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thinklef Oct 2013
June 25, 2009,
It was day break,
I cling to my coffee cup as usual,
Scrolling up & down my computer screen,
I stumbled upon an article of a legend,
a man who fought for humanity, less privilege & even underage,
he gave the world all he had to offer,
I'm not his biggest fan, nor do I have all his albums,
I continued to scroll down & I was beginning to like him more,
I read quite few things about him,
the scandals, the conspiracies,
but still there was something about him,
his voice was so charming & melodious,
this most be a superhuman I said to myself,
His voice triggered into my brain,
as his words lingered trough my veins,
It left me in emotion pain,
His message was so clear,
I could easliy learn,
Still scrolling down the page,
I have found a new bestfriend i said,
i have only knew him for 50minutes & it seems like ages,
Just at the bottom of the page,
my mouth couldn't say what my see have seen,
my new bestfriend just died of cardiac arrest minutes ago,
just when I was getting to know him,
His name is Michael Jackson.
devante moore Dec 2014
I'm tired of this love conquers all *******
Sorry I might just curse a little bit
Is love gonna stop a fight
Will it stop you from yelling at her all night
Will it stop me from buying this bike?
The answer is no
Love dims quicker then the sunlight
Its glow run out before the moonlight
It was created by someone who got weak in the knees
Thinking he can give her the world
Only to find out she could not be easliy pleased
This is for those who loved lied too
It cut you so deep
Now you cutting yourself too
Well you've been heard
We all know love is an oxymoron
Cause it means way more then one word
They told us look for that person
There's one person in this world for u
That's a lie  you can love more then
One or two
But the heart wants what it wants
We were born to believe
Love conquers all
It can change like the season tho
Like a leaf that's falls in fall
RALPH Jun 2015
His pained for loving yet
No one cares to bother
Afraid of approaching
Afraid of rejection.
He knew the answer before
It being uttered by her
So he thought.

His hardest goal being
Achieved by others so
Easliy it pained him to
See that they did not think
Of it being so priceless.

Again he spies on her
Just to ensure she's in
Good spirits with her
Soul and no one knows
Like an explorer who has
Discovered treasure but
Too selfish to share.

Unnoticed love is truly evil
Its like a man's heart being
Tied with a barbed wire
And to overcome the pain
He claws his chest with his
Sharp nails only to find
Out his causing himself
More pain.
elizabeth s May 2013
its funny how what is so worried about today is so easliy forgotten tomorrow.
we only see what we want, and miss the opportunities to get what we need.
we think we know what will make us happy,
and what will get us through the day.
we miss the chances to make a difference,
when our focus is on ourselves.
we lose track of the aspirations,
when we worry about the "what ifs"
i dont want to look back at a life of what ifs
a life of should haves
i want to do today what i was too afraid to do yesterday
Tal Haynes May 2016
You wanna prevent a eruption when it  already happend
Your job has been done for quit some time
Your lingering around
I dont need your pitty
Stay out of my conversations
My thoughts are my own
Teengers talk thats what they do its nothing new
If I think someone is being stupid let me think it
If I get in trouble thats my fault I dont need your help
Some things you just gotta deal with
The  words slip from my mouth easliy because I dont care , I dont care about them
They need no details to explain them because there simple minded
You say ingnore them but how many years did it take for you to be able to do it
Your not fighting my battles so dont tell me its easy
Your not living my life
Your not a kid so you dont know the social competion
Saumya May 2019
Binding, yet unbinding a lot more than just something

Joining two families, two souls,  into one being,
Yet sacrificing  your very sweet being,

Hiding, yet unhiding a lot more than something

Smiling, yet Compromising a lot more than just Something,

Being Yourself, yet fencing a lot more than 

Is being a Conjunction,
Really easy?
Or easliy interesting?
Conjunction=The responsibility of being a significant part of two families (one's own and the better half's)❤️
Donall Dempsey Apr 2018

The thought
weighed no more than

a dandelion seed
but it was easliy observable

from space.

And was you!
I was thinking of.

And no...I won't
tell you what it was

becoming tongue-tied
in your presence

And as shy as the feather
of a swan

that a breeze
snatches from my fingertips

and chases across
a new sky

that the morning offers.

— The End —