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John Ciarmello Dec 2012
The bulb wobbles in the mind
on a cobweb cord
shadows thrown uncertain
drifting silent up the walls of tissue
across the dirt floors of thought
the bulb wobbles in the mind
on a cobweb cord
escapeing reality by flickers
truth between the strobes
nothing can be closer
nothing more internal
the bulb wobbles in the mind
on a cobweb cord
sincerity races ancient muse
stricking transparent walls
dismembered thoughts roll uncontrollably
uncertainty trickles from the ****
the bulb wobbles in the mind
on a cobweb cord
to recognize is the power
to remain the eternal
to identify the
Jenny March Jun 2011
sleep is peaceful
restful, forgetful
momentarily eternal
laying in a position of
welcomed surrender
escapeing time and space.

JCM 2011 ©

April 2, 2011
Death waits for me like the rain staining my windows
My days start to feel shorter and pointless

Twisted inside
Demented in my dreams
I fear my demons
That make me scream

The nightmare
The pain
All the tears
All my fears

There's no escapeing this hell
Pounding amd crashing
I beg you
Stop ringing the bell

It signals my fate
I know where I'm headed
I tried to warn you
Tried to stop you
But i knew it was too late
The mad hatter Feb 2011
cAnT sToP                                          
                                 *CaNt sLeEp

                                                                     EyEs ClOsEd
                                                                                                          BrAiN oPeN                                    
nO rUnNiNg
                                   No EsCaPeInG
                                                                       CaNt BrEaTh
                                                                                                           CaNt ThInK
                       JuSt StUcK
                                                              iN hElL
                                                                                            *wItH mY dEmOnS

— The End —