
In cloudless sky

We laugh with friends
And family too
A glass of wine
Or familiar brew

Tapping glasses
Bottles, cups
Here's to life
So bottoms up

With those we love
We join in song
We're out of tune
It sounds so wrong

But we don't care
It times like this
That fill our hearts
Like your first kiss

So if you ask me
What I miss
It's not a place
That I could list

But times in life
With those I know
And laugh with
Them as I grow old


— The End —