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Joseph S C Pope Sep 2012
A smear of a dead roach
like the talons of a hawk
perches over a closest


Printer ink, moist black
oyster in a cocoon
--of pastel sub-plots

More touch
           --more touch
Less ***
          --less ideas.

Balance should be the advertisement
            our caffeine eyeballs
Breath was what I heard the people say,
It was strange coz all the days of my life I was under,
Breath was all I heard am say,
Little did I know little did I comprehend?
Nine months of darkness and recklessness,
Hopeful and hopeless gasps for air,
Kept me alive and kicking to get out,
Curious of all that’s out there curiosity,
Said it killed the cat and this time caught the rat,
Was it a snare I was blind to see?
It was a snare I saw but couldn’t avoid,
All my void attempts to get me out of the situation,
Got me right in the middle of it all,
Breath was what I heard from a far,
Celebratory noises was what I heard when I got out,
What are they celebrating I wondered,
Coz all I could do is cry because my senses told me so,
I sensed that it was the beginning of trouble for me,
An introduction to the hostile world,
Innocence, gone survival will get you home,
So take a deep breath and dive right into it,
My breath was running short I heard them say breath,
Breath please we need you to do so sir,
Breath was the only thing I cud not do,
Then and there I knew it was the outro- duction,
Out of this complicated and hostile world,
Breath was what I heard the people say.
breath is all we can do!!!!
Ottar Apr 2013
Great pitch,
sales pitch,
your prep,
was great,
you knew
about her,
you gave
it to her
you knew what
you wanted,
to achieve,
right from
your intro
you got
to the
your delovery
was flawless,
you closed the
deal, almost,
but when
you go to
yes, you got
no.  Sorry
the cat will
not let you
eat at the
dinner table
with US.
It is not Purrrfect, but I will work on it.  For all you cats out there.
neth jones Apr 2020
i dream warm
      and wing-ed
about a modern city ;
               a monster
                 sprung to being
                   in one urban print
       (the absence of any organic revision
                                                is occult)

a dominating mind
a commandeering mouth
many adept labourers
in an afternoon of rhythmic effort
erected this :
a raising
an orchestrated coral

                                        - formation

no one hives here
     this metropolis waits....
it is a bait of 'utopia'
for the next population spate
                     to occupy and ode upon its grandeur
                       in a single arrival of mass gratitude

                                       - composition

here i am
vagrant for company
a playground
but an echo and a hurt

i step beyond
into a solitary joy

                                        - duction

the preening eye
      the dreamers keep
this city

an endless day of a veiled away sun
projecting a steeped climate
a distil of the figment

                                        - set

i flit my core
    over public art
up drainage flumes
  over rooves
high leaps that do not deplete me
every move energizes

                                        - action

i am naked
each contact is a ****** nudge
i am welling and mammary
and guided by unassigned swollen parts

i fling my beast higher and further
           until i reach a bell tower
i grip the lightning conductor
          and with the other mitt
                  i directly grab the bells tonsil

tapping the energy of the scape
and my own reservoir
with the command of a primed surge ;
i toll out madly for a mate
bludgeoning a vibration
to sate my urgency
a call placed

                                        - resonate

— The End —