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Raj Arumugam Feb 2011
O moon, pale and alone
like me
O inhabitant in deserted skies
as I in lonely wilds
with my ghost baby;
let us put a charm together
a curse on men who betray their wives
and who put their seeds in young unwise girls
and run away
and hint the naive could **** themselves and their babies
O moon, pale and alone
listen to my tale:
a charmer
dazzled my mind
and put his seeds in my womb;
and he told me he loved me
but he had other duties
and he said I should be ashamed
for being such a loose woman
and I should **** myself
and so take my baby within me

O moon, pale and alone
feel the pain and horror in my mind
as I am doomed to deliver this script
night and night in this wilderness
Behold this infant I hold in my hand
this ghost of a baby
that has never seen life
******* at my milk-less white breast
O moon, pale and alone
come, let us put a charm together
a curse on men who betray their wives
and who put their seeds in unwise girls
and run away
and hint the naive **** themselves and their babies
O moon, lend me your strength and power
let us weave a curse, let us cast it over such he-devils:
May their genitals rot
eaten by vermin;
may their eyes be eaten by giant flies;
and may their evil turn
into sharp-teethed ravenous worms
and stampede inside their bodies
and eat all their internal organs
and may these huge-bellied worms
eat every nerve and eat their brains part by part
O may such men die in pain, in madness
before their very wives

Lend me your power
lend me strength
and curse with me
O moon, pale and alone
like me
inhabitant in deserted skies
as I in lonely wilds
with my ghostly baby
that has never seen life
a tale from ages past; poem based on painting Female ghost in the moonlight by Katsushika Hokusai; also see my poem:  Revenge of the Ghost of the Betrayed Husband
Edward Laine Apr 2012
Ride your bike at night with no breaks & no lights
no street lamps in the country & PEDAL
as fast as you can so everything is a deadly blur
believe that the road knows where are you are going
& that it loves you & that it is soft & that
'pain is just weakness leaving the body'
//meat-head *******//blah
I no longer wish to write like jazz
but to only be honest
alas, once again my hands are a opaque swizzle
of pink flesh & I find myself wanting to voice my
words with my bones & scream GALLEEB SHIMB CRANK ROARR-
EEEEEE like I always do

Friday night I danced in the dark with great humiliation
& not caring(much)drank down brown ale & talked to no girls
I realised that music was dying & what then but eatsleepdrinkfuckdeath again&again;&again;&again;
spoke of films I knew nothing about but nodded anyway
like I always do
once again attempting to walk the 25 miles home for lack of pockets & broke in to the train station where we slept & smoked under the milky light of no glasses.
Raj Arumugam Nov 2011
I am e and I don’t like p
p really disgusts me
and makes me go eeeeee!
p is a stalker and purposely tries to get close to me -
see what I mean?
I try to keep p at a distance
but I don’t always succeed
I want to get a fruit
and I reach for a pear
and see? - P comes to share!
He wants to make a pair with me!
Oh! I just hate p!
Try and get some peace
but that p instantaneously
casts a shadow over my peace,
as you can see...
I can’t even have fun -
I just want a peek - and p insists on being there;
and if I just take a peep - oh p
infuriates me
like barriers in front and at the back
I try an orange
hoping to get rid of p
but as soon as I start to peel -
oh! I hate it! p’s there, do you see?
I don’t mind s, or c or dear old d
but Oh this stalker p
I hate p
with all my life and energy

and even a hates p
for p thinks it’s good company in papa
when a just wants to be alone;
and worse, p is really crude and smells
and s and i think so too
cos p forces them altogether
and makes them ****...
Oh I am e and I hate p
and the ABC Police tell me it’s not within their purview
could I speak with the Numbers Department?
and the Numbers Department says he’s too important
since he’s in pi
O what can me, we do with p?
I just hate p - he just makes me want to puke!
one of these days, I’m just going to double *** on p!
i am a little cool kid looking at my little thumbs

you see i might look timid but i ain’t that dumb

you see i hate people trying to rob me, i am terrified of that

you see if someone hassled me on the street

i will be naturally scared oh yeah

i don’t like trusting people because they scrub me off

you see my little thumbs are going eeeeee like the fonz

maybe i was teasing my father thinking that is what family people do

i really like my father because he protected me oh yeah

i was scared of dogs and it drove my brother mad

how i never passed the dog, even if it can’t jump over the fence

and when i tied myself up because i was scared of being kidnapped

i know i was big but i don’t want people to want to fight me

when a kid said i was his mob and i tied myself up on family

but i ain’t into being kidnapped because it is horrible ya see

i was a little cool kid, never told a lie

that was because i wanted to hold my hand on the pie

you see i asked a man to kidnap me and i stopped cars

to get a ride, to nowhere in particular just so i can feel i have been taken

but my little thumbs and little fingers

sit around the coke oh yeah

i have always watch cool shows dudes like you can’t do that on television and the young ones

and neighbours yeah

and i watched a lot of movies and had popcorn too

i went to Jamison water slide to swim with the kids

and then i go to the belconnen mall and have a puffin donut yeah mate yeah

but if banyone who fought me i would try and say, i don’t believe in violence

cause the world ain’t ready for my eternity things

i know just one thing, fighting doesn’t solve anything

you could win one battle and they come and rob your house

and you look at the ship marks on your legs and then i will shy right up

i know i like being safe in my own little home

drinking a coke saying with my teeth clenched,i am a little cool kid

because i had lyle as a friend, i tried to be a cool kid

flashing my little thumbs up and down

that is how i was a little teenager
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
women mature much quicker than

i think that's a common misconception,
i mean,
are you sure?

you ever read what teenage girls

to be honest, my glass of *** and coke
is much more concerning
than what remains on the page
ready to be read, of a teenage girl...

you sure girls mature faster than boys?
from what they write,
i'm not convinced,
sorry for spoiling the sceptical party
of dialectical interests being

     i just don't see what's so "unfathomable"
of worth of content
written by men, compared
   to the "fathomable": stature of female?

i guess, in the age when no einstein may arise,
everyone's i.q. strategic labours for
a "communism" of intelligence,
better say that no one is an idiot,
as it's also better to say: no one's a genius.
Cailey Duluoz Oct 2010
Is clean, and laden with the smells of Autumn
So invigorating and more apt to inspire amorous emotion
Than those of spring.

Crisp coldness calls to mind
Time spent as children
Piling the leaves and leaping into them-
Such fun, until a slug is discovered in her shoe:
His reaction: gleeful chortling

Walking into the dark to meet you,
I feel no apprehension
Because I know my heart to be full of holes
Into which (or out) may walk anyone who may so desire,
And this feeling of openness is not frightening but refreshing.

My devotion to you overflows from its small container
And fills my body: such delightful pain!
- From The Beginning
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
. i love being (the) third party iniciative... i romance the... romance of: i do not remember... it's almost like... life... limited to having to stage, being, pulverised... became limbo-staged for my peruse of; necrophylia-esque.

the american accent...
not ***
and i start "thinking"
       ha ha!
because i came to
boor you
with an alligned
of 'floyd....
  pwetty pick'ah piq-
oh... right...
i too hate being
by someone not
being boxed
for a haemorrhage's
did i forget to tongue
slip the part
of licking the postage
i did?
   well... to recompase...
'ere's my shadow...
'oo 'p' eeeeee!

oh but i want,
   ***** name...
marph... thew!
    i too was a golden
boy waiting for
a ******* hamster!
not good the wait?
i like a screaming
quasi suffocating
like any ukranian
ought to want...

i suspect that...
the people...
who tease...
the most ridicule ridden
of a worth of
an escapade for the
worth of adventure:
they will never have...

you are...
my most...

      and i...
squint eyed,
oh so many variants....
prior to a ******,
a psychology...

          to ingest a
replica feast of intelligence
     wollen zu töten...

it's when there's a narrative
readily available...
   things... become...
i have forgotten being
a res cogitans...
like the observation
of Kant..
i am a res per se...
with a hiccup of
an undertaking of

   bin die
ich heben
die ketzere'
                     zu töten
               ­    z' 'eben...

i almost wish...
what if Michael
was not Matthew?

buying vinyl.

— The End —