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Kritika dubey Sep 2016
human behaviour besicaly we cought to know evry thing but there are some point which is indivisiualy hide from us, here i am to inform that points ,,,,,
1- if we want to get sucess over the world then we have to be a perfect on to setup becouse sucess is to be need honest nd pation to a man,
2-it is said that when our heart beaten then is only behalf of some one is liking prson is front of us,but there are one reason behind that small truth that our heart is work with our eyes when we look some one which one we love or like our blood cerculation has been run fast nd heart working fast thats why is happing ,on the other hand it is also a truth that we look some one we dont lyk or love our heart would be beaten more fast at the same time,.. its rediculas but fact,,,
3-if u want share ur happieness than u have to be sprate the happieness ,nd if u want to be happy than before u made sure to make a smile to some one which need happiness,,
4-its said that ur pain could understand by who tolrated it,but i said own pain said to which person who had never tolrate it becouse ur shared ur pain experinced nd other one shred thier happieness experience,both things are xchenge becouse u got to know the real happiness nd fornt of ur got to know the real pain ,,share ur feeling with contrast feeling person ,do it trust me its amazing xperience..
5-our mind always observerd which things those our wanting to observerd nd the thing is the another unwanted observattion has been dissiperasd from the unconsious mind ,becouse mind and both are work with opposite direction,heart goes only which things that we love by us nd mind always goes with perfect which observed perfection ,,
6-there are the points of success,one is, god is always with me and second is, i am the best nd the last third is ,dont give up wather whatevr is situation is front of us, feel confident nd be  honest,,
7-it happen that,when we do love someone or hate to someone than it  possible to the same feeling for u becouse if we love someone than it is nessacery he/she loves u as well
8- Never give-up if someone humilating u becouse every person has been strong that kind of humilating,its gives us some energetic power to fought with sucesses of life.
9-sucesses has been comes to us as slinking and spread lots of happiness :) :) so we has to be patince and do hard work..
10-it is said that a man can do everything and that is 100% truth but for that we know the depth knowlege for the man"s capacity ...a man can do which things that he realy want to do not get only fun way.....but if man decide to get victory he must be dedicate his fully enargy his passion.....
so guyz thats the life 's fact which is unkown for us,,,,,,
Kritika dubey.....
Ankit Dubey Feb 2018
She was mesmerizing not in the
way she dressed or looked up but
the way she smiled with her eyes

~Ankit Dubey ©
Ankit Dubey Dec 2019
I fell in love with you.
The time before I knew you feels oddly incomplete
Like the universe has been conspiring
My every step so that I would take the paths leading to you.
I think I knew my entire life
That one day that I would be by your side
Laughing, smiling and inevitably falling.
I knew because you were the one in my dreams. I realize now that
You were the reason why my bones kept tingling and wouldn't settle.

I want you to know that boys like me
Are cautious and afraid to fall in love for the first time.
Boys like me are calculative and hesitant
Because we are too afraid to pay for our mistakes;
We were taught that we are only made of our successes
And that every failure will become a hidden scar 
We must be careful to never repeat.
But you came and made me reckless;
I made my decisions blindly and allowed myself 
To forget about everything else in the world except you.
I’d trip racing to fall asleep each night just to see you the next day,
All I’d eat was your attention to feed the butterflies in my stomach,
And all I could see were the moments we had and the future we could write.
And even when the scars became so many 
That they could no longer be hidden under my clothes
I kept falling deeper and deeper in love you with.
I decided that the pain wasn’t at all bad,
That the wounds were worth every moment of your friendship.

I am envious of the me in another world who was led to you
And who is free to keep loving you, but
It gives me a grain of comfort knowing that somewhere else
You and I are happily listening to our favorite songs 
On a rainy Thursday evening, happily and forever in love.
But in this world, it will only be me who falls
So painfully and deeply and foolishly and madly
And beautifully

In love w
ith you.
"The First" and the end of the first.

. . ~ Ankit Dubey | ©
dedicated to my love
Ankit Dubey May 2019
I know it gets little scary at times, but being alone is good for your soul. Look, in this new world of a life lived in the fast lane, people and everything have become superficial. We talk to people because we go to the same class, same office, or same gym. We hang out with the people we end up with, not with the people we want to. And when that happens, there is no deepness in anything. It's all just convenient company. You laugh, you smile, you talk, and you party with them, but do you think about them when you go home? No. You just get done with your social life and hit the bed, tired and empty. And then you wish to feel something more worthwhile. Maybe, the things that you wanted to talk about for so long. Maybe, the things that scare you. Maybe, you just want to connect again with your core. And you don't end up doing that because you have a social circle, many people, to take care of. And that's fake living, my friend. That's a compromise that you have made. And that's just a lie that you are living to let people believe in your truth of happiness.

Look, I am going deep here. It won't make sense to most, and I know that. But sometimes, we need to go to the dark places to hug the light that our soul has been craving for. Okay, let's do one thing. Let's count how many people you really want in your life. No, do it right now. Just think about the people you want to be with, if you have just one month to live. Go ahead, count. I bet you could count that on fingers. Now, think about the time you spend on other people. Just a rough estimate, let's say 3-4 hours, daily. This time can be the time you spend hanging out with a big group at the bar. And that time is time wasted, my friend. That time can be given to you, yourself. And don't you dare tell me that you get bored too soon, with yourself. You don't get bored, you stupid. You just are blind to your potential and life. You are just wasting this precious life on being nothing and nobody. So, sit with yourself, talk, face the mirror, write down what you want, think about ways to get there, and swear to move ahead.

The naked truth is that you have lived many years already. You have had fun with friends, lovers, and all that. But, where do you stand right now? Are you happy? Could you have done more? Are you living that dream? Or are you just breathing a compromise? Ask these simple questions to yourself and be honest. Look, you need to stop this sad routine. You need to do more with yourself, with your life. And for that, you will need time, more time at hand. And how to do that? Well, cut the time on wrong people, temporary people. Don't allow any ******* in your life in the name of chill. Enough chill, just go and set the stage on fire, I say. Grow up, now. Keep only those people who want you to succeed. Be with people who give positive vibes. Cut the whining ****** people out. You are not here to solve other's mess. Your life is a mess, in itself. Sort yourself out, focus. Let loose of everyone, who is chaining you from flying.

And when you are done kicking people out, spend more time with yourself. Just notice the little things that give you peace. Maybe a walk, movies, book, painting, writing, or playing a sport, just find out what sparkles you, and then do that, daily, at least often. Just sit with yourself at night, slow music, dim lights, a cup of coffee in hand, and then ask yourself "how's it going?". Look, no matter how much anyone loves you, if you allow, then only you can know yourself, the best. So, be honest about what makes you happy and strong. And once you get used to being in your own company, doing things you always wanted, then you will realize how peaceful this solitude is. You will become addicted to this calmness and serenity. You will leave other things to keep this me time for yourself, always. I know that you see on social media, all those pics of enjoying with this, that and blah blah blah. But most of them are lying and cry to bed, every night. The truth is that only you yourself will be there for you, always. So, better work on that relationship more. Please make this love story between you and yourself, the best love story. Please give yourself more of you.

~ Ankit Dubey
Ankit Dubey Feb 2018
मेरी सिसकियों
मे भी क्यो लोग

किलकारियों का
मजा लेना चाहते है

क्यो कुरेद कर जख्म
हरा करना चाहते है.

©Ankit Dubey
Ankit Dubey Feb 2018
तू बंदगी है मेरी
रोज क्या कहूँ
रहता हूं सजदे में
होश क्या रखूं....

~ Ankit Dubey ©
Ankit Dubey Feb 2018
खामोशीयाँ यूँ ही बेवजह नहीं होतीं...
कुछ दर्द ही अक्सर आवाज़ छीन लिया करतें हैं...

~Ankit Dubey ©
Ankit Dubey Feb 2018
कतरा कतरा भिगों जाते
अश्क़ जो आँखों से नही आते !!

©Ankit Dubey

— The End —