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Olga Valerevna Feb 2016
My heart has weathered follies I may never understand
And what of this perdition nearly ending what I can't
To bare another season I will need to be assured
That everything before this has been nothing but a blur
My lips have tasted fire but my tongue is still in tact
and I will let its fury run its course along my back
With everything in motion there's a way for me to tell
That I am coming out of some relentless little hell
I'll dance myself in circles with the strength that has remained
And slip into my skin as though I choose to live again
Appearance has no value lest it channels what's inside
and once the people see it they will open up their eyes
genuine to the eye
(J)ust like a noble steed she strides through the boundaries of every unmapped terrain.
(O)ne magnificent beast that could pass any hurdle with one leap and never feels the strain.
(S)uch beauty that she possesses brightly, makes the stars go dim.
(E)ven gods would probably kneel before her and just watch her glim.

(M)ighty as a stallion riding towards barren fields.
(A) vast amount of knowledge is what she has and what she wields.
(R)ested within her is a golden heart said to be pure.
(I)n her soul there is an endless humility with an extent that no man can measure.
(E)ternal like time and change, all cherished treasures.

(B)raving storms that only comes in the darkest days and the blackest nights.
(O)n solid ground she plants her feet as she prepares for the fight.
(R)ushing against the blowing wind and towards a victorious plight.
(J)ourneying through long and rough winding roads  she walks to find her path.
(A)s to where it leads, well lets leave it to her and that is that.

(V)aliant like a true knights sacred mount.
(I)n never ending wars that even kings can no longer count.
(C)ourteously she brings us smiles and laughters whenever the curtains are lifted.
(E)ven if behind it all, all she wishes is that all the sadness would have drifted.
(R)elentless are the tears that would never seem to go away.
(A)nd yet she hopes to find a proper bloke, to mend her heart, and with her to stay.
(L)ove that can over come any test and that is what she prays.
Phanuhel Nov 2014
S urely you know there's no
C onversations to be had but you're
R elentless as ever.
E veryone wonders why you bother
W ith your sad, sad attempts.

U ninstall your hope and stop
P rying at carcasses with a silver spoon.
(V)elvet were the skies when in november rained.
(H)owling was the gustling of the wind before the winter solstice came.
(O)ver the mountain tops trees started to sway.
(N)eatly stretched branches dancing like children at play.
(G)reeting the heavens and waving at the sun and its melodious rays.

(N)ot far from the lake side stood a shack.
(A) spider weaving web of threads so elastic, lives on the back.
(V)aguely watching the world as it revolves and as it slowly cracks.
(A) ghostly whisper was heard in a nearby brush.
(R)elentless as it echoes repeatedly through a green woodland lush.
(R)ight about the country side a bond was made.
(O)ne sacred union between a lumber jack and a lovely southern maid.

— The End —